Forget the app, its the internet in general. The entire theme is people doing or saying shit they would never have the stones to do in real life. Message boards included...
Oh absolutely. I dare any of those neck-bearded, woman-hating fucks to say anything remotely like that to the woman's face. They are texting them the same shit that the schizophrenic guy at the bus-stop is yelling at random voices.
The fact that that dweeby, tubby, old, balding, self-righteous, sniveling, whiny, unattractive, unfunny, used-car-salesman-looking motherfucker who thinks having a gun attached to his khakis makes him look cool who probably accurately represents all the guys watching that video and thinking it's speaking some kind of truth....the fact that guys like that think they deserve any woman on the entire right half of that chart is SILLY.
Well shit, I had not seen that video until just now, though I have seen the still frame from of that matrix all over social media. Couple of things, I never knew that was a James Yeager (shaved head, goatee, tats guy) video. He is a sort of pariah in the gun/"tactical" community since he went full retard a few years back. He's a youtube semi celeb in the gun community so having another guy packing heat in his videos isn't out of the norm for the audience. Another thing, this kind of shows the two poles of the gun owners spectrum. On one end you have your tacticool mouth breather Jeager and on the other end your insanely data analysis driven nerd. Neither of whom I can assure you are pulling any respectable girls on their personalities alone. I don't know who the dude in the white is, but Im not totally convinced it wasn't a total satire on his part.
What he's saying is that there are no women who aren't crazy.(which is true) So no matter what, the baseline is a 4 instead of zero. If she's super hot and hardly crazy, the only reason is that it must be a tranny who probably had some good work done. Because it doesn't exist in the actual female sex.
I had seen the graph before, but now since y'all kept talking about it, I decided to watch it. Like much comedy, it takes hints of truth and exaggerates them for the joke. Clearly, that guy had done that bit before as part of other presentations, and James Yeager asked him to do it for him. Since the guy who did the presentation wasn't some young college punk, he was old enough to have his own and others' experience to base it on. And, he's wearing a wedding ring, so he's got at least some experience there. I thought the male chart version he did in the video was also funny. Edit: After a little checking . . . the guy is Dana McLendon, who has been married to the lady he is smart enough to call his "unicorn" for over 20 years. He is an attorney, a City councilman, and was in the Navy. As a divorce attorney, he's probably heard lots of "crazy" (and one-sided) stories.
Took a Tinder date to see The Black Keys on Thursday night. It went pretty well, she said I have great music taste and asked me to suggest some bands and whatnot. Think we'll make it happen again next week. Only previously went on one Tinder date back when I lived in the Bay Area. Took a girl rock climbing at a gym my friend works at. She had a great time...and never called me again. There's another thing that's a step-up from Tinder called "Hinge" and it connects you to people that work in similar type jobs. So since I work for the NFL in the newsroom and write about music, I get connected to a lot of girls that either work for studios or agencies and stuff like that. I've gotten a bunch of numbers but haven't gone out with any of these girls yet. These things are good for killing time if you have a busy work schedule and find it hard to meet people. I mostly meet girls at concerts I go to and these apps can let you know if you have common interests like type of music and whatnot.