Last year, the night after my ex got out of jail, my workplace was broken into...thank God this was about a month before I started staying here during my homeless stint. to work in the morning and our glass was shattered. Taken? My computer. My iPod. My camera. My duffel bag. My lockers were completely rifled through. The Wii was stolen. My clothes were dumped out of the duffel bag, presumably to carry the haul. None of my gear was stolen. The computer was given to me by the ex. Same for the camera and iPod. The duffel had been his during his tours as a promotions manager, and was buried in the back with some stuff in it. The wii was my bosses, but I had moved out the day before and taken the wii. We never caught the culprit. Last Monday my workplace was broken into again. this time, none of my stuff was touched, and all they got was the money in our change drawer.
Nope. Drug addicts are shady fucking fiends. Ive mentioned before my roommate telling people I had an Addy script. His girlfriend's twin sister was an addy fiend and would constantly bug the shit out of me to hook her up with some (I gave her a few when she'd show me her perfect tits). But she ended up swiping half of my DVDs and then robbed about 600 bucks off of a girl who we were both friends with. Bitch had problems, she could have been in Playboy, but instead she'd get fucked up all the time and let her loser boyfriend beat her. My roommate dumped her sister and I never saw her again. My other roommate had an addy fiend friend as well. He was a pharmacy major and was swiping them from his work. I left my bottle out on my desk at my house and they vanished one day when he had been there. I also had my car window smashed in at the same place and the crack head made off with my leather blazer. He robbed three other cars that morning before someone saw him and he took off in his car, he side swiped a car and was never caught.
Story One: I used to live in Santa Barbara and I left my brand new truck downtown over night in one of the parking structures. Santa Barbara has a fairly large homeless population but overall, things are pretty safe. Granted there are wannabe gangsters and people that think they're hard when they get shithoused at a bar, but overall I never thought I would get my truck broken into, let alone when it is left in a lit up parking structure in the middle of downtown. The thief broke my passenger window with a ceramic ball and stole: a broken ipod, laptop bag with no laptop, and gym bag with shampoos and sandals. I guess should be thankful thought that they didn't decide to key or dent my truck once they realized I had nothing of value inside of it. Story Two: A naive ex of mine let about $1,500.00 in cash get stolen by a drug addict friend of hers. She lost 2 paychecks over the course of a month, at first it was at a party at her friend's place. We first assumed it was a random person at the party that did it, but nope, two weeks later her cash gets stolen again, and it became quite the nice coincidence that her friend without a job still has money to keep buying drugs. We confronted him and he cracked. He skipped town and we never got the money back.
There is some weird black market around the oceanfront of my city for beach cruiser bicycles. I don't know anyone who hasn't had one stolen. There's a significant influx of Russians and other Eastern Europeans who come to work during the summer months, and the black locals steal bikes (Not being racist, this is very true) and sell them to the Russians at a discount. The deadbolt was broken on the front door of my condo for over a year, and in that time we had two beach cruisers stolen off the patio, and not a damn thing was stolen from inside of my wide open condo. We've got 3 flats screens, 2 Mac-book pros, a lot of art, cash, guns, and none of it was stolen. I've even passed out drunk with the front door wide open, and nothing was taken. I grew out of that particular irresponsible trait, and my place is always on full lockdown when I'm not home or when I'm sleeping. Shit last year my next door neighbors had two bikes stolen off their patio in the middle of the afternoon during the week while everyone is out and about. A bunch of us even saw the guy but he was gone by the time anything could be done. The thiefs bring bolt cutters, so it doesn't much matter what or how you lock the bikes up. My roommate never got a new bike, and I keep 2 real shitty bikes outside for when friends are over, but keep my girlfriend's and my nice bikes in the house now. In college we almost never locked our house, which was idiotic as we all had pretty decent things. Every Thursday we had a big party until about 10, when everybody evacuated to the bar, and the house always stayed unlocked. One Thursday night we came home to all the drywall in the living room had been kicked in and someone smashed our (my) 2.5 ft. glass Jerome Baker bong on the kitchen floor. Not a damn thing was stolen, not even the beer. Just destroyed our walls and broke a bong. Weird. In 7th grade someone stole my discman and I was crushed. I vowed to never steal anything because of the terrible feeling I had. Then around highschool when I had to start paying for my own shit I vowed to never steal from people but it was ok the steal from big companies. Sport's Authority, and later Dick's, sold lacrosse equipment but nobody who worked there knew a damn thing about it. I'd take the barcode sticker off a shitty $20 stick, and put it on a nice $150 stick. Did the same a few times with other pieces of equipment. Then when I started drinking I vowed I just wouldn't steal from kids or poor people, as we would occasionally troll the rich neighborhoods for open garage doors to steel beer out of the garage refrigerators.
In college I spent a summer living off campus, and one night we went out to Taco Bell and left the door unlocked because one of our roommates was still home. At some point, he decided to go upstairs, and when we get home there are two guys standing on the porch looking around. They said something about there being a party, and I told them to try further up the street. But as they started walking off, a third guy came outside carrying my laptop. Not wanting him to drop/smash it, I put my hands on it while he was still holding it and told him to get the fuck out of there. Instead, he started going on with some nonsense about me having stolen it from him and he was just taking it back, but then realized my friend was already on the phone with the cops and let it go and started running. The cops showed up and eventually caught one of the guys and we had to go down to make an ID. I hadn't really gotten a good look at the one guy and the only description I could give was pretty generic (black guy about my size, white shirt and jeans) so I told the cop and he drove us home. They dusted the shit out of the computer for fingerprints, but thanks to the fingerprint resistant finish, did nothing besides get it filthy and make it impossible to clean. A week later I got the police report and the guy they caught had tried to run and took a swing at the officers when they finally cornered him, so they arrested him anyway. A couple months later I got a letter asking if I wanted to testify at his parole hearing, but by that point figured it was more trouble than it was worth. Lock your fucking doors people.
I had my car broken into eight years ago. It was my old Sentra, which I had sold to my parents but was borrowing while my SVT Contour was in the shop (one of many times, but I digress). They broke the small, triangular piece of glass behind the passenger side rear door, unlocked it and went to town: They stole the Pioneer stereo that I was planning on putting into the Contour, my Valentine 1 radar detector, a CD wallet with 24 CDs, and my nerd binder (containing a bunch of tabletop RPG characters), while leaving the manual for the Pioneer unit and a padded envelope I wouldn't have cared if they'd taken (for all they knew it could have had cash; it had two CDRs). Although the car belonged to my parents at this point, everything taken was mine, and it was insured only for liability. The turn signals had been broken in their ripping apart of the dashboard. If I had figured out the very easy fix sooner (I just had to reconnect the hazard light button), I would have driven around to used CD stores in the Plainfield/Joliet area asking if anyone had sold/tried to sell a wallet with my list of 24 CDs. As it was, some friends hooked me up with CDR replacements for my losses. The car was even fingerprinted (more than I was expecting from the police), but no dice on that. They didn't have to take my damn nerd binder. I'd like to kill them slowly for that, more than for the V1 or the stereo.
I've had thievery happen to me twice: both times it was an old and shitty car radio and a fitted red sox hat. The first time they broke my beater mercedes driver's side window when my car was parked about 100 feet from Fenway Park. The (aftermarket) radio was at least 10 years old and the sox hat was old and sweat stained. The second theft was my brother's beater cherokee at Austin City Limits when they broke the little triangle window. The stereo was over 8 years old and again the sox hat was old and sweat stained. I can't see how car stereos that are over 5 years old and about $150.00 new are worth anything on the meth/crackhead fence market. Also, who the hell wants someone's beat to shit hat ?
So Sat. morning I go to start my car, and get 0 response when I turn the key. Not even a grumble. Figuring the battery had died, I walk to my parents house, borrow their van, and drive back to my place to give my car a boost. That's when I pop the hoop to my car and find the problem. No battery. Att all. They stole the fucking battery from my engine. So, off to the automotive store to buy a new battery then back home to install it. This is where I find Fuck You #2. They didn't just remove the battery, they tore the battery out, along with connecters to the posts. So off the store. Again. Then back home. Again. I want blood.