You've never been? FOCUS: I just veg on the "meh" days, which happen to be Sundays. Every other day of the week I'm pounding out laundry and whatnot, but on Sundays I just play video games, read books, eat pizza and Chinese, and fuck the girlfriend. I jerk off when she's not around.
The majority of winter break has been meh days, especially since my brothers are back in school and dad has to work again. I won't get up before 11, at which point I will masturbate, shit, and maybe shower. After that it's a whole lot of nothing, seeing as I have no car and am stuck at the house until the brothers come home or a friend picks me up. I'll use this time to read, watch TV, maybe write, or occupy myself with my newest interest (this week it's been researching cameras to give to the girlfriend). I'm a bum at home. I'm a bum at school too though, but there I have the girlfriend or kids in the dorm to entertain me. College is mostly one big meh day for me.
Come christmas time in Australia there is a national event the day after, the Boxing Day Cricket Test. Its a yearly event for me to get drunk in the pool with mates and BBQ watching it for the day. After this first day of the test i will spend the next few days watching cricket and dozing through the day. My sleep disorder helps but its great being able to eat then nap, watch a few overs of cricket then nap again for a whole day. Time vanishes real quick.
I'll sleep in til 3PM, lie on the couch and watch tv and nap even more while watching the TV. But then again, that's my daily schedule anyways