As more than one person on here has probably noticed, I must have some sort of deep-seatedly love for Interwebs-arguing. I know it's like the Special Olympics. Does this stop me? Usually no.
People who live in London, Ontario will know the road I miss every single fucking time I go to the airport. I've been flying in and out of London pretty much my whole life and driving since I was fourteen. You think I could remember that the correct turnoff from Veteran's Memorial is Oxford Street? Nope. Not ever. I always convince myself that it's one overpass before it actually is and wind up driving through the little access roads behind the airport to get back to the terminal building. Every. Single. Time.
Sucking on my drink. It's hard to explain, but after I take a drink of whatever beverage, I hold it in my mouth and....suck on it. It's kind of a contemplative, unconscious thing, and I never do it in public because I know I look like a retard when I do it.
I also do this all the time. I will persist with my side of the argument so long that sometimes people will change their opinions, even though I know I was wrong the entire time. Also, video games. I play a lot of video games and would like to be more productive with my time. I just enjoy the damn things too much.
Goes along with a lot that has been posted, but procrastinating. Not on super important things, but on semi or minor important things. I'm sure this falls in with my ADD, but I'll even make a list in the morning of what I need to do that day. Then something silly that I should be able to tear myself away from, like going through six month old threads here, catching up on the entire season of <insert show that was posted>, reading a new book (thanks, Chater, for recommending 3 books that are 600+ pages each that Amazon just shipped), anything will catch my ey... OH, SQUIRREL! Example. Had a test/first interview for a new job this afternoon. Now, I also had a package to pick up at the post office, which would have required me leaving 10 minutes early to swing by & pick it up. I was engrossed in a new show, and said, "Meh, I'll pick it up tomorrow." Made it to the interview early, but neglected the post office. I really feel like I should get more done. But then I'll either A. Not start, or B. Start & say, "Hrm, that new episode is downloaded, I can finish this tomorrow... " and that turns into the day after, etc. I do give myself kudos for breaking away from the online gaming/video game thing for the most part. Of course the console gaming is because I had to ship my gaming TV back for a refund after a month, and had sold my old one, so only get a chance to play when I'm at his place. The online, I start to log on, and make myself log off to get at least ONE thing done before I do. Then that damn squirrel shows up after that one thing is done, so two, three & four never get done...
I have the same problem - but leaning much further on the offensive side. It gets worse if I am nervous, uncomfortable, or having to deal with grief. I have been dinged during job interviews and not been invited to funerals for this. Oh, and did I mention sexual harassment? Human resources told me they were going to send me to one of those sexual harassment seminars, but I already think I'm pretty goddamn good at it.
For the record, there's NOTHING wrong with tossing a girl's salad (Presuming she has showered within the past hour). Focus: I tell dead baby jokes/paedophilia jokes to people knowing that I'm the only person who will laugh... eg: What's the difference between a dead baby and a hamburger? Spoiler I don't jerk off in my hamburger before I eat it.
Excessive email checking. Most emails are worthless and the overwhelming majority of people aren't important enough to where they need to check their Inbox more than twice/day. I guess I check mine so often out of boredom primarily.
Like a couple of other people that already posted I tend to tell jokes at times that are best left for serious discussion. Its gets me into a lot of trouble from time to time but I can't stop doing it. Also on a much more pathetic note I can't help but to open and read the emails and text messages i get from my ex from time to time. It does nothing but put me into a depression and add drama to my current relationship but I can't seem to just delete the messages.
-Scratch my balls with the battery cover off my remote control -Bite my finger and toe nails and spit the remnants across the room -Smell my pits after working out Don't judge me, you know you do it.
You should probably not be in your current relationship. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? Who looks at their foot and thinks, "mmm, that looks like something I should gnaw on"??? That shit is weirdness on par with the whackjobs that stand to wipe. Are you required to register on a federal list somewhere? Focus: I argue with stupid people. All the time. I don't freakin' know why - I'm fully aware, when entering the conversation, that it's going to frustrate me and they aren't going to change their opinions. It's aggravating and I would be better served to walk away but I do it anyway.
My biggest three problems are: 1) Biting my finger nails. I can go long stretches without doing it, then it gets to the point where it's like I either go get a manicure or I bite them off. I don't have the right size clippers to make my nails even and I always fuck up when I try. 2) I constantly dole out advice to my friends if they want it or not. Good thing for them, it's always great advice that usually improves whatever situation they're in or at least improves their outlook. I also never listen to my own advice for my situations, I know the right thing to do, and go in the exact opposite. 3) I generalize everything, especially with people in regards to number 1. I really think that people really are not that different when you really understand their cultures, religious beliefs and politics. Somethings are just inherent in humans period. <---That line of thinking may not be fair all the time.
1. staying up late for no reason and dealing with the consequences 2. Spending a ridiculous amount of money on fast food and snacks I don't need 3. pissing in the shower 4. Dealing with boredom by eating/j'in off 5. grunting loudly when getting my swell on at the y
Rape. I mean, I want to have sex with her, but she won't let me. What am I supposed to do? Not have sex with her? Pfft. Anyways... I've been working on these, but here goes. Letting my sleep schedule get out of whack. I'll stay up until ungodly hours, then sleep through whatever I have to do in the morning. Proceed to wake up at about 1 pm, which means I'll be up until 5 am. Sleep until 4 pm, rinse, repeat. This one really fucks with my life, and I've been slowly getting rid of it through willpower and melatonin. I've gotten to sleep around 11pm every night this week. Biting my nails. For everyone else: I bought this anti-nail-biting polish at the drug store, and it's really helped. If you forget and stick your nails in your mouth, the disgusting taste will remind you real quick. And it lingers on your lips, just so you hate yourself a little more. Ick. Procrastination. Doesn't really mess with school too bad, but it leaves me no time to do everything that I want to do here. I have an extracurricular activity that requires a lot of practice, and all too often I'll bugger off to Facebook or Wikipedia or here and waste time. Lately I've been getting better at this, too. I think it goes with the sleep thing. Now for the extant oddities: Talking to myself / constructing hypothetical situations in my head when I'm bored. I'll be walking somewhere, and imagining what I would do if I was on a space station that was about to explode. And my face would reflect whatever I was doing in my mini-daydream. I imagine this one gets me a lot of weird looks that I don't notice. Eating ice. I mean, I'm still thirsty, there's no beverage left, and all I have is a cup full of ice... Whattaya gonna do, waste the ice? Pfft. And hey, pissing in the shower is just efficient.