I think Kate Middleton's tits and bush are fair game. I'll go even farther and say that she should be available for sexual favors every year on the Eve of St Elmchester. Why? Because she's royalty. Royalty is a fucked up concept; way more fucked up that snapping some cooter shots. We deal with royalty in one of two ways: 1) We foment revolution, burst into your palaces and execute your entire family Or 2) We let you live as public puppets that dance for our amusement while the real governing is done through a strange and opaque democratic process that has been glommed onto the preexisting monarchy. The House of Windsor chose the latter, and damn it, I want a dancing puppet. You don't get to keep that massive amount of stolen wealth with no conditions. If I want to see Kate Middleton's tits, I expect them in the newspaper. If I want to use Prince William's head as a whiteboard for my homework, I expect him to arrive on bended knee. These aren't celebrities, these are royals, and much like the Kansas City version, they are bottom feeders who exist only to provide a twisted entertainment for the masses.
Not only is this bullshit reasoning that you are somehow entitled to see her naked because she's a public figure, America chose revolution over keeping them around as puppets. And now you want both. Where's the consistency?