And here I thought that it was board policy to not get drunk on a Tuesday night. I vaguely remember some criticism to that effect not so long ago. You ride that bull, girl.
Vaporizers aren't the most bang for your buck by a long way. If you are looking to stretch your weed, buckets (gravity bongs you folks might call them?) and then bongs are far more effective than vaporizers. They are more efficient than joints, sure, but people smoke joints for the pleasure of it and the social element. Where vape's shine is in the health department. I expect most smokers with anything more than a casual habit know about waking up in the morning and coughing up shit. If you're getting that, for the love of Christ swap to a vape. The cough will go in a week or so and your cardio will come back. And you'll be far less prone to chest infections / extended flu's. Vaporizers are awesome if you want to get high but not fuck over your health. edit: Oh Crown, incidentally I bought the cheapest vape in the shop for $40, that was a couple of years ago and it works just fine. We do use it inside, because it doesn't produce anywhere near the same amount of smell as a bong/joint.
I think the scorn that was directed at the person you mention was not for being drunk on a tuesday, but for being snarky at everyone on here for NOT being drunk on a tuesday like she was. And for comparing this place to Freak Safari. You bring that show and you GOTTA go.
I actually picture her typing half the post, taking eight shots, then remembering that she was typing a post and coming back to finish. That is the only logical explanation.
As much as I heart this place, I refuse to complain about the management of a place that provides so much free entertainment. However, I like starting new threads, so I'll PM the hell out of Nom & DCC. Also, we need new members to start talking, so maybe a revamped introduction thread or a required thread (Ie, post or account deleted) could help with the spam and the noobs. Finally, we could elect new mods with a fight to the death or a hilarious tag-line/tweet competition. For those of us who feel guilty about taking two hours to watch a movie, because I have so much reading to do for school: get drunk and ride bulls on a Tuesday. God bless your spotty, diseased liver.
I don't pay too much attention to FB. I don't crap on peoples annoying status updates. This one caught my attention. This is from a single mother with a bastard baby I went to HS with. Still single if anyone is interested.
I also just realized what makes posting better than lurking is also partly the interaction you have with others, not just via visible posts on the board, but via reps and PMs. One of you sent me their recipe for Kale chips after I repped him something about it sounding like the nastiest thing ever - and wouldn't you know, they're fairly tasty. There is a whole another level of fun these people are missing out on. also: OMG WE NEED THE NOOBZ TO POST! WHY ARE THEY NOT POSTING?!?! Then one of them replies, and LET'S ALL IGNORE HIM! I WONDER WHY THE NOOBZ AREN'T POSTING?! I agree with this, I have always participated in the polls even before I started posting. A lot of the existing sober threads could easily have a poll added on top, and if that may encourage more people to get involved, then why not try that.
Re: Re: Is It Friday? Drink Posting Meeting Place. Well if people weren't dicks and half agreed with people...we'd have more posters! No, but for reals though, I don't think its stumbling upon it anymore. I think it'll be a word of mouth thing. Eventually someone will get drunk and tell a story that was told on here, someone will ask "Where the fuck did you hear that?" and a new member will be born. I guess, maybe, I dunno.
Isn't there any wannabe stand up comics here that could throw this place in at the end of their sets along with their twitter? I mean that could add something. I'm kind of straining for ways to expand here. I don't need any or my friends around here hearing all my weird shit I share with anonymous strangers. Asking them to join a random message board that's singular focus was a writer that hasn't been associated with it for going on four years is odd as well. Plus one of my buddies is huge into a local university sports board good lord is it weird when they get together at tailgates and games and start talking about inside jokes from the boards*. I don't need to start that shit with them as well. *He actually invited a guy from these boards to his birthday party. The dude went full on creep mode when we hit the bars and we eventually had to just ditch him it was fucking WIERD. I can't believe there has been meet ups from this board...
Again, Nobody can join this board. Membership is frozen and has been more some time until the bot problem is sorted out. It sucks, but that's what it is.
I think I will start scrawling the web URL on bathroom stall doors. That's bound to attract classy new members, right?
If you think it'll get us some more boobs/booty shots I say go for it. It couldn't go any more wrong than actually calling those bathroom stall numbers "for a good time."
I've showed this place to a few people, and reactions were mixed. They love reading the posts, but can't post themselves because they're not "that type" and most people that I have seen read this place think the members of this board are psychotic. As in: most psychotic on the entire internet. My wife lurks on here on occasion and her opinion is "funny, but very mean." Thank you. Conclusion: most people who cross this place would rather just read and let the posters do what they do. It is a very different message board than others because it is utterly irreverant, depraved and wallows in black gallows humour. I.e. this place is not for gentle souls. Has a single board member on here ever typed "That's going to far?" No. The idea is to see how far you can actualy TAKE "far". So far, to our delight, there is no Bottom. Keep reaching, kids.
So calling a 9 year old oscar-nominated actress a "cunt" isn't going to far? Someone should tell The Onion they can post that shit here.
Well that was taken down a few months ago. That's recent, it's not the primary reason people stopped joining. Just the new reason. I'm more concerned with why large groups of people have fallen off completely. The one I just realized I haven't seen in awhile was Aetius. Where the fuck did he go?
I'm a page late, but I thought I would chime in on one of the very few things I'm qualified to talk about. I was a daily pot smoker for a little over four years (stopped a few months ago, just 'cause) and used a vaporizer quite a bit in that time. Some thoughts: It is the most efficient way, you're crazy. Gravity bongs/normal bongs have such a fucking kick to them it might make you feel more high I guess, but if you're using a good vape you're getting almost 100% of the THC from the bud into your lungs. It's as efficient as you can get. This is why you can't actually make butter from vaped weed - there's nothing left in it. As Crown said, they are expensive - I paid $700 for mine (Volcano). In the three years that I used it, it more than payed for itself and it works just as well now as the day I bought it. What you're paying for with the high quality ones is the ability to maintain a very stable temperature and distribute that temperature evenly through the weed you are using. Volcanos shoot hot air through a chamber holding the weed and then fill up a plastic bag with the vapour. The tricky thing is that under 180C you don't get all the THC out, and above 200C you start to get the bad shit that you're trying to avoid. And yeah, I used mine inside all the time, they're almost completely odourless. Whatchoo talkin' bout Crown?