Ha! 4chan is a guilty pleasure of mine, and after spending time there this place hardly seems irreverent and depraved. I come here to cleanse my e-soul... don't really know what that says about me though.
dear vodka: you make me madke bad decisions. thank goodness someone hass a sense of moraliltly. i'm sorry loucise go tpissed. she's nice if naiiive. and holy shit the old man wh was touchingm e rode a mechanical bull. LE ME REPEAT: A MECHANIVAL BULLK>. fuck.
Speaking of drunken messes, it's been a while since we've all seen you run rampant on G+ with whatever cheap booze you've found in a hidden cupboard.
You were actually the guy I was going to suggest as a replacement for Nettdata since he's been gone for so long.
Is this one of those times when you can throw out the "pics or GTFO" saying? I feel this whole night would be much better with a picture flip book.
Sweetie, if I were younger, richer, good looking, and just a generally better man, you and I could have really been something.
Jesus it's too early for me to be awake. and still a little bit drunk I think. My boss has video of the bull riding. No joke, the 50+ year old lab guy is usually incredibly reserved but groped my ass and my boss's ass all fucking night. At one point he whispered in my ear "it's okay, you can tell me if you have daddy issues". I mean, come on, what the fuck? It is astonishing just how many men claimed to be in unhappy marriages last night. I have a sneaking suspicion that there were a few walks of shame this morning. Edit: I have a vague memory of feeding pork to a vegetarian last night. note to self: find vegetarian and apologize.
That'll do me. Might be best not reminding said vegetarian of their dietary indiscrestion. You could hope they have no recollection of the pork-related incident.
I have it printed on the bottom of my business cards. I only hand them out to the hot girls I talk to in bars. i.e. I never hand them out.
I've been a lurker here (and TMMB) for years, but you fuckers are way too funny for me to try and hold my own with.
Hi Kat! You don't always have to be funny, you can just say something and the funny ones will take it and run with it. Or you may inspire us in some way... edited to add: I have shared this place with a couple of friends, one posts regularly. I get enough of my other friends in real life and don't want them here. We should have an ad at std info sites.
I wouldn't sweat that. Sometimes the unexpected funny is the funniest of all. Apparently, folks find us intimidating. I have no idea why. I've been bashed, thrashed, and sent to hell and back. It's been a good ride. As the Great One once said: You make exactly zero shots you don't take. Or something like that.
This is the problem right here. To many canadians around. I can practically feel the cold from my monitor.
If someone is too dumb to follow basic instructions and they leave long-winded, scolding messages, how early is too early to call them and let them know they're a moron? It's 6:30 on the west coast right now. I do not know these people.
Exactly! You'd think a computer would melt those things. Of course, until recently I had no idea that you could even make a computer out of whale blubber.