I was wrong. They were sleeping. BOOM ROASTED! "So, just follow the instructions on the instruction sheet?" "You got it." "And my husband will get his gun?" "Yep." "Can we just..." "No ma'am."
Yeah, I lurk on a few other boards, ones for my city's NFL team and ones about guns. Both outgun this place for depraved idiocy pretty handily. It seems that if you get a bunch of people posting anonymously, wallowing in gallows humor is the norm. I'd say this place is actually pretty tame because of the standards set on NOT acting like total fucking moron are pretty high. Ballsack on his worst days here are basically the norm for a lot of posters on other forums Ive been to.
This. It cracks me up that some members have this attitude of how we're edgy and so forth. 4 chan, SA back in the day and assorted gaming forums make this place where I go for laid back posting.
Depends on the bar/the night/the publicity etc. At my particular bar, on a good night there might be 8 teams. A lot of the job is sort of hustling people into doing it -- it's free, and there's no pressure or anything, but people are much more likely to stick around and do it if you drop off the answer sheets and pencils at their table versus making them come up and get them. At some of the more established places with less out of the way bars, you might get a 15 teams, of which half will be regulars.
Re: new people posting. I've tried to post a bunch of times (long time lurker), but it always says my post has to be approved by a mod and then it never shows up, or shows up days and days later so why bother? This was happening way before the spam issue. Maybe that happens to others as well and they've just given up?
I think the situation with this place is that for the most part, everyone here uses this weird thing called grammar. With the exception of the occasional drunken rambling, (which is mostly contained to the drunk thread) most of the posts here are at least comprehensible and read like they were written by someone with at least a 6th grade education and not just variations of text speak and insults like "UR Mom sux teh dix u fukin fagot!!!11!1!"
Well, yeah. Plus, if Kat is for Katherine, there's another way to "inspire" us. <cough> boobie thread <cough> Unless, by "hold your own" you meant something else . . . Besides, I'm not funny at all and I still post here.
You can't, unless you also use some baleen and whalebone. The blubber is only used as a power source, once lit. What's with the membership drive all of a sudden? Are we NPR now? Shit, 288 people joined on last November 21 alone! One of those dudes even has a Cialis website!
I imagine that from the point of view of someone not already posting, this place is a a place to consume media and, generally speaking, the more self-referential and full of "in jokes" a medium gets, the less interesting it becomes to newcomers. Stories about people doing funny things is what drew me here, but over time (and not to say it's surprising or morally wrong or anything) more and more of what people post is referencing a reference of a reference of what someone else posted instead of "new" content. That makes it more of a clique and more obscure to newcomers. That and the constant declarations of how much better we are than the rest of the internet doesn't seem like it's all that inviting to new voices. How awesome and witty and smart and depraved as compared to the plebes out there stumbling along like sheep in a morass of leet speak and cat memes. It's one thing to have community standards (no emoticons here, full sentences, etc), but it's another to endlessly brag about how cool and elite we are. It's off-putting to outsiders. Anyway, at least Nom volunteering to let people PM suggestion thread posts seems like a step in the right direction to restimulating discussion. Some new mods is probably also a good idea, plus I think the log out to check the suggestions board approach is probably a good one for existing ones. We also need a new admin who can *do* something about the various spambots that are apparently giving mods a conniption fit and preventing new signups. But that's, as far as I can tell, entirely up to Chater to find and grant the user rights to someone appropriate. As I mentioned before, Binary seems tech savvy enough, assuming he wanted to do it.
I think this is pretty much spot on, but one must not forget our deranged killer monster snow goons to the north.
Not to break up the bitch-fest/edgy-back-patting, but HOLY SHIT WATCH THIS WOMAN. She catches a chair, one handed, without even putting down her purse.
Yeah you think catching the chair is something? She has a mean backhand with that table. She should be in pro wrestling!
The table is just strength, which is one thing, but the chair-catching is amazingly dextrous. She'd make an amazing linebacker.