I am going throw my vote in keeping the politics rule, shit would add nothing to the board and in the end devolve into endless shit-shows.[/quote] Yeah my friends made a decision a long long time ago not to discuss politics when drinking. It just leads to shouting, high blood pressure, and no one has changed their minds. I think the occasional sober thread is good and productive. Letting any potential thread devolve into political argument is poisonous. It doesn't even have to be a thread related to politics at all. I remember reading a thread on the NFL board I lurk at trash talking Mike Brown, one guy mentions how he reminds him of the the demise of the US auto industry, three pages later it had turned into an union/anti union fight that had nothing to do with football. Just utter ridiculousness.
If this board allows political conversations I'm out. I never really participate in the sober threads because I'm not here for that serious crap. I don't care about politics. I have my beliefs and I feel no need to try and convince others of them. Nor do I care to read about other peoples dogma on a board thats supposed to be distraction. Not that I contribute anything significant, or bring anything significant, but maybe my opinion is representative of others. Bring back Kimaster and lets start ripping on him again, that was always fun.
I also think allowing politics would be a bad idea. I might write things in all caps, you all might call me a pinko; respect would be lost, hearts would be broken.
I'm just gonna leave this here, cause, I just... NSFW Why not another... NSFW Her name is Charlie Sweets and I don't care if she is trashy, got damn...
The only cool thing about my brother working all the way fuck out in Seattle is I can ship booze to his place for his birthday online. Just sent him 4 bottles of Black Label and a 4 pack of Guinness for under 60 bucks with shipping.
Fuck February. It's 28 days mixed with my affinity for procrastination guarantees that at least one time out of the year my bills due at the end of the month are 2 days late. Thank God for leap years when I can shed a day off that figure, and keep it at a reasonable 1 day late.
Damn you, clique-ey shit! All I wanna do is discuss all the positive aspects of Nazism, but nooooo, you're too scared it would be divisive.
The activity of this board has definitely dwindled, but Ill echo that if we start allowing political threads I'm done. It would become nothing more than a Disqus thread on some news website. It would be the nail in the coffin of this place.
Oh. My. God. I hate people. I HATE PEOPLE. A few of my work friends and I decided to go out to our new favorite bar after work tonight (the same bar where we met Giulio,the Italian boxer - who, P.S, friended me on Facebook and I discovered also breeds, trains, and rides white horses LIKE A KNIGHT).Tonight,we met a few people from Australia and a few dudes from Harlem (equally exotic) and this one guy from the Harlem group and one of my friends seemed to be hitting it off. I thought he was a genuinely decent dude, so I was playing wingman for them and it seemed to be working out nicely. But, my friend that I thought he was interested in ended up getting way too drunk. Our other friend had left earlier, and after letting this other creepier guy buy the three of us a round and having a nice conversation with him about the future of organic farming (?) we decided it was best on behalf of my very drunk friend that we all made our way home. The guy that we liked was suggesting we go further uptown to continue the night, but it was 5am on a Wednesday and my friend really just wanted to get home to go to sleep, so the two of us got her on her train and made sure she was okay before the train left. We were taking the same train,just in opposite directions,so the two of us walked over to our platform to wait. Obviously, I was assuming he was into my friend, since they had been flirting the whole night, and since he had helped me out of a weird situation with the guy who bought us all drinks for no reason and was being creepy and helped me get my pal home, I told him that I really appreciated him being a gentleman and I was going to advocate on his behalf when we were all sober so that she would call him again. Both of our trains weren't arriving for a while, so we were just hanging out until then.He kept trying to get me to come uptown with him to continue the night and I just kept insisting that I was going home to sleep, and he offered to basically chaperone me home since it was so late. And I was so honest and upfront and blunt with him. Some quotes were "Look, I was under the impression that you were into my friend the whole night, so I'm not really interested in continuing the night." "Okay, if you want to make sure I get home alright that's really nice of you, but it's really not necessary and I feel bad since I live in Brooklyn and you'd have to go all the way back up to Harlem." "I just don't want you thinking that just because you helped me get all the way home that that would mean you're a Nice Guy who's entitled to having sex with me, because I don't want to have sex with you." "I mean, if you really insist, but I just want you to know for sure that I'm not going to have sex with you." Of course, he insists on getting on the train with me. We sit for a while, a few stops later one of the "love seats" on the end of the car opens up and he moves over there and starts calling me to come sit with him and I tell him I'm good where I am, and at the next stop he yells at me, saying I'm a fucking bitch and storms out of the train. SURPRISE SURPRISE. I'm so bummed and pissed because I really thought I could spot the Nice Guys TM by now, but I really was caught off guard by this one and thought that he was genuinely decent. Nope. Fuck that. Fuck everyone. I hate everyone and I am going to live the rest of my life as a hermit by choice. Then, a few stops later, a guy who had been sitting across from me the whole time and saw the whole spectacle asks me if I speak Spanish because everyone thinks I'm Hispanic and when I tell him no, he asks me if he can practice his English with me,on a subway at 5am on a Wednesday. I said he's welcome to sit next to me that I was just trying to get home,but nonetheless he still struck up a conversation. Thankfully,he was totally harmless and friendly even if the lines he wanted to practice are "Do you have a boyfriend" and "why not" and "can I be your boyfriend" since he was getting off a few stops later. I finally fucking get to the stop where I need to transfer and while I'm waiting, I make friends with this old lady because old people and I get along very well. She was making fun of me for hiccuping like a Looney Toon and then we commiserated about men together. Now, finally, I'm home and I texted my friends to let them know that I'm okay and to warn my friend NOT to text that guy, and that friend calls me back a few minutes later to say that she got off the train somewhere in Queens but doesn't remember where she lives so she's not sure how to get home. It's Wednesday.
100% true. Discussing politics even with close friends can drive an enormous wedge between you. It didn't used to be this way. People kept their voting and economic beliefs to themselves and we were all better for it. Ever since network news decided that 95% of their content would be American politcal heresay, he closest of people have been at each other's throats.
Anyone played pub golf before? Having our first round (that works on two levels!!) in a couple of weeks. Some tips on general rules/games for the day would be great. So far we've picked out 9 pubs, all with certain drink limits at each place. Obviously we're dressing the part too.
Steady as she goes. Do you have a green jacket to pass out for the winner at each hole? The way we did it was at each pub a certain amount of drinks was par, whoever was leading had the jacket on. Obviously a themed dress day and food at one of the middle pubs. it ended in a public urination fine for me but I took home the green jacket. You win some, you lose some.
NINE??? A round of golf's eighteen holes. Man up, sir! Protip: If pub golf is executed correctly, you should expect a casualty rate in excess of 70%. Attrition.
Harlem Shake compilation, there's boobie shaking in there. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=MlPh_ycy62s9[/youtube] There is also some potential traumatizing shaking going on, I think someone needs to make some gifs of of this. I am so uncool, I just learned about this crap this morning. I'd heard of it but managed to evade watching any of it.
Given that a severed human head weighs between 8 and 12 pounds, I think you've made the right choice. But you ARE curious now, aren't you?
This thought actually crossed my mind (somewhere around 2:15 am). I called UPS this morning, and got to the bottom of it. They reversed the number of the apartment, so the package isn't actually for me or my wife. In stranger news, I wonder why the person in the other apartment bought a mail ordered severed head. I'll have to watch her more closely, she always seemed a bit weird.