Holy f'n shit! Someone is going to be very popular in prison. This is what happens when you live in a trailer park.
Are you sure that isn't an outtake scene from Trailer Park Boys? In other news, some shithead in the Minnesota state Senate wants to triple our tax on booze- from $5.03 to $17.82 on a gallon of distilled spirits or wine ($1.33 to $4.71 for a liter). This is a TRAVESTY!
Well at least the old lady didn't try to run some game on you too? I'm not sure if you know this or not, but grandma vagina smells like an old coat.
Its not disturbing. The only real thing about Ke$ha is the fact she has an oddly shaped body. Everything else she puts out there is 100% marketing. She's getting talked about, her record is doing well, her music is getting played. The best part about this whole thing, is no one really knows who the fuck Ke$ha is. I heard this pop up on a podcast recently (not sure which one) but they stopped and thought "She's playing us, we really have no idea who she is, what she does like we do most other celebrities. We buy into the front because its something we want to believe."
BOOM WOMBAT!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=crjKYkAdiSQ (embedding didn't work)
Grandma's need love too. And not the kind of love that includes macaroni necklaces and shitty ashtray pottery. I'm talking about the love only a penis can provide.
Please. I saw Hot Dog Shannon do something similar to this almost 30 years ago. She's a bit purtier, too. Speaking of the Trailer Park Boys, after denigrating that fine show on this board last year, I'm now a convert. Watching instantly on Netflix, the shows are only a little over 20 minutes long, so watched the end of the first season over a couple of days recently, and now i can't stop watching it.
Flame me if you want, but I get the feeling that Ke$ha is a whole hell of a lot smarter than we give her credit for. Its one thing to be a really hot girl with a decent voice and be molded into a pop star like Britney Spears, where a team of producers and stylists and PR people are crafting your image. Its another to be marginally talented and marginally attractive like Ke$ha, holding more control over the creative process, and still manage to hustle success like she has. If she disappeared after Tik Tok, that would be one thing, but this is her 3rd album and she's still crafting pop gold. As has been mentioned before, she initially tried to get her break as sort of a contemporary country artist, but that didn't work. So she's crafted this debaucherous persona, that she's clearly bought into on a personal level, and its almost performance art in a way. Not to the extent that Lady Gaga's act has gone, but anyone who's seen her interviews can tell that its not genuine artistic insanity like if you were listening to Prince talk, but more an ongoing act. Say what you want about them and their music (Gaga has far more actual musical talent, albeit not always utilized, than Ke$ha), they're crazy but they are also smart marketers and assessors of the public's interest and tastes when it comes to pop music.
Virtually all of the episodes are on Youtube as well. Low quality image but just as fucking hilarious.
Re: Re: Is It Friday? Drink Posting Meeting Place. If this board was good for one thing, that would be introducing me to Trailer Park Boys. Countdown to liquor day is great stuff.
Here's the thing: Marketing is not what should sell music, since it's fucking evil. Music should be judged by talent, and Ke$ha is not talented. Her singing voice doesn't even sound good after months of "studio magic". SHE is not anything. She does that she's told, because like every single actor and singer in existence, they have producers as bosses. And producers are God. Everyone thinks celebrities have the power, and they hardly have any. When a producer tell you to "Go fuck yourself" they say "how hard?" That's the way it works when your boss makes one hundred times the money you do, such as it is for producers. And Kesha is no exception: Like you said, she "applied" by releasing both country songs ( that apparently wern't bad) and a bunch of unfinished Nicki Minaj crap. The producers told her that she is now a pop artist and to dress and act like a freak. So, she did as any good pet does. There's nothing real about her whatsoever, and the reason she sells is simple: the Lowest Common Denominator rules the music fan world. They listen to whatever is forced on them: just look at Karmin, Psy or Soulja Boy and tell me I'm wrong.
Oh god, not this shit again. There are plenty of extremely technically talented musicians who make shitty, boring music. And there are people who are less talented who make entertaining music. Pop music isn't a conservatory, they are entertainers as well. Not everyone wants a 5 course, technically perfect French meal when they go out to eat. Sometimes they just want a simple burger. And if you can make that simple burger better than other people making burgers for the masses, I'd argue there is a talent to that.
Crown, I never thought you were a rockist. Wait, yes I did. And man, all these puppets in the music industry. I guess only because the music you like, is where their produces aren't their bosses and don't create their image right? How long have you worked in the music industry? Sony? BMG? Interscope? That is a lot of definitive statements for someone that hasn't actually worked the field. Also, I have a feeling you dont like anything that's been made after 2000. You can't say an entire genre (pop music) is bad. Its just not your type. Especially since many different artists with different personalities work with the same producers. Also, right now, most pop artist don't work with the same producers. They have one producer on this track, another producer on this track. Timbaland is a producer, you think he was telling JT "You do this, and you do this?" No way. Absolutely ridiculous. Also once again, this concept that people listen to what they're told to listen to is absolutely ridiculous. It doesn't work that way. Pop music is called that way because its popular. Before any song, TV show, or movie comes out, it gets screen and tested. No song goes from studio, to radio, without getting focus grouped first. Also if you frequently listen to radio stations, over the course of a year, you'll hear a song played for a week or two, go away, then come back 6 months later. Because it came out and didn't catch on. Also if the radio could tell people what to like, there wouldn't be one-hit wonders. The record industry is on the precipice of obliviion, if they could just tell us what to like, they wouldn't be shitting themselves. Dumbest media related argument ever. (insert Billy Madison clip) Anyway, I just had an idea. Let me know if this is retarded. I think we should have people run for Mod Office. Whoever who wants to be a Mod states their case in a post (pictures, gifs, and YT videos are encouraged), then we add a poll to vote for who we want to win. Since registration is locked, we don't have to worry about duplicate accounts or some bullshit like that. This would be some highly entertaining shit, and take the burden off the current crew. Jesus, Nom is a black man with 3 jobs, he's busy (and apparently a unicorn). Oh and they have to be nominated. I nominate Bewildered, because she's here all the time, not an asshole, very funny, coined BOOM ROASTED, not crazy touchy about any particular subject and will be a great mod.
Sometimes I want a burger too, I love burgers. However, I don't want a burger that's on fire, festooned in maggots and attracts Japanese hornets. That's what a modern pop music burger looks like. The line in the sand between the pop stars of today and pops stars like MJ, Madonna and Prince is wide enough to swollow Jupiter.
I know we were discussing the the No Politics rule, but I think we should institute a new ban on discussing music between people over 30, and people under 30. Because they obviously cannot agree. It's always going to be "Music in my day was so much better! You can't compare my favorite pop songs to your new shitty pop songs. NOW GET OFF MY LAWN!" Except I'm going to be saying this to my children, they're going to be saying it to theirs...its a nostalgia bias.
You're just remembering selectively. For every Prince and MJ, you had Tiffany, Debbie Gibson, Stacy Q, and Tommy Page. Don't act like they were artistically ambitious and daring artists dripping with integrity. There will be music that comes out of this era that will be remembered fondly, and there will be acts that were big at the time that will be forgotten. Who is a "popular" act of the last 3-5 years you actually like? And by saying "all of it is shit" is a myopic answer that disqualifies you from discussion. Its like arguing the merits of soccer with American sports fans who unequivocally hate the sport and won't listen otherwise.