Woke my girlfriend up in the middle of the night the other night because I was laughing so hard at this. Bizarre stuff.
Holy shit my cousins are breeding at an insane rate. Sine last monday I have 3 new ones and another due in two weeks. All the jokes about Irish Catholics are on to something.
Remember, according to the church, and God help anyone who believes this, the best contraception is natural family planning and pulling out....
True. No one has been married as long as me without popping out a baby. The longest was 2 years before impregnation, the shortest was the one born the other day, 9 months,
My cousins and I are breaking the Irish Catholic stereotype. 8 cousins, 2 married, 5 living with significant others, and not a single baby. Gotta love reliable contraceptives.
Re: Re: Is It Friday? Drink Posting Meeting Place. I have told people this before and they never believe me, always thinking am fucking with them. Baptists are just as bad, they don't bring up sex at all so nobody knows fuck all about it, then they act all righteous when they are having weddings between 16 year olds, cause that'll work out just fine.
It must be all that booze that Baptists don't drink that causes so many babies to be born 8 months after the wedding day.
You didn't notice that immediately? And his character is a complete badass and far less creepy than Varys. Also, the actor is Irish, so both of his notable roles we're mentioning are in an accent not his own.
This might just be the wine talking, but I'm about 90% sure my 22mo old son is running back and forth the the kitchen, screaming "METH" at the top of his lungs. ... I'm not real sure how I feel about this...
The Harlem shake is quite literally the worst thing to happen to viral video since 2girls1cup. I'd find it less morally repulsive if Hitler had released Mein Kampf as a series of vlogs. The music that accompanies it is a fucking war crime and makes gangnam style sound like a Paganini concerto, but above all, it's just not fucking funny. Ever. And you can tell that it's not funny because it's so unthreatening, bland and pathetic that even the most humourless and entrenched of institutions, like college admins, think it's hilarious and give their blessing to mass recreations of it on campus. FUCK the Harlem shake. The only time anything remotely related to it made me laugh was when it came on in a bar and my friend who hates it started screaming "Nooooo! NOOOO!" And spiking random shit into the floor before running up, grabbing a particularly heinous offender and screaming "stop it! STOP IT!"
On another note, at what age is it inappropriate to watch "Gladiator" with your toddler? He liked it a little too much.