Pro tip: the Harlem Shake is a decades-old dance move. The Harlem Shake videos are ridiculously dumb parodies over a poor facsimile of the original dance. The more you know and all that.
Re: Re: Is It Friday? Drink Posting Meeting Place. I watched Master and Commander last night with a 2 year old. She was into it.
Yeah, well I made my daughter watch Cannibal Holocaust when she was two. Granted, she screamed herself to sleep for a month but it made for some killer YouTube.
Just left a party because a skanky girl who I hooked up with in the past is looking to hook up again. I don't want to. I know if I drink enough I will because she is very aggressive and its hard to say no after a while. I'd rather just call it a night and not hate myself tomorrow morning.
Got three sheets to the wind an wondered what the hell Crevice Cream was. My major accomplishment for this week: introducing someone to the concept of Rule 34.
Is happy because made derunk old man confused about sexual innuendos. Or bodily fluid innuendoes. Same thing.
It was that infernal movie tape playing machine we kept next to the black and white Tv and the 8-track tape deck.
Soem of my favorite movies were taped from the VCR....little mermaid....that cop movie with arnold swartzy. I'm pretty sure Tommyknockers is on tape somewhere at my parents' house but that shit gave 4year old bewildered nightmares for almost a year. Literally. I think I also wet the bed a couple times. Thanks older sisters. you totally don't rock.
I was fucking around about the VCR thing, I remember when DVDs became the dominant technology. When I was a kid I remember watching Lion King and those other Disney movies on tape.
The way you're talking about VCRs leads me to believe that either you're even younger than I am, or my parents were just that far behind the technological curve. I'm pretty sure we didn't get a DVD player until 2002 or something.
I remember the Beta vs. VHS battle vividly during the video rental boom. Whenever you walked into a video store, the store would be divided exactly in half separating the two factions.
Beta were smaller, rewound quicker and had slightly better picture. VHS simply bought them out an exterminated them completely. A LOT of people were left with $400 door stops. We were a VHS family. Higher Ground, motherfuckers.
Let us not forget Laserdisc. Glorious, glorious laserdisc. Some dude here in town opened a laserdisc rental store (Must have seemed like a good idea at the time) and you could say that he was lonelier than the Maytag repairman.