This just about sums up my Saturday night at This Damn Manly Man. I won the harpoon I'm holding at auction; the beardy man standing next to me is the blacksmith that made it. I'm going to be so stylin' in Antarctica.
Why would a beautiful girl like Anne Hathaway chose such a butch haircut? Her hair looks like a southern frat boys.
Oh my holy Jesus, this hotel hosted the Coastal Cheer and Dance Competition this past weekend and my check-in was flanked on all sides by pre-teen girls in sparkly spandex, gaudy make-up, teased hair and their holy-shit-you-are-the-size-of-a-whale dance mothers. Calling all pedophiles, all pedophiles please report to the Gaylord National ASAP.
Congrats to Kristen Stewart for winning the Award For Most Pissed-Off Looking Presenter In Academy History. Jesus Christ girl, cokeheads grind their teeth less than that.
She was incredibly flushed, she has to be (or had to be if this was taped earlier) wasted. I'm guessing booze and pills cause thats what kids no awaday do before heroine. But seriously kids in SoCal do way more heroine than anyone really understands. They all go from percoset etc to heroine. Way more common than people like to think. Streisand on stage, God help us all.
Mine from earlier: ..I got three out of the big six. I bet money Argo would win, my friend thought Lincoln was such a lock.
And another Oscar show in the books...this one had a few interesting moments. I think the Michelle Obama presentation was a bit, I dunno strange? A little too much on the musicals. Seth McFarlane was decent. I sure as hell didn't see Argo taking home the best picture.
I thought MacFarlane was great. I was a little nervous up top with the Boobs song and some of the jokes being a little hacky and simultaneously over the line, but after Shatner's thing it kinda all worked out. He ad-libbed pretty well, and kept it rolling. It was good. And Jennifer Lawrence is goddamned adorable.
Tonight, a girl said to me "you seem like a sex master." Thankfully, I didn't do anything with her, so as not to disabuse her of that idea
She always looks like she just farted and is trying to play it off. "What? I don't smell anything." Missed the telecast, but my thoughts on this year's Oscars: - As the years pass Christopher Waltz looks more like Woody Allen each day, and Tarantino looks more like vampire Tarantino from From Dusk Til Dawn, naturally, without makeup. - I would do terrible things to Jennifer Lawrence. I want to be that girl's life altering mistake. - Tommy Lee Jones is Grumpy Cat. - Ben Affleck has two Oscars. Two. Ben. Affleck. How bad do you feel now? - I wonder how many people go home and fuck their spouses with Oscar. How many vaginas has Oscar been inside? I'm guessing Clark Gable's has seen some shit.