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Isn't that a scene from Hellraiser?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrFrylock, Jul 13, 2011.


True or False?

  1. I own an antique quack medical device that emits electric shocks. I use it for sex.

    120 vote(s)
  2. I once played catch with a friend in a night club. We used a short stripper as the ball

    41 vote(s)
  3. I own a White Rabbit (from Alice in Wonderland) costume for fetish parties

    79 vote(s)
  4. I regularly fuck a furry

    87 vote(s)
  5. While visiting a friend for coffee, she had me show her how to put together a reciprocating saw fuck

    108 vote(s)
  6. I have thrown a midget wearing a helmet and velcro overalls at a velcro wall.

    78 vote(s)
  7. I have been the only male in a six person orgy, more than once.

    126 vote(s)
  8. I own a portrait of myself, painted by a guy who used his dick as the brush.

    67 vote(s)
  9. I was recently asked by an internationally known fine art photographer to be the subject of a glamou

    49 vote(s)
  10. I've had the first cut for a frennumectomy (the body modification that lets Gene Simmons stick his t

    74 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. lust4life

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
    When the doctor slapped his ass at birth, Scootah yelled, "AGAIN! HARDER!"
  2. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    It's called Ecstasy because scootah was taken already.

    Whenever scootah needs a little extra money, he lays face down and starts drilling for oil.

    scootah slightly regrets his participation in the Abu Ghraib scandal only because his face was blurred out in all the pictures.
  3. bewildered

    Expand Collapse
    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    Too easy! Well, at least for 1/5. I remember him mentioning awhile back one of those items on the list.

    When do we get the results?
  4. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    There are pictures in the boobies/booty thread and anyone who's really interested can go check out my pictures at (Scootah) and follow my activity to take a guess at who I'm involved with. I'd say that 80% of my current female partners would be considered fucking hot by most heterosexual guys. All are above average. One makes terrible fashion decisions because she has a lolita fetish going on, but has a body built for porn when she stops dressing like a kooky artist. None are overweight.

    The one guy I'm involved with to the point of acutally being close insteaad of just fucking occasionally is in the IT industry. Two of the girls are artists, although neither are really struggling - both are employed and do ok.

    All of them are bisexual.

    None of them are into gaming or have any obscure tattoo's. One is a sci-fi/steam punk obsessed artist - and does odd sculptures from clockwork - but unless you go to one of her exhibits, you wouldn't guess. I know a fetish model (who just started with suicide girls) who has a bunch of those sort of tattoo's - but we aren't fucking or anything.

    None are over 35. Three are 22 or under.

    In terms of living with people they met off the internet - BDSM is a distributed community. We find other perverts using the intarwebs and have always been early adopters of social technology. And BDSM friends often make the best housemates, since vanilla roommates get far more freaked out about the peripheral sounds and accessories of perverts. I think most of the kink friendships have at least heavily involved the intarwebs for communication for everyone involved. But only one that I can think of actually lives with someone she met from the intarwebs. One spends most of her time at her boyfriend's house where everyone met through the intarwebs.

    5+ years ago, it would have been entirely accurate and fair. When I was reasonably in shape I was often the best looking guy in the room at fet events, and while I wasn't a bad looking guy, I've never been someone who should be the best looking guy in a big group. And I certainly still know people who meet those cliches. But the number of people involved in the scene has just gone through the roof in the last two or three years in particular. Mostly made up of people under 35 who are fairly evenly distributed over the hotness scale.

    It's hypocritical, given that I'm not physically the kind of guy that most people look at and consider attractive, but I've actually been able to screen my partners based on purely physical preferences, and only hook up with people who I'm really attracted to on a purely physical level in addition to being into their kinks and their personalities this year. I was married for a long time before that and a lot more restrained about new partners and hookups, but my observation is that I probably wouldn't have been able to have so many partners and be so discerning even two years ago where I live.

    I was at an invite only party on the weekend that was more orgy than fetish party, but all local kinksters. It was run by a former reality television contestant, who shares a house with a microbiologist, a full time model, a photo journalism student and a sheet metal worker. In attendance there was a couple of nurses, a construction industrcontracts manager, a civil engineer, an electrician, a photographer, a teacher, a couple of sales/business types and a university professor as well as a few people who have day jobs I don't know about. There were three guys there (including myself) who probably wouldn't be in the most attractive 10% of people you'd see on an average day. The girls were all ludicrously hot. On Friday I helped with the staging of 15 models for a photo shoot. 14 of those models were kinky people who do regular kink events. 8 of them are regularly paid to work as models and for two of them, it's a primary source of income.

    I have no idea what's changed. ha s had a pretty big impact, and the whole social networking thing combined with awesome kink related social networking probably covers most of it. But it's awesome.
  5. GTE

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009

    What's to stop some horny "normal" dude from saying he's into kink just to get laid? Seems to me that instead of striking out at the bars all night, it'd be easier to say "oh yeah man, I'm totally into that stuff" hook up with some girl and then bail.
  6. Stealth

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Scootah once stared into the Abyss; the Abyss stared back into Scootah .... and got frightened.
  7. McSmallstuff

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    Once on a weekend bender Schootah fucked the entire mermaid population into extinction. Big Foot has stepped pretty damn lively ever since.
  8. LessTalk MoreStab

    LessTalk MoreStab
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 29, 2009
    A Thai lady once drew a picture of Scootah with a pen stuck in her vagina. He liked this so much he kept her and still uses her to sign cheques.

    Scootah designed the "strap-on" for the movie Seven. By designed I mean he gave them one of his old ones.

    Scootah doesn’t do pushups, he fucks Chuck Norris while Chuck pushes the Earth down.

    If Scootah is late because "he got tied up" he really was tied up. And probably covered in butter.
  9. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    When pigs are disgusted by other pigs rolling around in shit and mud, they say "you're as filthy as Scootah".

    The 500 Days of Sodom is actually a bio-pic of Scootah's life.

    The Marquis de Sade was actually inspired by Scootah in his writings, but even he had to tone that shit down.
  10. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    Scootah has so much experience with things going into and out of his penis that he can now drink liquids just by dipping his crank into them.

    When Scootah says he was flogging the bishop, he was flogging an actual bishop.

    Scootah once told me about a great new sex shop in town. I went to check it out but the only two shops there were a hardware store and a hospital supply.

    Scootah was the photographer for

    Dogs call the position in which they have sex "scooty style."

    You might think scootah gets so much action he never has to masturbate. This is not true. But when he does masturbate, he does it using a clown and a little person.

    How do you attract Scootah when you see him in a club?

    a magnet
  11. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    I only have Paint, but I did what I could.

    Attached Files:

  12. Stealth

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Scootah got fat because before each time he has sex he has a breathmint.
  13. Gravitas

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    somewhere vaguely rapey
    Scootah's ejaculate has a chemical structure similar to cocaine.

    Barack Obama is proud to be Scootah's eskimo brother.

    In the time it took me to write this post Scootah turned down more threesome opportunities than I will have in a lifetime.
  14. Disgustipated

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Gold Coast, Australia
    I can probably field that one.

    The kink community is generally pretty tight knit and slightly paranoid. They're always subconsciously on the lookout for "tourists", whether they're innocent rubberneckers, players or trying to dig up dirt. There's always people in the community who don't want it to become public knowledge that they are - for example, they may have a job in which their reputation could be tarnished.

    A dead giveaway is someone who obviously freaks out. Some of the stuff that goes on can be very confronting and isn't to everyone's taste. If someone is freaked by everything going on, odds are they shouldn't be there.

    Odds are, as a newcomer, unless they arrive with someone then they're going to get grilled by someone. This is especially the case with guys, because you take a woman's normal level of mistrust and multiply it. It's also rare for drunkenness to the level you'd find at a club, so expect the women to be on point. For what it's worth, I got grilled at my first fetish event.

    Putting everything together, if you turn up to any sort of decent fetish event with the sole aim of scoring then you're going to get shot down very quickly and probably asked to never return.
  15. Stealth

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Do people get turned away for being too kinky?
  16. Disgustipated

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Gold Coast, Australia
    I'm sorry, I don't understand the question.....

    Basically, no. As in, there's no such thing. What matters more is how you conduct yourself and how unsavoury your particular kink is.

    Act like a jerk, and you'll get asked to leave and forget how to come back. Into kids or animals? Same as previous sentence, except you may have to run a gauntlet of sadists with nasty implements.

    Every group is different, but the prevailing sentiments are "safe, sane and consensual" (even if you happen to be into consensual non-consensual activities, ie "play rape"). Stepping outside that is grounds for exclusion.

    Note to Scootah and mods: feel free to tell me to shut up if I'm hijacking (duuuhhhh... obviously).
  17. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    The last guy scootah had to shut up now has a penis that looks like a pincushion.
  18. Disgustipated

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Gold Coast, Australia
    ...and still has nightmares about pineapples.

    Scootah doesn't own a laptop. Or a desktop. He owns a "backtop", because he's so busy screwing that the only way he can post on here is from a computer strapped to someone else's back.
  19. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    If you are new, the key is to be humble and obviously interested in learning. If you're an arrogant dick or clearly lying, people know and will shoot you down and warn their friends. If you're just new in town, somebody will email a friend or something in wherever you say you played before to check you out. It's also, imagine you were talking about rock climbing instead of BDSM, and you pretended that you knew what you were talking about... That's either going to be boring as fuck (we're abseiling of a 4 inch high step?) or dangerous. BDSM is much the same - in that you either have to swing small to maintain safety, which is a clear sign you're full of shit, or swing big and risk major fall out when you fuck up - and hospital trips often are a clear sign you're an idiot.

    I know lots of girls who've gone to hotels or houses to hook up with some guy who claimed to be into BDSM, and left half way through before they wanted to play, not fucking hold hands and cuddle. I also know lots of submissives who've ended up badly injured because some asshole lied about what their skill level.

    For what it's worth, Disgustipated still got grilled at his first party (assuming he means the one I think he means) despite me introducing him around and telling people that I thought he was a good guy. People really are understandably cautious about either being personally injured, or seeing their friends injured by someone who's lying about themselves. There are lots of people who will still play with newbies, they just want to take appropriate precautions and know what they're getting into.

    Consensual is the primary focus for exclusions really. I mean scat scenes are generally not welcome. And the general agreement is that kids and animals can't reasonably be considered consenting (and yes, I know all the counter arguments, Fido seems pretty happy and consenting while eating the peanut butter, etc; but I think fucking kids or animals is repugnant, so I don't really care). Most of the people I've actually seen asked to not come back were people who couldn't grasp the basics of 'ask permission or you won't get forgiveness'. I knew a guy who liked biting, and would bite people without asking. He found his welcome worn through fairly quickly and was lucky to keep his teeth. I knew a guy who hit on everything with tits and a heart beat... and some things without the heart beat. He just wouldn't take no for an answer and he wouldn't ever fucking stop sleazing on to everyone, including people who wanted nothing to do with him, like a random waitress at a lunch outing, with no association with the group, and clearly no interest in a guy 40 years her senior - he got told to fuck off and not come back fairly quickly. There's been a few others like that. A dominant chick punched her former submissive (a guy) in the face at a party and was promptly tossed out on her ear. That shit isn't cool.

    But if everyone involved is a consenting adult, pretty much anything goes. People will step in if it seems like what you're doing will end up with hospital trips and clubs in the news, partly for the safety of the poor person who you're doing dangerous shit too, and partly for the self interest of the rest of the party attendees who don't want to see themselves on the news because you were a tool.
  20. Stealth

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Wait; there are counter arguments to not fucking kids?

    My counter argument to their counter argument would be to want to beat ten shades of shit out of them.