My new goal: get the girl who is visiting for the weekend to go from not previously seeing her naked to posting boobies/booties. Where there is a will, there is a way. EDIT: Blue Dog, are you drunk already?
We'd better change that to 'only in the Midwest.' I'm pretty sure that every major city in Missouri has one of these clubs. I know I've been to one in Springfield and in Kansas City. Tonight the plan is to drink by myself since the husband is building fence yet again and my friend I usually drink with is on call and can't drink. I borrowed a bunch of movies from my sister's boyfriend so I think I might curl up on the couch with a cold drink and watch a few of them.
I'm currently in the back seat of my friend's car on the way to the local country club while he and the fiancé are blasting "rude boy." I fucking HATE this kind of music. Gonna blast iron maiden on the iPhone after I post this.
That's a good point. I'm sure places like that are referenced as the "local bar" in Texas. Of course the best part of this place and pretty much the only reason I can be talked into going, besides the smokin hotties in jean skirts and cowboy boots, is that its quarter beers between 9 and 10.
I can thankfully say that I have never been to such a bar in Kansas City. Not drunk, but having a drink.
What's up fuckers. Just want you all to experience the best reggae song of all time. This song brings back so many memories from the first year after I moved to Hawaii... Of course, the message of the song is sort of like that, but fuck, when this came out we blasted it alllllll the time. Just... perfect, easily the best period of my life. Somehow since then the bright sun and the beaches and all have changed into gray blah-ness. This song cuts through that and evokes something in me not so cynical. Sorry it cuts out early, only version I could find on youtube. Listen. (Inspired by Crown's post)
Like last weekend, I have a bottle of Beam and watching yet another awesome dinosaur (awesomeosaur?) movie: The Lost World. Unlike last weekend, I will NOT be calling my ex. Yeah, yeah...fuck you, MoreCowbell.
Hayden Panettiere is filming a tv pilot in the building right now. I'll try to do my duty for the boobie / booty thread, but no promises. EDIT: After some exploring of all the electrical wires going up and down the staircases, there is no filming going on. Just a bunch of random setting up. No Hayden for us.
Woo Hoo! I just stumbled in from the field. I had no desire to drink to excess tonight until a friend stopped by and we went wandering around the property. I spied my tractor sitting where I left it sitting over 6 months ago and decided I had to get it running. A couple shots of ether and she snorted to life. It took a couple of minutes of running and then all the hydraulics worked fine. The transmission was just being a bit grumpy, the high/lo was grinding, as were the 1-4 gears and she was lurching even with the clutch depressed when I'd force it into gear. I finally let her go for about 100ft and then everything worked just fine. Yay! My tractor is alive again and I can go tear shit up for no other reason then "It was in my way and I'm pretty sure it was smirking at me." I'm a hillbilly, so sue me. I'll run you over with my tractor.
I have been drinking on and off since 2:00 pm this afternoon finishing up season 3 of Californication. I am now 9 beers into an 18 of Bud and studying for Criminal Justice exam tomorrow. Wish me luck...
Jesus, Toytoy. Could you make yourself an easier target with such a gem of a photo? Somebody strike up a caption contest. Are you heading down to the ol' watering hole later where they greet you by warmly breaking a chair over your back? How many NASCAR ticket stubs do you have pinned to the wall next to your Velvet Jesus? THAT MANY? Fuck, man...
Drinking 3 Olives Cherry and Diet Coke tonight. Now going to try and rail the wife. Hope all you fuckers have a good night.
I thought it was a rather innocent picture... a man and his tractor. At least I'm not holding a gun, kicking empties out from under my feet, and have dead animals strung up in the background. Hmmmm...that might be something fun to do just for shits and giggles tomorrow. I might become a meme!
Question: how do you know you've been married too long? Answer: when fucking your wife becomes a quest akin to a college guy trying to get laid. Do or do not, there is no try (when having sex with your own spouse).