god bless ya gravy, you'll do great on the exam. i mean, it'll probably result in the entire prison population of kansas going free a la arkham asylum, but, eggs/omelettes/breaking, etc.
"Now dont forget to brush your teeth or goblins will kill your mother." Gotta love Adult Swim American Dad Oh so Im drunk, and have a posh hotel room for work this weekend, I may defile it with the scent of depravity. Jameson does me right
This. Great action, good story, and it was funny as hell. Some of the best one-liners I've ever heard.
I've made the mistake of getting really invested in a Facebook comment fight about homosexuality and religion that's happening on my trans friend's status. To clarify, I'm not participating in it, but oh man is it to juicy to watch go down. All caps is included. Edit: OH WAIT. I forgot that there was also race involved at the beginning. The original comment was my friend saying that there seems to be more black people that hate her for being gay/trans than there are white people hating her because she's black. IT IS A GOLDMINE. Edit again: I'm a little drunk and am so afraid I won't be able to stop myself from chiming in with something that will be hilarious only to me.
So I'm watching what I think is an old episode of "Columbo" and I'm pretty sure that this Ben Savage character is going to be killed off but now Andre the Giant shows up and now I have no idea what is going on...
Pfft! You wish. FYI, I'm actually watching a rare, never before seen episode of "Boy Meets World" where Andre the Giant kills Topanga... I bet you feel pretty foolish about now don't you...
OK, it's a super-duper honesty time that can only occur at 3 AM on a weekend. Are you ready for this? Spoiler I haven't had sex in two years. I broke up with my girlfriend a year ago and, well, it obviously wasn't a great relationship because duh... we haven't had sex in the last year we were together. The thing is, I've actually passed up sure thing hookups with random bar skags... No offence, they could actually have been really great girls for all I know but I keep fucking myself over because I can't shake the feeling that I'm the creepy, old, drunk loser at the bar (I'm 31 years old). WTF! I may be older than most but I'm not THAT old. Why can't I just act like I did in my 20's and not feel so self-conscious because, truth be told, I'm probably a WAY better catch than I was 5-10 years ago. I don't necessarily want any replies, this was more of a drunken rant than anything else.