Thanks, I'll probably wind up doing something like that. Maybe over spinach and rice. Ah, papillote. Well that looks fun too. We'll see!
I also recommend adding some cayenne or chipotle pepper to the flour to add some spice. Some salt or Tony's is choice. Be careful so the flour doesn't come off in the oil.
He won't care. My husband is one of the most easy going men on the planet. (He has to be, staying married to a basket case like me.) I have four tattoos, and he got his first on our first wedding anniversary. Mine are in non-visible places (my back and one on my ribs). The one thing he has said, a few times, is that he doesn't think I should get anymore text tattoos, because he thinks it's tacky to have too many. So for now, I avoid text tattoos, even though they're my favorite.
I have this on my ribs: Spoiler It means "destiny". I got it when I was way underage, and a little (read also: a lot) immature. If I could have a do-over, I'd have gotten it written in plain English, since Chinese means sweet fuck all to me. Chinese tattoos are so cliché, but at 15 years of age, things like that aren't part of your thought process. The other text tattoo I have is between my shoulder blades. It's cursive text, in Italian, that reads "pray for us sinners" (prega per noi peccatori), which is obviously from the Hail Mary. This one, I have zero second thoughts about. I am Italian (half) and as a conflicted Catholic, it suits me just right.
I think I might have a problem. Whenever I am stressed out, or majorly upset about something, I buy things. It is almost like therapy. I buy within my budget, so it's not THAT bad, but still, I would like to see the connection. My liquor bills has also gone through the roof. So, I have two new toys to play with. I bought a boat. I bought a fucking boat that was too big to be pulled by my truck. A little unsensible? Just maybe... But I really wanted a boat. Soo.... That led to me buying a truck that could pull my boat. I am completely in love with my 2006 Chevy 2500 4x4. I got an awesome deal. The dumbass dealer had no clue that the stereo had a dvd player, or that there was an amp and subwoofers under the seat. Sucker.
Hey since y'all have more experience renting Big Boy apartments than myself, maybe you can answer a question: Next month, I'm moving into a 2 bedroom in New York. The other person (who currently lives there, and whose lease I will be joining when she renews in July) asks that I address the security deposit to her, rather than the leasing agent for the building, so she can send it to her old roommate. From what I gather, the situation is that she is using my security deposit to pay back the old roommate's security deposit. Is this not abnormal? It makes me slightly nervous about getting my own security deposit back later. Everything else about it checks out. Nice building/apartment in a nice neighborhood owned by a seemingly reputable company. I've checked to make sure that she is actually employed. This story confuses me. For those who haven't heard, he's under federal investigation for using 2008 campaign funds as hush money for his baby mama. It's not the morality of it that confuses me. It's that John Edwards is richer than Jesus. We're talking about a guy who got $400 haircuts. Why would he not use his own money? He's actually this stupid?
I did this is college and got fucked by never getting my deposit back. Plus, it makes you responsible for any damage that was done before you moved in. What if the person moving out puts a bunch of holes in the wall moving their shit out. They already got their deposit back and it's on you now.
Said person is moved out already (they paid June but are not in the apartment) and I've seen the apartment. No significant damages.
Personally, I'd deal directly with the leasing/renting company, as they are bound by the landlord tenant acts and laws, and your friend/roommate isn't. In the end, if shit goes wrong in the apartment, you're ALL responsible, and the renting company will sue all of you individually for the entire amount if necessary. And the leasing company is only responsible to return the damage deposit to the individual that paid it to them. Explain the shit to them, and they should be able to do the proper paperwork/transfer to get it on record that you've paid your damage deposit. You ARE going to be on the lease, right?
I've had mixed experience with this, I got fucked (I ended up having to pay hundreds in damage that was there before I moved in) once in college, but did it twice out of college with good result. It's definitely not an uncommon way of handling it. You're definitely rolling the dice this way though, if you can work it out like Net suggested that's probably your best bet.
Awesome day so far... time to take the rest of it off even. Weather is getting nice and toasty, and the skies are finally clear. Tons of birds around my place nesting and about ready to have their eggs crack open, and one such robin has laid claim to a downspout right beside my front door. It's to the point that I get shrieked at if I use my front door now, and even get the evil eye as I walk down my hallway. (Sliding glass doors into the courtyard beside my main hallway). What a bitch.
I will go on record as saying there are few things I find sexier than a really nicely done rib tattoo on a woman. Probably has something to do with the way they have to lift their shirt to show it off. And the art and expression and whatnot. That shit, too.
I'll be driving my cat (yes, cat) I've had for 8+ years to the vet in about 20 minutes to be put to sleep. But hey, it's Friday!