No words. Thank you. Maybe I should add that picture to my Tombstone Thread idea. About sums up everything i'm thinking right now.
Has anyone else ever made the mistake of shaving their balls/base of the shaft and going running later that day in 80* weather? I did exactly that about a week ago, cue chaffing and ingrown hairs. Now it looks like I have acne around my dick. This in and of itself wouldn't be too bad right ? Just wait for nature to take its course and shit to go back to normal, but nooo. I've been sleeping with this chick for a few weeks now and have managed to avoid her since I made my mistake. Although the excuse of "studying for finals" worked rather well, today she basically called me out and asked me if I was seeing someone else. Her reaction upon seeing why basically went from, "WTF? Is that herpes?!" to uncontrollable laughing... at my penis. She still let me stick it in her though, so whatevs.
I'm making enchiladas. Just thought I'd share. Not the enchiladas. I'm sharing that I'm making them. See that, lurkers? That's the perfect drunk thread post right there. Becaus I ahve Jerry. ANd it's good. Tonka wants enchiladas. I'm not that drunk. There is no amount of drunk that could deal with that gas. No fucking way.
Gran Torino is on all night on TBS. New favorite word: Pussycake. For real this time. It's tits, not alpacas. Seriously. NSFW
In other news I am getting hammered. Finishing off my Piggly Wiggly beer. High class. Holy shit April Wine is tight.
The college I just graduated from 3 weeks ago got hammered by the tornado last week. Here's one of the dorms: Mother Nature sure can get pissed. Makes you wonder if the "End of the World" crowd is on to something, huh?
When I'm drinking a shitton of beer and playing computer games, don't get all up in my grill and want to start a conversation in broken English!! Ok now I feel like a bitch. Back to the beer...
I don't have anything excited, but something I'm pissed about. Last night there was an event downtown that is intended to draw crowds and showcase the local downtown restaurants and whatnot. Its held every first Friday of the month and all downtown establishments stay open late. Here is the email I sent the owner: Empty ass restaurant that is struggling to pay the bills is going to turn away people because of a small ass dog? Fuck them. By the way, their name is Summit Station Eatery if you feel like sending them shitty emails.
I forgot how awesome netflix instant through the xbox is. It makes these sort of expensive gaming headphones I bought now a solid investment as I am able to finally block out the domestic violence shit that goes on upstairs. If I can't hear the fighting I'm not obligated to do anything about it right?
Soooooo within the next couple weeks I'm going to be incorporating a non-for-profit that provides recreational therapy resources that as far as I can tell do not exist in Illinois (or at least not for free). The hilarious thing is that Illinois's Secretary of State has an entire webpage dedicated to "expediting fees" for all normal business services that turn a 3-4 weeks wait into 24 business hours max. Legal bribes are rad. Any actual advice from you disenchanted legal types is welcome. And Ballsack, making Jew jokes doesn't count.
Not sure you'd call it exciting, but it was a long day in the garage for me. But what an awesome day it was; 29 degrees and sunny. Started off just wanting to change the rear CV joints in my race car with the new ones that showed up in the mail this week, so I put the car up on the lift and went to town. Next thing you know, a lot of the bolts holding them in are fucked. Then I see that one of my shock towers is kind of stressed and cracking and not looking healthy. That meant I spent the afternoon dropping the engine, welding the shock tower, spending about 3 hours dremelling out about 8 fucked up bolts (seriously... who the fuck uses 12-point star studs any more?) replacing all the CV joints and boots, and then watching two monstrous rats climb down a 2x4 from the ceiling in my garage about 5' away from me. One got a 32mm wrench upside the head, the other got away. A quick trip to the local Canadian Tire, and I loaded up on enough rat poison that I'm sure I'll kill half the wildlife out here as a result. And then, just as it was getting dark, the bats came out and were snarfing down all the mosquitoes. So I sat there in a lawn chair on my dock for about an hour drinking beer and watching them do some insanely cool shit in the air. But I got a bit of a chill. So then I went and fell asleep in the hot tub. All in all it was a great day.
The grad formal was tonight. Man, I haven't been out this late in years. Strange to think I won't see many of those people for anywhere from months to years. And for many of them, it'll be decades, if ever. For some, ever will be too short, and for others, any amount of time is too long. Shit. Wore the kilt tonight. Decided to wear clothing underneath because I knew there would come a time when someone would try to expose my junk. An accurate prediction.