Well now that that's settled can we move on to the next one? What the fuck is up with pronouncing Missouri "Missoura"? Mya, can you provide some insight into this matter?
Why is Kansas pronounced "Can-siss", but Arkansas isn't pronounced "Ar-can-siss"? Is it Ca-rib'-ean or Ca-rib-be'-an? NewFOUNDland or NEWfunland? So many questions.
Why do you drive on a parkway but park on a driveway? If a seagull flies over the sea, what flies over a bay? And the one I still not figure out, how do blind people know when to stop wiping their ass?
Thats why those seeing eye dogs cost so much. Do you know how long it takes to train a dog to stop licking their own ass and start licking yours?* *edit: Parker says "about 2 weeks and 3 jars of Jif."
If you're asked to bring something non-meat to a BBQ, bring cole slaw. Cole slaw is mandatory with BBQ (or at least should be), and you can make a good one pretty simply: Buy 3 packages of shredded cabbage, 2 jars of Marzetti's cole slaw dressing, combine in a bowl and chill. I like to kick it up with some Cajun seasoning, too. And speaking of which, this is going to be a weekend of "Good food that's bad for you." We've got a load of relatives arriving today for the weekend to celebrate my daughter's and my graduations, so it's Babe's for fried chicken (and mashed potatoes, creamed corn, biscuits & gravy) tonight and then tomorrow, I'm smoking a 9 lb. pork butt for pulled pork in the digital smoker, making Carolina-style BBQ sauce, cole slaw as stated above, bacon and beans, and smoking chicken leg quarters on the Weber Performer. And for dessert, Mrs. L4L ordered a German chocolate cake and a red velvet cake.
Dixie, your girlfriends solve so many mysteries. Thank you. Well, no one should pronounce Kansas as "can-siss". Second syllable starts with a "z" sound and follows with an "uh" sound like in comma. I believe that Arkansas (and Kansas) are Native American words that were bastardized by our spelling. That lead to a screw up the pronunciation. In Kansas the screw up stuck. In Arkansas they had a fight about it, but passed some state laws that made ar-kan-saw the official pronunciation. Also, this reminded me of a fun example of English spelling irregularities.
I always thought that was so dumb. Fun fact: When I went to Arkansas when I was 16, I made it a point to mispronounce it everywhere I went. One time when a cop was in earshot when I pronounced it phonetically. He didn't do anything, and neither did anyone else. Those Arkansans can sure mispronounce other places though. I have a funny story (and by funny, I mean aggravating) about trying to find a town called "Bella Vista" in the mountains of Northern Arkansas. I knew I was in the right general area, but a lot of the smaller roads out there aren't marked. (way to go, Arkansas) I stopped at several different country stores to ask for directions (yeah, guys do that sometimes), and everywhere I went, people said that such a town didn't exist; they had never heard of it, even though they had been living out there all of their lives. Finally I got sick of it and brought out the map at the next store, and pointed out the town. The fat, bespectacled woman behind the counter said: "OHHH, you mean 'Bell-uh Vis-tuh." Stupid me, using the proper Spanish pronunciation. (Bay-ah Vees-tah) I found the town pretty quickly after that.
Tomorrow is a Girls Night at my GF's. There will be a small number but all of them are Mommies that will be childless. This means they go fucking nuts. It's like a phenomenon of some kind. The good part (maybe bad?) we are free to sleep there if we want to. This means they will be fucking nuts and hammered. I am taking my camera. Good times.
You know, of course, the name is even more likely to be Italian, in which case the proper pronunciation really is "Bell-uh Vis-tuh." But way to show those damned Arkansas folks.
When is somebody going to figure out how to fuck in black and white? It seems that much more classy/sexy.