Alternately, I told everyone he was a stranger from the internet. Once I started meeting people from here, I came out as a person who has friends on the internet. I would never tell someone the name of the board, though. But no one has really thought it's that weird, and I only feel really sad about it when I refer to someone as "my internet friend" when I haven't actually met them yet. And what the fuck is this shit with attachment limits?
If you are confused as to how to actually do this. Go to Upload from computer. Take the direct image link. It looks like Paste it here in the text box. And wrap the "Img" tags around it. Magic.
Even hot girls have smelly poop (shout out to Bewildered for embracing poo talk). I'm thinking that chick may have eaten a zombie.
What?!?!?!!?! And miss two months of half-drunken-four-in-the-morning-bordering-on-suicidal rants that are sure to follow? Oh no, my friend. You may well die in the next two months. But you will provide us entertainment on your way to hell.
Leftover drunk food is perfectly acceptable breakfast fare and I will hear no discussion to the contrary.
Re: Re: It's Da First of Da Month! WDT 6/1/12 Personally I like leftover pizza that has been out on the counter next to the empty beer cans for at least 18 hours. Good shit man.
Welp, after circling the drain for the past few weeks I think my iphone is officially dead. I have been batting around the idea of trying a different smart phone, as well as a different service provider, so I guess now is the time to make the big decision. Meaning that I will get lazy and just pick up a new iphone rather than do the research. If I was going to get a new iphone, I had at least hoped I could wait until the 5 came out. Shit.
I might have a slight comedy buying problem. I've recently bought Louis's special, Jim Gaffigan's special, Shakespeare, Two Drink Mike, Death of the Party, What I Should Have Said Was Nothing, and New in Town, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to get something else today when I can decide what. Also, I may have been drunk last night. Good morning TIB. Namaste.
So far, I have: Gotten the pork smoking as of 7 am Made the cole slaw (flip of the bird to bandit--slaw is awesome!) Made the BBQ sauce Picked up the cakes Washed and vacuumed my truck Managed to not kill any of the in-laws...yet I even squeezed in a meeting this morning. Next is season the chicken with some rub, vacuum out the spa, and then chill on the patio until its time to cook the chicken. Beautiful day here!
I feel you. Music and Comedy are two things I spend way too much money on. Also booze. Did you get Louis C.K. Live at the Beacon Theatre from his site? Best buy ever. Looks like there's some more stuff on his site now. Word - Live at Carnegie Hall is looking promising. On a related note - anyone who has spotify should check out The Hives - Take back the Toys. Just bought the album and this track is the one I'll be listening to repeatedly for a while.
This morning, I woke up so hungover that I got dizzy and almost fell over while taking my morning pee. On the bright side, my roommate didn't have to find my lifeless body laying in a puddle of my own pee while cats feast on my corpse (I assume that is what the ungrateful little bastards would do) AND I'm hardly feeling hungover at all anymore. I went to see a band called Deer Tick last night. I had heard of them but didn't know any of their music and they surprised the hell out of me. They're pretty rocking, there was a lull in the middle of their set where they played a lot of mellow, slow stuff but they ended their set pretty strong. The opening band was pretty rad too despite their horrible name, they were called Turbo Fruits and they're form Nashville.
I have spent my morning discussing the finer points of hydraulic log splitters and shoving cross ties into place. I am happy to report that my father and I can musically agree on The Black Keys and CC Adcock. Of all of the things about my home state that I forgot...the rednecks in shorts, dear God the rednecks that should never own shorts. Of everyone that has welcomed me home, about 3 knew where Indonesia even fucking was and the amount of ham stuffed into short pants is staggering.