There's something magical about scotch and me: three fingers and I'm ready for action. Nothing else quite gets it done as well. Saw friends, made dumplings, watched Mexican friend with a broken leg saunter off to die for substandard pussy, watched Fraiser, got home, passed out.
Really not THAT hung over, but then again I'm not sure. I feel like if I move to fast, or make a sudden movement I will be. Tried fucking a couple hours ago and couldn't get off, so I'm pretty sure I'm fucked up. That made me kinda sea sick actually. I think taking a shit and shower will cure this... Then fix that orgasm thing. And fuck YEAH NIGHT RANGERS ROOOOOOOCKS!!!!!!!!!! I can't find the link (scrolling is not agreeing with me) but I heard a story a few years back of a 40-something year old woman, arrested after being caught twice trying to sneak into a Nigh Ranger show.
Cant. See. Straight. Last night was weird. Met a girl at the bar, we hung out, bought each other shots, danced (which I don't do), and had an all around good time with her friends and mine. At the end of the night I calmly and confidently went in for a kiss and was met calmly and confidently with a facepalm. I didn't ask for her number after that, but I did go home and fill a tumbler with Macallan's and hatefuck my hand. Now the last thing I want to do is talk to a bunch of assholes wanting to bet on preseason. Oh, and the perfect grip: NSFW
That's what I'm talkin' about!! I'm going to have to start drinking soon because my youth is flashing before my eyes. (That and the wife, kids, and I are heading to a party around four, and what's a party without a little pre-gaming?) And one more. Check out Geoff Tate's mullet. They really should have made a feature film out of Mindcrime.
I puked 4 times in the toilet last night. It came out my nose too. I think I'm done drinking for the weekend.
Grocery shopping behind an old man today, I heard him talking to himself. Awesome, the guy was a schizo. Come to find out he's on a bluetooth. Not a schizo, just a douchebag.
My friends and I would play this game all the time when I was in NYC. See a person talking to themselves and try to guess whether they are crazy or on a bluetooth. Always a good time.
Tonight is the second-to-last event for the Atlanta Rollergirls roller derby this season, and my best friend and I have tickets for both bouts. I've never seen roller derby outside of Whip It! and season one of Rock of Love, so I'm absolutely psyched. Free parking, cheap concessions, and our three liter box of cabernet (BYOB for the win) are just the whipped cream, sprinkles, and cherry on top. My only question is how we're going to get home...
I wonder how much we'd save on cars if they stopped installing turn signals in them. Nobody fucking uses them anymore, so why bother? A taste of home...