To be fair, everything you said after skateboarding applies to almost every sport. We've all known the kid that was the hardest worker on the team but was never going to start. There are a lot more Rudies out there then there are Ray Lewises. Hell I live in Indiana, a state chock full of short white guys that are obsessed with playing basketball.
Because you should only do things when you're good at them. I know you like bitching for the sake of bitching, but that's a pretty sad sentiment.
Yes, but in actual, real sports even if you're bad you can pick up basic fundamentals like shooting or smacking a ball around. This..... What the fuck is this? Landing on your head twenty times, NEVER landing the stunt or even making it look cool. You look like the retarded kid others tell to run head-first into a brick wall because you don't feel pain. Free corps: there's a difference between bitching and visible fact. There can't be any fun with hurting yourself constantly.
Crown, I have figured out why you don't like Facebook. You are the person everyone loves to make fun of on Facebook. You have a shitty life, and instead of working to fix it, you just bitch about everything else. You have nothing positive, entertaining, or constructive to add. Just bitchiness aboit everything. I think you need to talk to your doctor about switching your birth control because your horomones are all out of whack.
Possibly the best weekend of my life, we went to the party at Jonathan Edwards winery for a friend's 30th and had a fucking blast. Everyone was super cool, there were raw oysters, good wine, good weather and good music. The GF and I won two bottles of wine in a barrel rolling competition as well. I think we're going to try to make this an every year thing from now on, the next times probably won't be as good (they never are) but fuck I don't see how they could screw it up. Today on the other hand has been terrible, ugh.
You have managed to find a high horse. I suggest you use it to go looking for self-awareness, Frebis.
What do you guys think? Is this gonna be another Casey Anthony fiasco or do they actually have this loser's number this time?
Man I swear HLN is the lowest form of humanity since the Nazi's opened that slave whorehouse in Auschwitz (this is not hyperbole). Nursing a hang over yesterday I watched a few of their mid-day Dateline style murder mystery shows. The one commercial pimped out every commercial break was the preview for the Zimmerman trial. STARTS JUNE 10th!!!!!!!!!
I'm willing to make a wager that hotwheelz manages to get laid before you do. Get off your low horse (pony) please.
Cmon man. Some of the time I find your rants entertaining, but this is just plain wrong. It can be a ton of fun to try something that is difficult over and over until finally landing it. And if the risk of failure is pain? Then that just means no pussies are allowed. I loved football, but was a marginal player at best. Same with rugby. Powerlifting hurts, and I might never have a 700 lb squat, but I'll be damned if I don't have fun trying even though it hurts. Your argument doesn't hold water. If you don't like it, or think it's silly, or want to pull up your pants and yell at the kids while shaking your cane because they're skating in front of the public building then fine, go for it. But dismissing it because you don't like it is stupid. they're not doing it for you, and chances are they're not doing it for girls either.
Yeah, there MIGHT be a couple retards who think doing parkour will get them chicks but come on, those people are in the vast minority, most just find it fun like skateboarding, skiing, snowboarding, etc. At the same time though, hating seems to be Crown's sport of choice and I like reading most of his rants.
Sorry, ill explain. The reason I ranted about this was over the weekend, I watched this guy nearly kill himself doing this. I was feeding ducks at a park with my daughter and I saw some kids leaping off a dirt mound-- a construction dirt mound, filled with jagged hunks of concrete and wood and whatnot. Despite the protest from his friends, I watched this idiot try to tornado flip off the mound a dozen solid times. Every time he would cpletely wipeout, collect a contusion or gash, then tell his friends to fuck off when they urged him to stop and try again. Finally, he knocked himself out cold so bad he was still out when the meat wagon showed up. The clincher: these guys had to be in their mid-twenties. There are lots of dangerous sports: downhill mountain biking, Jai Lai, AFL, sports where you can get really fucked up. But they also have a state of control, rules and more often than not equipment to help shield you from harm. Even in animalistic sorts like rugby you still protect your ears and balls, and walk off the field when you get hurt.
The reason this is true for parkour and not other sports is that playing basketball poorly doesn't make you look like a flailing idiot child who is off his ADD meds. Parkour is one step above planking on the "this shit is stupid, stop it" scale.
Im kind of with Crown here on this one. I don't get the dedication to something as overwhelmingly futile as trying to become even barely proficient at skateboarding. My little brother and some of his twerp friends were outside my house for YEARS trying to learn the first and most simple skateboard trick, the ollie. Not one of them ever became good enough to pull it off semi-regularly. Same went for the late 30's losers that hung out at the top of my street during college. None of them looked gainfully employed but somehow the 24/7 sidewalk practice never produced anything other than hilarious spills practicing literally the first trick in the book. I'll give you the fact that when someone does master skateboarding it takes an amazing amount of talent and skills. But after years of failing at the basics you think you'd try a new hobby. I think a lot of it people just dig the image and lifestyle. Something I don't get but I guess to each their own.
See how easy it is to quickly shit on something you don't know about that others may enjoy, yet at the same time, has absolutely no bearing on your life in any way? Not that I'm an avid fan of Parkour, but, honestly at the end of the day, unless it's your kid or someone you personally know out there, who gives a fuck?
Who gives a fuck about anything? We complain about stuff on here and make fun of it, or is your head dived entirely up your tight ass? Lighten the fuck up. It's called "ridicule" and it's fun. In case you didn't notice, others are in in it too. Go on Reddit with the other pussies if its too much for you here.