My 10 year reunion is next year. If I get an invite I'll be impressed. Pretty much once I graduated high school I left the state and really have never been back.
My 25th is next year, but I made such a spectacle of myself at my 5th that I don't get invitations to anything anymore.
Re: Re: It's Pronounced "JIF", Weekend Drunk Thread My class is so full of lazy assholes that nobody could agree on a 5 or a 10 year reunion, I'd say 80% of them wanted it at a fucking chuckie cheese I shit you not. They wanted to bring kids to a reunion, think I'll pass.
My 30th is next year. College, not high school. I'm going. I figure after 30 years, the university either forgot about all that past shit or the statute of limitations has expired.
My 10 year is next year as well. I had a really small graduating class of 93 people. No one really cared about each other then and I can't imagine it'll matter a year from now.
If you're connected with anyone from your high school on facebook you can pretty much guarantee you will get the invite, I mean it's free to extend it electronically. I think I mentioned this before but mine had a horrible turnout, out of a class of about 200 only about 30 people (including dates) showed up. Now a lot of us live in different states, so that's understandable, but there were a ton of people who still live in town that didn't show. The saddest part is that we had the reunion at a fairly inconvenient location for people in the area, but close to the airport for out of staters, not a single person flew in. It was still pretty fun and I'll most likely go to the next one. In summation, unless it's really inconvenient or you despised everyone you went to school with, just go to your fucking reunion. It's just one night and you'll probably have a good time.
Just to be clear this wasn't directed at anyone personally, I just always hear bullshit excuses about "high school drama" for reasons that people don't go.
Yea. I'm sure I graduated with some nice people I wouldn't mind seeing again, but there are far far more that I hated then and they hated me. I don't think 10 years passing will have changed that. I was a misfit in school, and not the cool kind that was misunderstood and had cool friends, I flat out did not fit in with that group of people.I went to a small catholic school, so its not like I didn't have friends, just not in that school. I think my graduating class was 150. I'd rather go on a Christian retreat for a month than spend one night with those dicks again.
This morning I had a dream that I was buying a big bowl of mac n cheese with a coupon (it came out to only $.54!) at Super Walmart. Hillary Clinton was pissy at the check out girl because Bill was boning her so when the check out girl couldn't properly handle my coupon, Hillary came in to push her out of the way and take care of it.
My ten year is this year and the reunion is sometime this summer. I might go as I still live in my hometown and it is taking place at a local bar/pizza joint. It's all being planned out on facebook and Ive perused the planning and it is a joke. Someone offers up going to a baseball game if just one person says they can't make any suggested date it's scrubbed*. A girl who graduated a year or so before me told me the same thing happened with her reunion. It was facebook organized and after no one could agree to anything they wound up just picking the same spot we did. She said 15-20 people showed. Mostly people who still live in the city and still hang out regularly anyway. Facebook has really killed the need for physical reunions. I'd be down to make any excuse to drink with people I haven't drank with since high school but if I didn't live here still I'd probably pass. *our local high school football rivals are having their 10 year by renting out a luxury box at a Reds game. Something big enough to be worth a trip if I lived out of town.....
I am so convinced that it's like jif and not gift, that I am assuming y'all don't know what hard means. (That's what she said.) Seriously, though, I have never heard anyone say it like gift, but then, I don't hear it a lot. Must just be a thing y'all do in Canadia. I am concerned, though, that this thread has more pronunciation examples instead of samples of creative kitty (pronounced titty) gifs.
I don't really see the issue, tbh; if a question is interesting, it's interesting. (I assume that was directed at me?)
I usually alternate without much thought. Much like how I play mini golf both handed, never noticed until someone pointed out that I was lining up differently constantly.