This just in. An 84 year old Florida women claimed the jackpot for the 600 million dollar lotto. In other news, there is no god.
I just had the worst conundrum ever. Do I take the last two days off from work and have some time off before jumping into my new job OR work those two days and get paid for them. Fucking shit, I took the money.
I disagree with both of you. If you're going to dip, a pencil right through the jugular is the only way to fly.
Re: Re: It's Pronounced Yeah, that's just about the grossest thing I ever heard. Why not just bareback pro-bono hookers while you're at it? Here I am thinking its nasty when dudes used to drop cherries out of their bare ass cheeks into a shot and drink it
I know a guy that slept with a random and then, afterwards while she was passed out, she shit his bed. I think I'd rather sleep with her than drink a bottle of dip spit.
Re: Re: It's Pronounced When I was in rehab, I got dip smuggled in for me. Since getting caught meant getting my ass sent back to jail, I couldn't spit anywhere (indoors at least), so I would just swallow it. The first few times are nausea inducing (not unlike the first few cigarettes you ever smoke), but after awhile you get used to it. One of my diesel instructors does the same thing. Once I got out of there, I never dipped again and went back to cigarettes.
Re: It's Pronounced One girl at a freshman year party was drunk enough to chug half a can full of dip spit before she noticed, and immediately projective vomited (not unlike a scene in The Exorcist). I tried it twice in high school and won't bother again. The smell can make me a little nauseous.
How else does the pub become a local and you a regular if you don't start going there without knowing anyone?
Had a guy come through today being presumptively treated for gonorrhea after getting a blowjob. He was rather stressed about waiting for the test to come back as this would dictate whether or not he would have to disclose this fact to the wife. Cheating: not even once. On the bar alone thing, I've done it a fair bit, or at least, I did it a fair bit while I was living abroad/travelling. Sometimes it was at an airport (drinking mandatory) or there was a certain bar I really wanted to go to (Brussels, drinking mandatory) or because fuck it a beer isn't a bad idea right now (Europe, beer is ALWAYS a good idea). I'd always try to find temporary friends at the hostel but sometimes you find you're in a hostel full of German dentists and the only people who would be less trustworthy to drink with than German dentists would be German surgeons specializing in separating conjoined twins.
That simply cannot be real fucking comments. Does reading The Hunger Games cause brain damage or something?
Shout out to the dude who sat next to the me on the bus. Most people would be too uptight to combine George R.R. Martin swag with reading feeder porn in public, but you did the damn thing.
And they're likely still at, or not far past, that age when going to a bar is accomplished only with a large group of friends. I can give you a half dozen reasons to go to a bar alone. Traveling for business would be No. 1. As for one piece bathing suits - the hottest woman I've ever seen in a bathing suit was wearing a white one piece. I like a good bikini, the smaller the better, but one-pieces can be extraordinarily hot on the right woman.
I have a new respect for this board discussing one piece swimsuits and not mentioning That Show. If there was ever a reason to talk down about the 90's, that was it. I had a friend back then 100% obsessed with Pamela Anderson. Why? The obnoxiously fake-titted dummy that was beat with the world's most expensive ugly stick? Pass. I did not get why one billion men thought of her as the hottest chick on wheels. Although to be fair, she WAS really cute when she was the Labatt Blue Zone girl. In 1988.
Screw those people down at the bus stop, if they knew any better, they wouldn't be riding the bus. Fuck em' Fuck em in the mouth.-Carlin