I don't get it. What is that suppose to be? And what's with the yellow thing in the back? Is it suppose to be corn or something? Cobbers? I'm so confused. EDIT: Yes, yes he's suppose to be corn. Surprisingly, I am still just as confused.
It's like they thought "If Gary Busey was a corn cob..." "Cobbers" has to be used as a sexual term somehow up there.
I tried to pass this on in rep, but apparently I've recently already told you how awesome you are. (Must've been the bikini thread . . .) I spent a week or two every summer for about 25 years at Jekyll Is. There's a hilariously bad water park there. (I still go to St Simons Is every year or so, which is right next to Jekyll.) The island is owned by the State, and if you build a house there, you're just leasing the land. The REAL old money is just north across the water on Sea Island. Or ride over to St Simons and eat at Barbara Jeans or Gnat's Landing. You think it's hot now? I went to a wedding last AUGUST in St Simons.
One of you Canadians is a goddamn liar. I get to Moncton, see a Tim Horton's thinking I can get some poutine there and they look at me like a jackass. Since TH's used to be owned by Wendy's, I turn around walk five feet and it's there. The is a place in the mall called New York Fries, all poutine. I've been to New York, no one knows what that shit is. All of you are liars. This place is cool though, I live it when you say sorry, "surrie" love it!
I wish I wouldn't get all awkward when people are being paid to do work that I could really be doing. Furniture movers, housekeepers, bellhops, whatever. I'm not even the one paying for this. I would like to think this is stubborn self-reliance, but really it's just my overwhelming need to please people. I also wish I didn't over-analyze every interaction I have. To redeem this post find an attractive girl in a sundress below.
New York Fries will only be found in food courts. It is nothing special , it used to be only their mediocre fries. Wendy's is fighting to get pouting made as our national food. Way to promote health and wellness, fuckfaces. Are you kidding my fine ass? Find a restaurant called Moxie's (it's a chain), you 'll like the staff there. They have a habit of being very Easy on the eyes.
I've heard its a controversy in the state whether to mandate storm shelters in homes as part of the building codes. Something along the lines of not letting the gov't dictate what they can and can't do. Also something along the lines of poor people can't afford them. Well poor people can't afford health care either. So 3000 for a shelter upfront or untold thousands for healthcare later. Seems simple to me. But people always have the attitude of it won't happen to me or don't care until it happens.
My daughter got the stun gun delivered today that my mom ordered for her because she's worried about her getting attacked as she walks from her car in the parking lot to her job. She got one for me in college which only got used when the guys that lived across the street came over drunk and used it on each other. It is very effective. I say gif with a hard g. It just makes more sense.
There is an economics concept known as Giffen goods. They are not known as Jiffen goods. There is no such person as Gabrielle Jiffords. Our national parks were not founded by Jifford Pinchot. There is only one word in the English language (and its modifications) that also starts with "gif." That is gift. QED.
Just found out that my local liquor store has started stocking moonshine, of the legal variety. I picked up a large mason jar of it for $14 thinking it was for shits and giggles. Taste test indicates it is indeed delicious. As well as fire water. I may not survive this weekend.
On the otter hand, this thread now has 100% more otters. And if you scroll down on GIS far enough you find otter slash-fic. What in the fucking fuck, you fucks? Otters have been Rule 34'd.
Ah wedding talk. So here's my situation this year with names changed to protect the innocent/emotionally damaged. Early in the relationship with the GF we went to her friend Lisa's place for a party, my friend Blake came with us. They hit it off, got serious and moved in together. A couple years later they break up and all of a sudden she is dating this guy Kyle, who was Blake's roommate in college. I have no idea how the two even met, Blake and Lisa started dating after college, and I don't think Blake and Kyle were even hanging out when this all went down. Blake is getting married the first weekend in August, Lisa and Kyle are getting married THE WEEK AFTER. And then both Blake and Lisa are going to be in our wedding party in September. I REALLY wanted to make them walk the isle together for the sake of outstanding awkwardness but the GF is a good soul and vetoed (but agreed it would have been awesome) it because she didn't want to hurt Blake's fiancee's feelings.
Actually my good man, there were zero otters before, so "100% more" would still mean zero otters, think of 100% more as doubling. zero times two is still zero.
The presence of CharlesJohnson reminds me of a disturbing "music" video I was made aware of yesterday. I need better friends. NSFCMC I'm not kidding; this will be pleasant to few people not named 'DixieBandit' [rnsfw]https://player.vimeo.com/video/59658050[/rnsfw] I await you all in hell.
I almost shit myself at work today. That was #6 on the List of Things I Liked Least About the Last 5 Days.