With a big "X." Duh. Libraries are the new Blockbuster video. Netflix didn't kill Blockbuster, the libraries did. Plus they're free. I go in every few weeks. Aside from a couple old codgers, couple randoms, only I am looking at books. Everyone else is, loudly, slinging around DVDs. Not a few, but a lot of people. The top floor of the place is filled with people on computers. Thousands of books, a lot of them worth a damn, going unread. Shame too for this place since it is a beautiful modern library. I like to think most of those folks check out a book to take home once they're done on Facebook. I also like to think I have a huge cock. Don't get me started on reading and writing. My 37 year old boss has no writing syntax, nor can he spell for shit. When he speaks it is coherent, when he writes it is broken English. He makes three times as much as me. No, I'm not bitter. My handwriting is shit, but cursive helps. Cursive isn't just some formal BS. It is an art form to train your hands, your brain, your eyes. Since I stopped using it out of laziness, my penmanship has deteriorated to the point of odd slashes and dots that only an expert in cunieform could read. Yeah, I think cursive is absolutely necessary in school. It all ties in to reading and comprehension I think; at least on some subconscious level. Citation needed.
Shenanigans. Every female writes cursive like a goddamn dark ages monk. Every female is factory-installed with that identical, perfect cursive writing that they all do. Everyone in here knows exactly what I'm talking about, my wife has it, my mom has it, my daughter will have it. Why can women do that? Along with their cycles lining up, I swear they are linked together by a cosmic hive mind.
One time my dad had an all-night nuclear meltdown at my brother for his handwriting. Which is odd as he never mentioned anything about his handwriting and then one night, BOOM. Not that he was much for keeping his temper in the first place. God knows what set him off but I remember a lull in the yelling for a while then we were in bed and "...YOU SEE THIS ENVELOPE? A MAILMAN HAS TO READ IT TO KNOW WHERE TO SEND IT". The only time it was brought up after was the next night when he reminded me to do my homework legibly, then that was it. Parents. (Nb I am at my parents' place in Toronto for the weekend)
Fuck cursive. I don't know if I could even write cursive anymore. It's been at least 25-30 years since I've written anything other then my name in cursive. My aunt's decline continues quickly. Tonight she started playing with her shit and loudly yelled "Fuck!" I've never heard her use that word.
Yeah...so it turns out old money likes to drink their bourbon maybe even more than I do z This place is beautiful. $300/night and $200 to have your makeup done both days. Bf and I are staying at a hotel down the road and I'm doing my own makeup. #slummingit. I actually feel like I have next to nothing in common with the grooms family and most of his friends. Kinda makes me wonder about who my best friend is marrying. They have too many "rich kid drug addict adult kid" problems for my liking.
Is this a bad fucking joke? My cursive is terrible. Well, it is passable, because I have to slow down to a snail's pace to get anything out. I write everything in print, except my last name which is only 4 letters. I sign capital letter of my first name and a scrawly last name. Because signing on those credit card machines is fucking stupid anyway because the signature that is staring back at me before I hit the Enter button is as close to the original as the shit I took after my body destroyed the beans I ate.
I'm actually trying to change my signature because I think the way I write capital E's looks stupid with the rest of it. The muscle memory is pretty hard to break.
Okay, I'm not saying every single Vagino-American can write perfect cursive. But a LOT of them can, and it's always looks the same. Mine is decent, but I've always been good at designing signs and such with different texts. We need cursive, because you feel really silly printing while using your giant oversized Charles Dickens quill pen to count shillings.
Hey if anyone feels like being extremely creeped out, I recommend Behind the Candleabra. Holy crap Liberace was a weirdo.
My handwriting: I don't know if it's I'm lazy, just don't care, or I try to rush it. I have a hard time reading it sometimes. I am embarrassed to sign my name in certain situations and I refuse to be the note-taker in group settings.
Maybe it's just your family's handwriting. Anyone else noticed this? I don't know if it has to do with having the same teachers (similarities in handwriting between siblings) or if it is a genetic thing, but I have noticed very close handwriting styles in my family. Like not just from one sister to another, but I have close handwriting to my dad. I don't recall him ever helping me with school work and we certainly didn't have the same teachers. It's uncanny.
I used to doodle a cartoon penis on those machines, but I had a bad experience when the system randomly told the cashier to match my signature to the back of my card. There's always Blackletter. I swear that most of those letters look exactly the same to me.
Hey, Lenny Kravitz wrote Are You Gonna Go My Way on a used brown paper bag with half a pencil. You never know what art could turn out to be.
I never noticed until my father passed, but he and I have the same name and our signatures are damned near identical.
My signature is the same as my dads. There's a reason for that though. Back in grade school we use to get weekly or bi weekly grade reports (I forget), we'd have to take them home, have a parent sign them and bring them back. Well because of my ADD my grades weren't always great, and by not always I mean usually (I've always been a b,c student). Naturally I didn't want my dad to see them, so I started forging his signature. Often. It was all well and fun until parent teacher conferences come around and my dad is presented with a whole bunch of grade reports which he apparently signed. Of all my siblings I've always been the colorful/difficult/interesting one.
Huh, I never thought about it but I guess my handwriting is sort of mixed between printing and cursive. I think my mind goes back to the stuff I formally learned in school when I try to scrawl out "real" cursive and it takes fucking forever. My real writing is just whatever I can write as fast as I can, and sometimes the letters link up a little.