That's no defense. "One" and "Shoe" don't follow rules and stand as the only words pronounced their way. Nobody champions the cause to pronounce them "Own " and "Show". That typo is fucking hilarious.
I've been "blessed" with girly handwriting. It's very big, loose and loopy(just like your mom's vagina), but at least I don't dot my I's with little hearts. I think that would be pushing things too far. I've ingested large quantities of alcohol tonight and I ate enough steak where I may poop out a baby cow in the morning. This makes me both happy and sad. Why does the steak not want to stay inside me? Stupid steak. In more exciting, but less fecal news, my GF brought by our doggie tonight and we played in the yard for hours. He's a Dachshund and that little fucker is such a good dog. I have to be at work in 4 hours. This post has been brought to you by the letter F, and the package store down the street.
I've had the bush-fires and floods thing happen not too far from me and I've been in a couple of cyclones when I was living up in Nth Queensland. Last one I was in was a Cat 4 that I slept through. Only person that died was some fuckwit that started his generator inside without any ventilation.
Aunt: Toytoy! TOYTOY! TOOOOYTOOOOY! Me: What;s wrong? Aunt: I need three pills. Me: Why do you need three pills? Aunt: Are you stupid? What's wrong with you? Me: What pills do you need? Aunt: Pills. PILLS PILLLLLLS! Three of them you dumb ass. What"s wrong with you? Me: Okay, here you go... I gave her three raisins and a sip of water, crisis averted. I hope none of y'all ever have to go through this because it sucks ass.
I'm honestly shocked cursive is still being taught at all. It was completely worthless when I learned it 20ish years ago, and we're still wasting formative education time teaching it? Jesus. Talk to people who have taken classes in a language that actually makes sense.
In unrelated news I still haven't gotten my first solo skydive in because of the fucking wind, today looks like it might be the day though, here's hoping. If things don't pan out, I leave my Tucker Max books to Nom.
Anyone else ever get into the situation where you're trying to jack off but mid stroke you realize you have to poop and it becomes a beat-the-clock situation?
Never, but I did get caught once finishing off when the owners of the house I was living in knocked on the door for a random unannounced chat and opened the door wrapped in a towel.
Yeah, now imagine that situation and the hooker is waiting for the facial. Gets downright uncomfortable. Not that I'd personally know, or anything.
One of my best guy friends is getting hitched today. Yay! New dress, new heels, new pearl necklace (not the kind I'd hoped for), nails painted, tan activated... and I'm ready to get smaaaaaashed. Euro trash, right here. Not ashamed.
Well, no. I'm 100% Canadian. My dad was born in Italy and my mom is Czech. But my outfit and my tan scream Euro trash.
You're Canadian, you're Euro trash by default. Also, it looks like the rest of the board wants me to poop on you or something, you game?