I can't help but think of a scene in a porn film where Tera Patrick is playing a girlscout selling cookies and knocks on a door that is answered by TT Boy. Being at work prevents me from putting up a link so give it a Google if you're interested , the first minute of it is quite funny.
People who like the taste of coconut are mentally defective. Thin Mints by a fucking light year. My second choice is the peanut butter patties. Side note: One of the perks of working at a restaurant that sold York Peppermint Patties is the fact that you learned that eating them with oyster crackers produces the same salty sweet thin mint taste. The waitresses always used to snack on them shits. Could get you through to the next year.
Where's the option for Girl Scout Cookies are awful? I know I'm going to get red dotted for this, but having tried 5 or 6 different varieties, I have to say they suck ass. I'll take a dang Oreo over them shits any day.
How could you pick thin mints? You idiots don't know what's good for you (Samoas by the way). You people are the same reason the zoo has signs telling you not to climb in to the lion cage.
If chocolate and peanut butter are a sexy man and woman couple, then chocolate and mint are a sexy leprechaun and cougar floating on the clouds and having a nonstop sex marathon. At least, that's what my taste buds are telling me.
I love the thin mints as much as almost everyone else, but the peanut butter ones win out with me. And on a related note, more on those sinister smiles and salesmanship...
Thin Mints. Followed closely (not really) by Samoas and Tagalongs. True Story. Oh, and what is with these new names? It worked for all of eternity (in this story, Thin Mints are crafted from the cloth of the creation of the universe, one of those undeniable universal forces like entropy or death. But tastier.) so why change now? Bastards.
The Oreo Mint & Cream cookies taste exactly fucking like Thin Mints... only with better texture. About the dual name thing... There are two bakeries that make Girl Scout Cookies. Depending on which bakery your cookies come from, they might be called a different name. Focus: I can't vote for one favorite. I love Samoas. I love Lemonades. I love Peanut Butter Patties. Thin mints taste good but the texture (this year's were hard as bricks) and Peanut Butter Sandwiches will do in a pinch.
The mint oreo blizzard at DQ also tastes a lot like thin mints. If only they made actual thin mint and oreo blizzards.
HAHAHA. They all have ridiculous names. For the price of 3 boxes of cookies, I can get a 1kg. (2 lbs 2 oz.) bag of Cadbury's Astros or Peanut M&M's and proceed on my way to diabetic coma. It is IMPOSSIBLE to eat that amount of chocolate in one sitting without puking and/or dying. You can't even do it in 2 days. Three? Maybe. Also, no-one sells things house-to-house here in South Africa. You never know who has armed security, their own arsenal and/or attack dogs. Shit, the Jehovah's Witnesses only come around recruiting every 2 years or so. I love security gates. So, we don't get Girl Guides/Scouts cookies here in S.A.
I can't decide. I didn't get the dubious pleasure of having one of them knock on my door selling them, but a lady brought some into my bar Wednesday night that were extras. I told her to just give me one of everything she had left. Five boxes later....