We really need a logo and banner image contest. I figured the POS I made would encourage someone to do better.
And I intend to exchange yours for the one I'm currently using on TiB's twitter (which is being updated daily, especially once I get home from work). Just didn't happen today because I honestly didn't feel like fucking with it. Anyone better than me at making stuff like graphics work -- again, I don't even know how to post the picture of a tweet on here, and my ability to re-size a photo consists of MS paint knowledge... please contact me; I know content and brand messaging very well, but I know zip about graphics and code and stuff.
I used to be a graphic designer for a bit. If you have ideas for memes I can whip something up on my spare time.
Don't use mine. That took 3 minutes in inkscape and a font I made from my handwriting so I could "write" a letter to a woman I wanted to bang. I'll make a much less terrible one. But if we are going to have a contest. Profile image is 400 by 400 pixels Banner is 1500 by 500 All windows PCs come with "Paint" which is good enough for basic image resizing and cropping. They also come with a program called "Snipping Tool" it is for choosing sections of screen to capture. Alt-Print Screen will grab a screen shot of the currently active window that you can paste into paint. Also I have Ello.co invites if anyone wants to set up a TiB over there.
#MakeAFilmUncomfortable is trending and TiB is all on it! Iraq Invasion: A Musical #MakeAFilmUncomfortable
#MakeAFilmUncomfortable Roman Polanski & Bill Cosby bring you, "Statute of Limitations" #MakeAFilmUncomfortable Schindler's List starring Jack Black #MakeAFilmUncomfortable Home Alone With Gary Glitter. HEY! #MakeAFilmUncomfortable Forrest Gump... gets AIDS from Jenny. That actually happened. #MakeAFilmUncomfortable Cloudy With A Chance Of Measles #MakeAFilmUncomfortable TV's Roots now with an entirely white cast.
Guys, I can't be the only one all over this. Fish in a barrel. Goddammit, I had things to do too. #MakeAFilmUncomfortable Passion of The Why The Jews Run Hollywood #MakeAFilmUncomfortable Annie The Musical! Starring Woody Allen. #MakeAFilmUncomfortable Guardians of The Galaxy's Easily Preventable Diseases (Ok, that last one I am especially proud of.)
This one is getting some retweets and favorites. Not surprising. Ladies and gents, though I'm not sure there is a tangible way to quantify the fresh meat we get here from the TiB twitter, I do know that it is doing very well already in just a few short days of being online. And it's damn fun to boot.
#MakeAFilmUncomfortable Pacific Rim Job #MakeAFilmUncomfortable American Sniper, starring Micheal J. Fox as Chris Kyle
Trying out a new thing (got Nett Grandpa's approval on this so it's kosher) where I tweet on TiB's page with a link back to the forum. Trial run is here. Recipe is simple: something funny + you don't know the answer + link to the forum (implying find the answer here; hey, click bait is still bait) I welcome any and all suggestions on tweets like this, tweets different than this but with the same idea (driving traffic here), and out-of-the-ballpark ideas. I'll try anything. Once. (God I'm opening us up for so much here... but fuck it)
So, guys, just want to point out that, from the female perspective (or at least, this female perspective), the twitter seems more douchey bro than the message board. Not sure if you're trying to attract any ladies with your social media outreach, but if you are, you might want to throw a few more things in between the #whorelogic. $0.02
It feels like it's mostly coming from one voice, so maybe if there's a way to incorporate more from other members with a different voice/tone/perspective would make it feel more representative of the board, as a whole. Also, it was just meant as a reminder to consider how the overall tone of the TiB Twitter might be coming off to whoever is reading it. I'm useless and not very funny, so really what I'm trying to say is Audrey, where are you??
Well largely, it is one voice right now -- it's me. Interspersed with whatever people on here tell me to tweet (and I tweet everything posted on the board for the TiB twitter). The goal is for the TiB twitter to be your voice, this board's voice. I'm just filling in during the mean time until people start jumping on board (which they are increasingly, and to an incredible reception!!). I would LOVE to do nothing more than copy and past "tweet this" stuff from TiB. It'd make my job a lot easier. But hell, for right now, at least I'm trying to fill the gaps. Wanna say something? Just tell me.
Sorry to double post but I just got a PM worthy of further clarification: It's not a matter of "taking suggestions." Whatever you tell me to tweet on TiB's account, I will do. And I will do it at the proper time when things are trending (i.e. after people get off work, before work, and during their lunch break), and I will update the person who submitted the tweet on any and all responses we've gotten.
The key to Twitter is content, but it's a fucking game too. You want more followers? Follow similar people and organizations. Twitter has a formula which makes your name appear with other key words then. Also, most people follow back. Big name comedians won't. Celebrities wont. Almost everybody else should. You can follow up to 2000 people until you get limited. There's no reason you can't have at least 1000 followers at that point at least. Once you gt some followers, that's when tweets take off with regular success
Also, sorry for quoting myself, use a site like justunfollow. It will tell you how many people unfollowed you whenever you sync. It's very useful as there are people that will follow you just to get another follow and shortly drop you afterwards.