happy alentines ay (for people who aren't getting the v or the d this year) Also, someone sent me a rep about the Facebook page. They were worried about their real name being linked to the page versus being anonymous like with Twitter. Is the anonymity factor for the Facebook page a big issue?
Because I do recognize that this is coming from a largely male voice, I'm trying to throw in some female-voiced tweets too, such as these for example: Throwing this out there: we do need to come up with tweets coming from a female perspective **Edit** Just picked up a few comedians with the latest rounds of tweets. My likes how this is going.
Wut? Why the fuck would "we" unfollow anyone? Hell, if Hitler had a twitter account, I'd fucking follow it.
If I unfollowed you it was by accident. There was a recent influx of people doing the "follow, unfollow" thing, and then I signed up for justunfollow. Send me your username and it will be corrected.
Don't worry about it... I just thought it was funny. I did expect to lose one certain TiB follower though.
Just an FYI, that Adam "COROLLA" account you followed? That's not really Adam CAROLLA. His actual account is a verified account @adamcarolla
AHAHAHA!!!! I just reped toytoy saying I figured that was me just following back someone who followed me. Wow, your turn at this Netty Pot. Way to excel!!!
I gave this hashtag a shot, but it's simply the dumbest fucking thing in history. I thought it would be fun to drop a few one-liners but it seems the focus there is entire planet losing its shit over a beef between two worthless morons that smell like formaldehyde. Then somebody posts this: DONE. Kill yourselves each and every one of you. This board often makes me forget how many unforgivably retarded jackholes there are out there. Twitter is like Thunderdome for this shit.
I know, I know, we're all supposed to hate Kim Kardashian for all sorts of really stupid reasons. But when it comes down to it, she donates a tenth of her earnings to charity and it's a fair bet most people here don't. Not to mention, I have no idea who she has ever actually harmed. Did she break someone's legs or pee in the world's collective cheerios or is she just some chick who managed to turn a ridiculous reason for fame into millions? But sure, hate her, it's the trendy and low hanging fruit of comedy. Kim Kardashian woke up this morning #dontpanic
Kim is famous... for being famous. That's I think a lot of the beef with her. Me? I could give less of a shit from the old shit bank.
But to throw this back on topic, my biggest complaints about the old TMMB/RMMB was: 1. Chest-thumping. Far too much chest-thumping over the most inane shit. And some of it so obviously yanked out of the OP's ass it could be almost cartoonish. From things ranging to how much money one made, how many people one had allegedly bedded, etc. I feel like a lot of bans were enforced because too many mongos kept waxing on and on about how badass they were. 2. Psuedo-intelligence. There was much woo afoot in the old boards. And the best part was seeing people giving it legitimacy. 3. Scrublord moderators. Certain moderators chucked the Hammer of Ban at anyone or anything that rubbed their id the wrong direction. This means the community became a bunch of old hands and their toadies, forever in an Internet circle-jerk. Now, this board could sure use some new blood, and I am going to be trying to seek friends and family out to join up. So far, I like this place for its intelligence yet complete irreverence, the varied folks on it and the funny anecdotes and stories. I also enjoy injecting weird shit while drunk in the WDT's, so there is always that.