Looking back I doubt even a quarter of the stuff in the sex threads was true. I just have trouble believing those guys that were that bitter about women and used the phrase 'whore ramble' every other sentence were having very much sex. And yeah, people really did put up a front at times. There was one thread about times you did something stupid and embarrassing. Practically every response was "So I fucked this stupid chick with no self esteem because I'm so awesome. The dumb part was I fucked her a lot because I'm awesome." What was funny about that board is how many sheep were on it. I remember a thread where some kid wrote a really long winded and completely retarded post. Everyone mocked it. Then one of the mods said it was cool and there was an instant 180, and suddenly captain fuck nuts (the kid) was awesome and everyone was jealous of him. That thread was so ridiculous. The only thing that annoyed me about the mods was that they thought being a message board mod somehow made them smarter than 99% of the population (if my list of achievements ever runs so short I hope someone opens my throat) and they continually accused people of having no lives and wasting too much time on there when they were quite obviously on there all fucking day and more than anyone else. But that being said, I think you actually had to be a jack ass to get banned there. I got something like one post deleted the whole time and never had any time off. All without posting my tits too. There were a few exceptions, but most of the people who got banned really did deserve it.
Please do recall the guy set the forums up because he and a friend of his wanted to shit-talk people at their leisure.
#MakeAFilmIllegal is trending... This is gonna be too easy TiB's first submission: (totally didn't realize he had a twitter handle, and a verified one at that, until now)
Far be it from me to criticize, but none of the things you've written in the hashtag are actually illegal
We seem to have picked up some traffic, but how much of that was just autobot following/spidering from the twitterverse vs. meatspace people clicking over, I have no idea. I do know that we seem to have a TON more robot followers now... so it very well may have exposed us to more search engines and the like. All in all I think it was good... and could probably continue on, if people are willing to stay dedicated to working it.
That, that caught me off guard with the look on here, it shows us the bots following us. It said had 28 humans and over 60 robot followers. Nett, are these "good" bots, or the unwanted ones that you eliminated when you cleaned the place up awhile back? I don't know much about them to begin with.
We could probably dig into it and see if they're spambots or Google/Bing/Yahoo search bots, but I don't think it's worth the hassle... I don't really care if they're bad, as long as they don't create a new account and spam the place. As it is we've opened up a lot of the content to those bots to encourage them to spider the site and add it to the search engines, so I'm hoping that accounts for a few of them.
Nice. And see here I was about ready to put a fork in it since it didn't seem to be working and there didn't seem to be that much interest. Like I've said before, if anyone wants to contribute anything to the TiB twitter, please please please do. Put it in here. PM me funny shit or a link to where you posted it. Put something like "please add to twitter" in spoiler tags in a thread after you make a joke you want me to use. I work 40-60 hrs a week and have an infant at home, so I don't have as much time as I'd like to dedicate to writing tweets myself But if y'all can make it easier, game on!!!
Just post whatever is trending and I'll go after it. While on topic, how DO you find out what's trending?
You can google and come up with different websites, or you can just look off to the left on your twitter page where it says "trends." Right now some good trending hashtags are #DescribeTheSuspectIn4Words and #TheMeaningOfLifeIn6Words
And just for shits and giggles, let's come up with some jokes using the hashtag #GetHard The movie is using it in promoted tweets right now, so why not jump on that bandwagon with some TiB fun.
Anyone else here an @Midnight fan? They do a ton of stuff on Twitter... maybe we should have a running @Midnight thread that plays along with what they're doing.
I am now. Found some good stuff on youtube. Gonna go into the suggestion thread with where I think you're going with this. @Midnight (Atmidnight on youtube) is fucking hilarious and if nothing else should give us a bunch of thread fodder for a very long time.