Looks like they are gonna touch on this a little bit next episode. MVP in action: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.mtv.com/videos/misc/553990/dtf.jhtml#id=1646089" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.mtv.com/videos/misc/553990/d ... id=1646089</a> Can't wait to see if Mike can extract the grenade, but I'm guessing something willl go wrong like it always seems to. I hate how much I like this show.
Wish, granted. That was a good episode but I hope we've seen the end of Ronni Sammi Miami. But the whole storyline just seemed so fake and forced, which takes away from the entertainment of seeing Mike act like a doofus 24/7. Sammi versus JWow will lead to crazy tension in the house. The guys will be on JWow's side because of Ronni and the fact that JWow is terrifying.
I dunno, JWoww and Snookie are the ones who wrote the note and Ronnie seems pretty aware of that fact and is pissed off at them. I can see the guys not taking JWowws side on the fact that she shouldn't have told Sam, but I think the most likely course is they don't really take a side and sit back and watch the fireworks.
I can't imagine Ronnie not flipping out when Jwoww hits Sammi. That last episode was fucking painful. I wonder if Angelina will ever learn to not be a total cunt. I can't wait to see the fallout from the fight coming next week.
I think Situation is pretty comfortable with the fact that someone told Ronnie, so I get the feeling he's going to back JWoww. Either way, despite feeling mildly bad for Sammi (Ronnie really is being a complete dick), I think she sucks and so do plenty of the other people. I hope JWoww beats some sense into Sammi at least.
Also, I think at this point we could make a pretty good drinking game based around the number of times Sammi has said "Done" with the stupid little hand motion.
Absolute gold. Mike makes this show. The first half of this weeks episode was fantastic, but the continued Ronnie/Sammi crap in the second half was painful. Hopefully though there's less of this shit in the future episodes, and more MVP, Snooki being dumb and gravity-defying tits laying the smack down.
Or drink every time Ronnie says "bro." How passive aggressive is writing a anonymous note in a house of 8 people? The true retardedness of the show will come out when these supposed best friends fight over the note then make up teary eyed swearing to never hurt each other again only to switch at moments notice to wanting to kill each other. I can take the guys stupidness in jest because they seem to be out to have a good time, the retard girl drama is insane.
This show is quickly going from "this is a hilarious guilty pleasure" to "yeah, it's about to jump the shark." Last night's episode may be the beginning of the end. Sammi is quite possibly one of the most insecure women in the history of television. This is getting really old, and each episode is becoming boringly predictable: Sammi and Ronnie fight, ronnie goes out and parties, Jwow threatens to hit someone, Situation hooks up with ugly women, everyone provokes each other into talking shit and getting into cat fights. The Situation, Paully D, and Vinnie need their own tv series. Fuck the ugly broads. This show is getting old, quick.
They are very quickly losing sight of the things that made this show entertaining. Relationship-based chick-drama isn't it.
The only things I see Sammi do are fight, cry and then get in bed. She must spend 20 hours a day in bed.
All while wearing shoes, and in the most weird of fashions, not having a fitted sheet and seemingly sleeping on a bare mattress, WTF?
Each time they show mike, vinnie and pauly just hanging out and goofing around its pure gold, then they go back to 40 minutes of retarded sammi and ronnie. we get it, she is legally retarded and codependent. No one gives a shit.
I don't think the episode was that terrible. I was pissed when the director/producer credits started to roll right as the fight started. I knew they had pulled the old tease game that all reality shows do. I agree the truly funny parts are when MVP are bullshitting with each other. Angelina has kind of laid low the past few episodes and joined the cast better than I thought she could. She's a retard bitch but she doesn't seem better or worse than any of the other girls right now. I hope MVP get their own show really but MTV is stupid and probably will have the eventual Ronnie Sammi Newlyweds spin off once they get married.
I think a brilliant idea for a show would be having MVP go and live for whatever period of time in cities around the world that wouldn't have seen the show. Think MVP: Berlin, MVP: Rio, MVP: Bangkok.
??? Seriously, it's as if the producers got lazy, forgot what made the series work and are just rewriting "storylines" from other shows. Nobody wants to see these idiots playing characters on Real World: Miami. The show as it currently exists is obviously not long for this world. These tools have to all become completely self aware at some point.
"Snookie, if I buy you a Fossil watch can I suck on your titties?" Now this is more like the show I remember. Edit: "Can we stop so Vinnie can buy a Fossil watch" I think that was the best episode ever.
The Situation: "Motherfucking Santa Claus is dead." Vinny: "The Kim Kardashian of Staten Island? More like the Rob Kardashian of Staten Island!" Pauly D: "Is there any turkey sangwich left?" Best episode ever? I don't know, a lot of the fight episodes in Seaside were hilarious. Definitely the best of Miami, though. On another note, I can't wait for "Dancing With The Stars" to start because even though the hottest woman on television (Edyta Sliwinksa) won't be on this season, I know I'm going to lose my shit laughing when Pauly D and Vinny are sitting in the front row clowning Mike while he's dancing.
Havent seen the new one yet but Ive just been thinking of how hilarious Jwow can make some of her little repeating insults. "You can stay in the house and get ya fuckin as beat, You can stay in the house and get ya fuckin as beat, You can stay in the house and get ya fuckin as beat." "If ya know sumthin tell me. If ya know sumthin tell me. If ya know sumthin tell me." Shits cracking me up.