We the member of the TiB are entertained by things like this for the same reason we like to stare at dudes in really bad toupees or stop our car to watch two dogs fucking on the side of the road. It's horrifying and stupid to look at it, but we are irresistably amused nonetheless. When two I.Q's of this small a level clash, it's like the Gatekeeper hooking up with the Keymaster all over again. Bad shit is about to happen. It's too bad conversations like this are less common, but Lamebook has fields of them. This IS possibly the dumbest thing I've read in a long time, though. BOOM two cents !!!!!!!! out.
When people encounter their intellectual limits, one of a a relatively small number of things happens. 1. They try and learn more. If something makes you feel stupid, the most productive way around that feeling is to learn enough that you don't feel stupid any more. 2. They accept that they don't get whatever it is, and just ignore it. It's not productive - but hey, it's probably perfectly healthy. I'm still comfortable with my intelligence, and I don't feel even the slightest need to understand Brazilian literature. 3. They can't accept that they don't get it and still be ok - so they get embarassed / angry / frightened and respond accordingly. I think about 10% of adults in the western first world go for option #1 as a default. And maybe 30% go for Option #2. The remaining 60% move to option #3. Don't believe me? Go read the comments in any main stream media news source's internet presence. People are fucking retarded and they're angry about it. Look at any discussion about religion, sexuality, or in the last 5 years - science. Now the world doesn't descend into Idiocracy because most people are reasonably smart. Their intellectual thresholds aren't around 'the world is flat' or 'cameras steal our souls' - they bottom out around global warming, social conditioning, cognitive bias and cultural preconceptions. Depending on how smart or how stupid they are, they believe all Islamic's are terrorists, and that loving jesus is the only right thing to do. They believe that America is, and always will be the best place in the world, without having been anywhere else. They believe that things that they are uncomfortable with are unnatural because a really old book says so. They believe Global Warming isn't happening and Oil reserves will never be depleted. They believe that they deserve a job and a big screen tv and an upper middle class existence because they completed a course, and show up to a place of business. And they believe those things because thinking is hard and scary. And that's not a trait reserved for the stupid - listen to physics geeks argue about string theory and Goedel's incompleteness theorem - there's a lot of stupid clinging to belief in those discussions. The anti science lean I think has a lot to do with the fact that intelligence and arrogance tend to correlate. And really smart people are so often completely intolerable human beings. Add some embarassed/angry/frightened stupid people with just enough pride to not enjoy being condescended too and then package that with bad science, and awful media reporting on science - and you get the current day CNN news article comments section.
Betcha didn't think of that, did ya, Mr. Smart Scientist Man!? BOOM! ROASTED!!! More like Dumby-Splooger! Can I get a yee-haw??? (I can't really keep this up too long) I'm glad I'm not the only one who reads those things. Really, once you adjust your expectations accordingly, the few people who can actually think critically make you quite hopeful for humanity. I personally believe a lot of the people who aren't suited for critical thinking don't get put into situations where their intelligence is critical to humanity. If you go to college / apply yourself / are curious and willing to learn, you're basically self-selecting to make a difference in the world. If you're as stupid as these folks, you're probably politically apathetic (or at least lazy enough not to vote), and the only people who have to suffer your idiocy are your family. (Yes, this is how I rationalize these conversations enough to have a sense of humor about them.)
Alt-focus: They could be brilliant trolls and we're all the idiots. Nah, who am I kidding. Those two could lock themselves in a grocery store and starve to death. They sound genuinely afraid of science, like anyone in a lab coat is part of a conspiracy. I guess the conspiracy is intelligence.
The daughter of my fiancees' host mother's sister (whew), is one of the dumbest human beings I've ever met. Granted, she's 17, and we were all dumb at that age, but she raises the bar on stupidity. Out of her mouth last weekend - "Oh, I don't need school, I'll just marry a plastic surgeon." Bitch, no, you won't. Surgeons are smart motherfuckers. You? Not at all. Compound this with the fact that she just found out she's pregnant by the guy who her mother has had arrested twice for sneaking into their house to have sex with her, means that there is no hope for this kid. And yes, I agree that the mother is partially to blame for her behavior, but this is also the same teenager who didn't realize her house was on fire... While she was in the house.
I've already posted this, but it just doesn't leave me much hope for the future. One of my older sisters is an elementary school teacher and frequently says stuff that makes me cringe, but the girl that posted that status makes me worried. Yep, she's getting a degree. I like how there's always a made-up statistic thrown in.
Funny - we all think these money-grubbing bitches are dumb, and then we go to an office 40-50 hours a week working for the man for 45 years for a few weeks vacation and a hope at retiring with a little bit of cash at the bank. If I could fuck my way into early retirement, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Who's the real sucker here?
Believe me, if I could do that, I would. My point was that she's a) not attractive enough to even consider that an option, and b) I've met people with learning disabilities that put more thought into the things that come out of their mouths. She is so dumb that she makes retarded people look smart.
Lamebook has a newly updated one here that could challenge it. She was "lukin 4th them". In all fairness there's a lot more of these on Lamebook anyway, but this one is pretty ridiculous.
In fairness to that girl, she got bad info (left click? It's right click you fool!) and still managed to figure it out eventually. Ass ignorant and with a terrible grasp of the language? Yes. Dumbest person on the internet? If only we lived in such a world...
Looking at the tiny pics in that conversation, she looks to be cute. Unfortunately very stupid, but cute. He seems to be posturing and agreeing with her as he probably just wants to bang her and this is how he'll manage to work his way in. The scary thing is that these two idiots are made for each other and, being mildly retarded, will likely accidentally procreate at the ripe age of 16 or so, bringing on the next generation of "I'm too stupid to obtain any book smarts so I'll bash it and declare that StReEt sMartZ are all I need to survive" morons. I can't go to Lamebook anymore. I may not be the smartest person out there and I'm sure my grammar leaves much to be desired, but I try to write and speak coherently as best I can when posting on facebook, here or generally conversing with other humans. I can't stand to read anything posted on that site. It just makes me sad. Scared and very very sad. I just looked at that conversation again and in her picture it looks like she's doing that stupid pouty lip pose. Wouldn't be surprising at all really. She comes across as that special type of worthless. I agree that "BOOM ROASTED" is awesome and I need to find a way to insert that into a conversation. Preferably a serious conversation as it would be that much funnier.
Thinking back, I used the phrase "BOOM! ROASTED" twice in conversation today. I didn't realize it until just now. I think this makes me a bad person. Smart people need to have more babies so we can crowd these retards out.