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John Mayer's 'Hood Pass' Doesn't Seem To Cut It

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bryan, Feb 16, 2010.

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  1. toddus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    To me I think this whole hoopla only reinforces the social commentary behind Mayer's remark. ‘Hood Pass’ by its very nature exemplifies that racial divides still exist. Mayer seemed to be pointing out how these divides are still very real and even someone who allegedly possesses a ‘Hood Pass’ is still not totally embraced by the black community, there still exists things they cannot do.

    I personally agree with this sentiment and think it works both ways. There are many blacks who have been embraced by the white community only to be rejected for faux pas against white sensibilities. The irony being his public flagellation demonstrates the very point he was making.

    With regards commenting on his personal dating preferences I see it as not even slightly racist but almost apologetic. He seemed to be generally guilty over the fact he was not attracted to black women.

    Racial barriers will never be fully removed until the issue is talked about openly and honestly. The overreaction to Mayer’s comments shows how sensitive the issue remains and how far we have to go.

    Oh and he is still a douche.
  2. walt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I'm still only half way through the interview so I haven't reached the part that's caused all the hype.

    But seriously, who gives a shit ?

    Celebrities say stupid shit all the time, and then a day later come out with some kind of hang dog look and apologize profusely. To me that just screams "damage control" more than true remorse. I would love if someone like Mayer came out and said, " I said it, it was a joke, get over it."

    Same with Tiger. Why all the mea culpas to the world ? " I screwed up. The only apology I owe is to my family, the rest of you go fuck yourselves, it's none of your business."
  3. Roxanne

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    Dec 8, 2009
    I think we're so buttoned up about certain things these days that there is no way to not be a douche. Anyone who is going around saying what's on their mind is labeled a douche. Celebrities are so micromanaged in what they do/say that you never get the sense that they're anything more than pseudo-intellectual puppets.

    John Mayer cracks me up, for all his pandering to his douchitude. He's an entertainer, and I'm entertained by his shit. He doesn't seem to take anything seriously, and isn't that the benefit of being a rock star (term used loosely)? I'm sure plenty of people thought Keith Moon was a HUGE douche for walking around that Jewish neighborhood, and still do probably. It's Mayer's apologies, that are likely forced by his PR people, that annoy me. If he felt any real remorse, he wouldn't be continuing to act this way in interviews only to apologize later. Props to him for endangering his "rock star career" to fuck around and crack a joke or two.

    I wish more celebrities would mouth off in interviews. It's fun to read and forces them to have a little bit of substance, and forces them off that fake shining pedestal of political correctness and perfection we've shoved them up on. Then we can go back to loveably denying and forgiving their faults, a la Dean Martin and Marlon Brando.
  4. Evildreams

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    The earth's navel
    Not sure who the guy is, but he sounds like a douche, that said, I can't understand what you're going on about, so he prefers to date women of his own race, how is that racist? He used the word nigger, so what? Enough of this ridiculous politically correct bullshit.
  5. Sam N

    Sam N
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    Oct 19, 2009

    No, they thought he was fucking crazy and hilarious. Still do. And since he was absolutely amazing at the drums and didn't give a shit, that translated into awesome. Still does.

    I sincerely hope all rock stars would do things like this. Instead we have teenie boppers and Bono, puke.
  6. ssycko

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 27, 2009
    Being not a hipster
    Is he good? Yes. Are there better players? Yes. Would they run circles around him in a jam session? Probably not.
  7. Pinkcup

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Steel City
    No, no I didn't. I didn't misinterpret shit. There ISN'T anything douchey (or sexist--wtf!?) about knocking someone's drink over and buying them a new one--if there were, clumsy people worldwide would be horrifically douchey (and that's just mean). Nor did I imply that there was. But offering his opinion on the matter in any way other than saying "I'm sorry" Was. Not. Neccessary. At. All. In fact, his comments can be offensive to many people. Kind of like.........................his.....................interview.

    You want to know how to avoid a media shitstorm? When someone asks you "Hey, man, do black women throw themselves at you?" there are several responses to that question. If you don't know the right one, shut the fuck up. It's SO goddamned simple. But here's where the arrogance comes in--he thinks he does know the right answer, and the right answer is some sort of quasi-insightful racial commentary wrapped up in n-words and white supremacist references. By his own admission, he thought he was being "clever".

    Is it neccessary to give that sort of answer to that sort of question? No. Not at all. And it's really fucking offensive. And anyone who cannot recognize that oh-so-unsubtle point is an arrogant cockbag that deserves every ounce of public cruxification they get.

    (Oh, and to go over a simple yet apparently misunderstood concept brought up via rep: It doesn't matter if Jessica Simpson is a "promiscuous whore". That whole "Sluts deserve to be publically shamed against their will thing"? Yeah....that shit only flies certain repressive middle eastern countries. Her sexual history doesn't matter one fucking iota. Talking about her sex life in public was w-r-o-n-g and incredibly douchey.)
  8. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    There is such a thing as being overly sensitive, though, and a line exists between "wow...shouldn't have said that," and "wow, I can't believe someone took offense to that." People can resonably expect to be aware of the former; the latter drives everyone crazy and makes certain groups look like idiots. Should Mayer have censored himself a bit better so as to avoid the media shitstorm? Yes. Was he offensive when he made a joke about knocking over someone's drink? Fuck no.

    Here's an excellent example. Your own statement, from earlier in the thread:
    Now. Look what you said: you flat out said that a race (not a culture) of people are more predisposed to crime, then you threw up your hands and said "I mean no offense! I like black people" and threw out how relieved you were that Denzel seems to have been 'brought up right.'

    That, my friend, is offensive and douchy. In the worst kind of way, because you're falsely stating a causality (being black causes families to have disappearing fathers, lower income and higher crime), using real life experience to "back it up," and then refusing to acknowledge that such a thing is even racist. Because denial sure isn't one of the core issues in racial problems over the last fifty years, eh?

    Not to stray too far off focus, here, but in these two little examples - John Mayer's 'racism' and yours - who is being douchy, again?
  9. Nitwit

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009
  10. Pinkcup

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Steel City
    I was responding to an earlier claim that "it isn't racism unless it's meant to cause harm or said with hatred" by making an extremely racist statement (one that I do NOT agree with or even tolerate hearing from others, in any shape or form) without harm or hatred. Racism is VERY insidious and all racism falls on a spectrum. Just because you're not burning a cross in someone's front yard or shouting "Nigger!" at them from across the street doesn't mean that your statements aren't racist--that was the point I was trying to prove. Intent/feelings behind the statement don't matter nearly as much as the content. I certainly do NOT feel that way, and I am truly sorry that I didn't make that clear enough.

    EDIT: Oops, wrong window. Almost posted a naked dude in here.
  11. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Yeah, you don't seem like the hugely racist type.

    Black and white can live in harmony...let's all get along.

  12. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    Jesus Christ with cheese on a Ritz cracker (no racial offense meant with the use of cracker), what the fuck is wrong with you guys? By pointing out that that post was overly sensitive you're merely poking the bear with a stick. Like many this thread is now in the shitter bobbled with overly sensitive opinions and mocking. I don't know why I'm surprised.

    Yes yes yes what he said IN THE INTERVIEW, ya know the focus of the thread, was blunt and I'm sure to the bleeding hearts out there offensive but, the fact that society as a whole has grown overly sensitive and emotional about things like this happening still stands.

    You'd think he kicked a puppy in front of a classroom of 10 year olds.


    And yes I ended the thread with my statement about society. That's how the cookie crumbles.

    EDIT: I had one request to reopen it. As far as I'm concerned only Chater can do that.
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