The point isn't (just) that your dick vibrates. It's primarily about their being a vibrator attached to the ring that would press against her clit and allow you avoid the awkwardness that is holding a vibrator in place and thrusting at the same time, a combination which limits positions. As does fucking on a dryer. I guess I have to scratch you off the guest list for my e-stim party.
Risking what? Let me try to explain this to you: If your dick was long enough to touch both of the posts on a fucking car battery, you wouldn't feel a thing, so what leads you to believe that you're going to get some sort of shock from a stack of 3 tiny button cell batteries? Even if the thing was plugged into the wall it would be reduced to less that 2 volts. Take your phone charger, plug it into the wall and cut the USB end off so the bare wires are showing. Then, touch the wires to your dick. You'll feel nothing. EDIT: Just looked at my phone charger and it's actually 5 volts. Which means shit, especially when there's only 1.8 amps.
I had an old girlfriend that loved it. I hated it. Not because it felt weird, but because "my ex used one and it felt great" is a horrible way to convince me to do something.
I mean the man has a fear of any sort of electricity passing near a very sensitive very private part of his body. The fuck is everybody bitching about? Move the fuck on. Who wants a cock ring that could act like some sort of washer gauge and limit, how ever small, your ability to make nice full strokes? Come on people. If a girl needs clitoral stimulation just pull the old reverse pile driver so you balls will bounce on it with every thrust. PLUS, she gets a front row seat view of your asshole! Win win. Example:
BrentalFloss said it best. "I don't have enough faces or palms." No Nintendo, That's not the reason people didn't buy it. People didn't buy it because it blows.
You have to attach the peripheral to your penis. Fuck that. Might electrocute me. Although the spasming would probably register on the console and give me +1,000,000 bonus points.
Yea, but you need to have the voltage to carry it to have any sort of meaningful electrocution. I routinely work with milliamps but I apply between 70,000 and 125,000 volts to it. Now THAT shit would fry your dick if used the wrong way.
But given the subject of the thread, is that a) a euphemism, b) a warning, or c) advice? Inquiring minds need to know. Before I go touch my wang to my car battery terminals.
Untrue. It depends where your grounded out. If you come in contact with an energized source with say your left hand, and you touch something grounded with your right hand, the current will travel across your chest, most likely killing you. Since you are usually at the same potential as that energized source you wont even feel that "shock" until you touch that grounded source. If your left shoulder is touches that grounded source first, the current will flow out your shoulder, not touching your heart and you'll survive. Depending on your bodies resistance at the time, the amount of amperage or the amount of voltage at the source you could suffer up to third or even fourth degree burns at the entry and exit points of the current. Essentially electricity always looks for the shortest path to ground. If your heart is in it's path you are dead. If not, you could get burned but you will live. Electricity at .25 amps could kill you under the right circumstances not directly applied to the heart.
Enough with the wangs and car batteries already; back to chicks rubbing themselves. I had to suggest and encourage the other half to do it, but it's proven beneficial all-round. It all depends on the situation and lady, but it definitely came in handy when I was 35 lb heavier and had less stamina. I mean Christ, how much work do you want me to do here? She's a lucky lady... Any sign that the woman is into it is way hot and should outweigh some idiotic "ego knock" to a guy because he's not getting the job done all by hisself; I mean if the dude just wants his partner to not contribute to the collective goal of arriving, by extension he'd just be masturbating into her and expecting her be grateful for the effort. Fuck that, I can wank on my own and the chicks in the porn videos usually look into it. I don't have to "make love" every time out the gate, but I generally like it when she's more than just a fleshlight that complains about where I left the wet towel.
Yes, just fucking yes. And I would have repped but apparently I agree with Pinkcup so often that I need to spread the love around. In relation to OP: I've never been uncomfortable about it. Never really had a guy complain about it either. I guess they figure it's like dinner and a show, but they have to do fuck all work. I can't come from penetrative sex alone, so if the guy can't just hit that spot I just do it my own self. Unless he's done in about two minutes, in which case I just get to be really pissed off and turned on at the same time.
If scootah was around this post would have launched and entirely new thread. For myself, the thought of a girl playing with herself during sex is a huge turn-on. Then again, the thought of a girl giving me the time of day gets me hard, so take that as you will.