user control panel board preferences edit karma settings who's the old fart now huh? i'm tempted to post that damn old lady looking at a phone like "what's this?" because it is hi-lar-i-ous. but i'll refrain. and just gloat in my own little neck of the world.
ucp > board pref > edit karma settings > show comments only for me > yes / no edit: ah, happyfunbags beat me to it.
if i post pictures of myself with bill murray, something zelda related, or something dumb my cat does, will that increase my karma?
quick question - is there any way to access reps from the control panel instead of the rather convoluted process i'm currently using, of finding my latest post, clicking on my profile, and doing it that way?
i'm planning on hacking the control panel so they show up when you look at it, just like the old rep system.
Karma nn ghia until he does, you can always click on your own name (or anybody else) at the bottom, where the current online names are, and your rep number is right in the middle at the top. if the comments are enabled or its yourself, you can click on view comments.
that presumes that i make myself visible. which i don't. because i don't want you fuckers knowing how much time i actually spend here.
ahh. well, i never hid my status before, so i didn't think about that. how do you tell if somebody gives you + or - rep?
i can attest to her statement, she does indeed hide herself. i'm sure she's got her reasons, normally the ones that do, do. is that a question in genereal or directed to her?
Cations no, in general. like if i have 10 points, let's say i write something awesome (read: stupid), then the next time i log in, i see i still have 10 points. later, i see i have 11 points, so i click the "view comments" to see what this nice person has written to me. but, then, i notice that there are actually three new comments, not one. so, in the previous two, one gave me a + and one a -, keeping it at 10. both posters wrote "you're a genius." but, one of them was clearly being sarcastic. i am not seeing a difference - you could hover over the old red / green dots and it would show the value, say +5 or -3 or whatever. (i am red / green color blind, and can usually distinguish between the bright colors of the dots, but not if the text is subtly different colors or something.) anway, not trying to be a pain - just trying to give feedback on the new system and what not. i know nett and bv live for spending all their spare, unpaid time farting around on an internet messageboard.
you should get a pm for any new rep you get, positive or negative. i know i do. maybe it's a preference you have in your control panel. fyi, the "+50, or +11" or whatever that number might be on the right side, is the weighted rep value. i have no idea what the algorithm is that is used for the weighting, but it's along the lines of "the more rep and posts and age the user has, the more rep they can give". i've turned off the weighting, so 1 rep = 1 point showing.
i have the pm setting set to email me, so when i set the rep to pm me, i was getting an email each time somebody rep'd. i had several meetings yesterday, and my phone kept going off. so, i left the pm to email, but turned off the rep to pm. no numbers on the right side for me in the new system. i may just be too stupid to understand it (which is fine), but on the layout on my ucp, 1 rep could equal 1 point showing or it could equal -1 point, and i don't see where that difference appears, besides the running total. so, i guess, if you want to know if it's +1 or -1, you need to keep the notify via pm enabled. then the pm will say "your karma has increased" or "your karma has decreased?" before i disabled the pm notice, i had only gotten "increases," so i didn't think about that. since i started sufficiently beating this dead horse into submission, i've gotten some decreases.
fyi, this is one plebe's view. i have no idea which ones are positive and which are negative if it's not stated in the rep comment itself.
my karma, or rep, or whatever still isn't showing up when i click "user control panel" (that's what you're supposed to do to see it all in one place right)? not terribly concerned about it, but just thought i'd post in case i'm not the only one with this problem.
so, just to clarify, if the "show comments only for me: _yes _no" is switched to "yes" then people can't see your rep messages? or is it the other way around?