It could have been the time I hung out at the trailer home of a friend of a friend, pissing off the "deck" in back and tossing crumpled Bud cans in a pile in the corner. It could have been the time I woke up at an ex's place to the smell of cow manure (she lived in half of a rented farm house), stepped on a mouse skeleton while trying to maneuver around the kerosene heater at the foot of the bed, and shared their "government cheese" for lunch. or it could have been the time I was at a cemetery, standing opposite a guy in handcuffs, flanked by Sheriff's officers, who was allowed to attend grandmaws funeral.
This thread is pure gold Until anyone can beat eating a whole fried onion for dinner, I think I reign supreme on the trashiest things you can eat. When I lived in a two room apartment, all I had in my fridge at one point was a whole yellow onion. I chopped that sonuvabitch up, salted it good and fried it for fifteen minutes. Surprisingly tasty, although the depressing feeling you get after consumption is a sober reminder of how far you've fallen. My trashiest non-food related moment was getting a blowjob from a girl at a bar called Ryly's (which is well known for it's vast amounts of filth and cocaine) in the backseat of a car that was neither her's nor mine, while wearing a Batman costume. Oh yes, a Batman costume.
I got absurdly drunk at my cousin's wedding a couple summers ago. The reception had finished but the people wanted more. My dad had rented the presidential suite at Turf Valley Resort in Maryland where the wedding was happening and invited everyone back up for an after party. I was out on the balcony overlooking the golf course and decided that instead of going inside to pee, I'd just go right there. So, in front of about 50 people enjoying the fresh night air, I proceeded to pee onto the glass roof of Alexandra's (a highly rated restaurant connected to the hotel) some 50 feet below.
Yeah I've done that but following it around, mouth on nozzle, as the washing line spun As for myself: I can't be the only person that got drunk and shat myself? (Twice)
Clearly you've never been to Outback Steakhouse. I order a whole fried onion most times I go there. Focus: From this post. The bar has been raised. Go ahead, make my day. Edit: This is sort of a prequel response, if that makes any sense at all. Speaking of Red Baron, whenever my dad cooks dinner (the inventor of my beloved sandwich) he fancy's it up a notch. The last time he made Red Baron he cracked four eggs over it before throwing it in the oven and called it "An Italian quiche". I kept my pinky in the air, feeling quite pretentiously entitled with every bite of that grocery aisle pizza. For the record, it was actually pretty badass.
How about anything from White Castle. Two drunk trips to In'nout in the same night. Multiple Red Barron's Frozen pizzas?
Potato chips and Taco Bell sauce is pretty good "I don't have any fucking food" food. The lowest point for me, however, would probably be staring into a mirror while on psychedelics on All Hallow's Eve. Don't do it, folks. You come to depressing realizations about your life.
When my friends are drunk, they make potato chips with american cheese (the white, single slice kind) melted over them in the microwave. That is pretty trashy. Ketchup gets everywhere