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League of Legends Addicts Thread

Discussion in 'Pop Culture Board' started by Parker, Apr 16, 2012.

  1. Arms Akimbo

    Arms Akimbo
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Hey Parker, what was that build you used for Cho'gath that inflicted tons of damage?
  2. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... eak-194883</a>

    That's where I get the base for runes and the Mastery tree. Anything after Rod of Ages is up in the air. Those aren't bad suggestions, as you'll be low on damage up front but when you close with your ult, that's how it works. His ult does true damage so it does what it says it is going to do.
  3. Popped Cherries

    Popped Cherries
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 26, 2009
    I wish the first commandment of the Cho guide could be plastered on screen every 5 seconds when I play Garen.
    Regardless of who you saw do it once and how you read about it online somewhere, I'M NOT A FUCKING TANK!
  4. Popped Cherries

    Popped Cherries
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 26, 2009
    Okay, I can't play against Teemo as a melee.
    Give me something because it's embarrassing losing to a rat.
  5. Arms Akimbo

    Arms Akimbo
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Strictly melee your best bet is probably Pantheon. Also Akali. With the latter, just play safe until you reach lvl 6 then burst him down.
  6. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Jax also works better due to his dodge move. Then you jump in, use his damage against him and burst him down.
  7. Arctic_Scrap

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Duluth, MN, USA
    I always had good luck against Teemo as Riven. Things might have changed since I last played, though.
  8. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Mundo hilariously counters Garen for the record. The rapid fire poke is pretty damn fun, it prevents his heal from starting and keeps you healed. The 3 times I've had that match up, I've been able to keep him at around half health, and prevented him from running up to me with his move.
  9. Arms Akimbo

    Arms Akimbo
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Does anybody here "walk the orb" (where you autoattack, click to move, autoattack, click to move, and repeat)? Just wondered how much it really increases your damage. Mainly, I'm just really lazy and it seems like so much work.
  10. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    In the middle of a fight? It if you're going toe to toe with certain skill shot champs it definitely makes a huge difference. I saw a Caitlyn against a Vayne do this once in-game using a bush and it was a huge. She would have died if she just stood there. I don't know if I have the mental focus + twitch to actually do it in game with low health, but its nuts to watch.

    Also, this is huge. They are re-pricing skins based on what they really are, adding two additional skin prices so you "get what you pay for".

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... .html#more</a>

    Also updating the list.
    Parker - Javane
    PenetrationStation - Solcon
    Artic-Scrap - Hammsburglar
    AwwwSNAP - AwwwSnap13
    bewildered - RLC
    Flagrant - Fitznoozly
    ArmsAkimbo - Richard the 3rd
    Nirvana - Nerd Räge
    Fernanthonies - Fernanthonies
    burned ice cube - TappeditTwice
    Litwin - Kalarr
    Kerbunked - GotaHemmi
    Politik - Palin4President
    PeruvianSoup - Rickshaw99
    McCloud182 -McCloudb182
    BundyBear - Rhangiskhan
    Popped Cheeries - Death Is A Door
    HotWheelz - TheWheelz (Not seen in awhile)
    Konatown - Konatown (Not seen in awhile)
    Lindgren - ElAhraihrah - (Not seen in awhile)
    Diablo - Devildogkill (Not seen in awhile)
    Likwid - LikwidNinja (Not seen in awhile)
    Ycoseth - Ycoseth (Not seen in awihle)
    Firefnd1982 - Firefnd (Not seen in awhile)
    Thorgouge - Thorgouge1 (Chats a lot, doesn't play much)
  11. Popped Cherries

    Popped Cherries
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 26, 2009
    It's weird but against champs that have a skill shot like that, Mundo, Cho, Nidalee, Blitz, etc, I do extremely well. Perhaps I'm just good at anticipating when they are going to cast as each character that has a skill shot almost always hesitates before doing it.

    I do this all the time in lane, not so much in team fights. The biggest advantage is when it comes time for using abilities you can probably sneak in an extra hit or two while they are trying to follow you with the cursor.
  12. PenetrationStation

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    The builds on mobafire can be a good starting point for learning a new champ, but I would encourage new and intermediate players to experiment with your own builds and purchase items based on the eventualities of the immediate game. Which characters on the other team are doing well, do they have magic or armor pen, how much sustain do you need to stay in lane against this immediate opponent--these are all questions you should ask that will produce a much more effective build than copying something someone put online for a one-size-fits all pwn spec. I know Parker finds the guides very useful, so he may have more to say in their defense, but I strongly believe tailoring your build to the immediate game is a stronger strategy and that the mobafire guides should only be used as a reference point for new characters.

    I really like wit's end on Cho. I thought it was an odd item to have in the recommended setup for him, but where it really helps is against bruisers. If you scale your E rapidly during the laning phase, you can land a rupture and 2-3 auto attacks on a bruiser. The +magic dmg is something like 50 at level 3-4, and most bruisers prioritize AD runes b/c they anticipate topping against another bruiser. I was trading toe to toe w/ a rengar b/c I rushed a glacial shroud and wit's end--this item is really strong on him and you can't beat the cost. It actually made me want to try using a malady in conjunction.

    I also feel that guide that was linked is kind of dumb in that they run teleport and start with a doran's ring. The entire point of using teleport on a champ is so you can use the back and tele capability to punish your opponent. So the ideal scenario is burning everything you have in trades, maybe even inefficient trades, to get the other person low, then back, buy, and tele back so you are now full with an item advantage and they have to recall while you push the lane and deny them CS to their tower. Buying a Doran's isn't an effective way to do that because it doesn't build into anything. In that scenario, I would recommend either starting with a sapphire crystal and 2 pots to rush the catalyst when you get 800 gold or else boots and 3 to make landing rupture and feral scream easier. Dorans + teleport just doesn't compute. With that said, I usually use Doran's but I run flash and ignite. I also don't like the use of the movespeed quints on cho--he's still slow as hell and anyone w/ a movespeed increase is still going to outrun you. I think you are better off using mpen quints or even AP quints for early lane dominance. If you do more damage on the front end, there's a chance the movespeed differential doesn't come into question b/c your combo killed them.

    The attack move question on the last page - I've never heard this called walking the orb, but yes, I know what you are talking about, and yes, it makes an enormous difference. I couldn't find the link from a cursory search but basically most players don't have an accurate clock in their head on what their character's attack speed is, so moving and attacking with the mouse results in a lot of "uptime" on your next autoattack that goes unused, so you deal less than ideal damage. The advantage of using attack move is that your character will attack when they reach the next geographic location you selected, and if the attack timer is not up, they will attack as soon as it is up. There are some more sophisticated targeting strategies that accompany this tactic, but it's absolutely vital to play adc at a high level and you will even see supports and AP carries using it to squeeze the last little bit of damage out between combos. Youtube videos are helpful to learn how to use it.
  13. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Two things on the guide. I use it primarily to Mid and if you go top, you're going to need the Doran's for the mana. His passive gives him like 2.5 mana per kill and its not enough to sustain anything. Doran's doesn't build into anything, but the only other option is the all pots + 2 wards. I've found that very difficult unless you're getting early ganks to wear them down. Every single time I went Sapphire and 2 pots, I got fucked hard. Also, I only use the "guides" for masteries and basic rune sets. Item builds of course change through the nature of the game and you should never stick to more than 2 items. Rod of Ages is a must on Cho, so is glacial shrould. Everything else is up in the air. Also speed runes aren't for melee speed, its to catch people with beautiful ruptures.

    For the record I never READ all the shit under the summoner spells, runes, suggested items, skill orders and mastery tree set-ups. Anything else under that is pretty silly. A few of the top guides will talk about little hints with skills, but once you know them you know them. I never read them in-depth and take them super serious.

    You can experiment around, but I wouldn't go too out of pocket. I actually tried Malady and Wit's end on Cho in Twisted Tree Line and it was sweet. Pretty sick, clears waves in 2-3 hits and you do crazy AOE damage if positioned right.

    Also as always folks when reading anything from PenetrationStation, remember he doesn't play for fun and is a tryhard. I mean this half-jokingly and nice. If he ever has a child that plays this game, he'll have that kid drawing jungle routes and watching tourney tape by the age of 5. "YOU CAN'T PLAY UNTIL YOU TELL ME WHAT CHO SHOULD BUILD AGAINST RIVEN AND IN WHAT ORDER!"
  14. Arctic_Scrap

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Duluth, MN, USA
    The point of the Dorans items aren't that they build into anything. They are there to help make bullying easier for you early game. If you can win your lane then you have a much better chance of winning the game. When you buy them you are trying to win before you even need to sell them. If you get one kill that you might not have gotten without them then they are worth it. You just got gold for a kill and then free farm until they are back in lane.
  15. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    So I'm pretty much given up on ranked. I can't get out of Bronze I, I tried the entire week. I can't get on a run to do that. I win one and lose two. And by given up, I mean given up for like a month. Shit is ridiculous. Games when I duo are worst than games I don't.

    I was supporting with Sona with a Vayne back-up going against flavor of the month MF and a Malphite Support. Enemy Nocturne jungling. She was yelling at me for not getting out in front of her harassing while she has half health and Nocturne is constantly in bottom half of river. Yet she kept over extending because "I have barrier." Fucking christ. I need to play a month acting like an angel so I can raise my MMR and not get matched with children.
  16. PenetrationStation

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I understand how the Doran's items work. My argument was that if you have the ability to back for free, you're better off not building a doran's item because you can buy a component item and turn it into an upgraded item that is stronger than Doran's and bully them that that way.

    I also disagree with your characterization of Doran's items. At low elo, they may work like this. At anything above low elo, you will get bullied out of lanes by someone w/ any sustain because they can force inefficient trades and make you back b/c you only have +5 hp on hit and they have 3 pots so 600 hp. They are more often used now as "catchup" items that you buy when you are down in lane and need a boost to remain competitive.

    This is why you see people using 9 pots and 2 wards now as a common top/mid item and why they are limiting buys to 5 pots in the next patch.
  17. awwwSNAP

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Dorans are still fine to start on ad carries with either big range (Cait) or sustain supports, but they are definitely good catchup items and equally good early-lead items. A dorans after a kill top or mid can give you a huge advantage in lane.
  18. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    And I just got demoted to Bronze II 75 points. With that I start my very long vacation from ranked. All it does is put an ridiculous importance on games that should be fun regardless win or lose, but hit an emotional spot due to the time investment. So I'm probably going to be taking a break from LoL and play maybe one or two games. I need to get back to PS3 anyway. I've been playing exclusively LoL trying to get to Silver and that has been horribly shit on.
  19. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Also looks like Riot is finally rolling out a bunch of foreign servers and we'll finally get these non-communicating people off our NA servers. YAY! Wait, what? You're saying there are people in NA that are dicks and don't communicate either? Shit.
  20. Arms Akimbo

    Arms Akimbo
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    My goal was to get up to silver by the end of this season. I have since given up on that. I'm not a bad player, but I'm not good enough to carry a team either.