I'm going to be playing normals, trying to get back into my groove. I realize I let people talk me out of how I normally play and win. "Don't use this champ, they're weak late game." "Don't do this against this champ for xyz." Its fucked with me a bit. I stopped playing with the champs I dominated with and tried new ones just to get into shit. Always a bad idea. So I'm getting back to basics and when I eventually will try to get back into ranked, I'll just do what I do.
Singed is almost unfair. I just had a game against a khaz top and ended up 19-1-10. I got an unofficial penta the game before with him as well. It seems that people always forget that the poison trail timer doesn't start until you are out of the poison. Many, many double and triple kills just popping the ult, Ghost, turning poison trail on, and running in circles around the carries. the slow/flip combo is a great initiator and his mana->Health passive makes RoA and ArchStaff must haves, boosting ability power AND health with every point of mana. Anytime you start losing a fight, run away and punish them when they chase you. He is well known as being a pain in the ass to play against and boy is it fun to be on the other side of it. Play Hiemerdinger as well. So underrated, so good at shutting down a mid opponents CS. Two turrets with splash damage 2/3 of the way to their tower ensures gank protection, CS, and lane control. His W provides a good poke and the E's blind/stun is good for ganks/positioning. If their jungle shows up, pop ult, drop a turret if ya got one, stun with E, W, and flash. Safety for sure, good chance for at least one kill. Late game people focus carries, not the turrets and its an easy 500-1000 damage per turret, per team fight if you position them well. Parker, I know I SUCK at seeing your messages, but I promise to look for them more often. I will also stop logging in and auto queuing. If anyone has any interest in creating a ranked squad so we don't have to deal with trolls/autolocks, let me know. I could care less about ranking or anything (winning, however, is always preferred), but I would totally be down for a few games a week.
If you want to get less terrible watch lol streams. Best place to start is VODs from the League Championship Series currently going on which you can find here: http://www.reddit.com/r/LoLeventVoDs/comments/1bdpz8/s3_lcs_north_america_spring_season_part_2/. There will be a few LCS games today if you want to watch them live. LCS stream typically has 100k+ concurrent viewers. You can also watch regular pro streams at leagueoflegendsstreams.com. Watching pros provides analysis for how team comps function, lane strats, objective control, picks and bans, how to teamfight, positioning, etc. If you want to climb elo streams can give you a jump on which champions are the next OP. For example, Coal Tier was still banning Alistar/Blitz/Malphite while pre-nerf Volibear, Jarvan, and Hecarim were dominating the jungle. Coal Tier players need to see League as a chess match. You should constantly be asking yourself what objective you are going for and if you aren't going for one do something different. Once you understand how to win games mechanics become less important.
I actually started streaming on twitch.tv not too long ago. What makes an entertaining stream in your opinion?
1. Commentary - Why are you building this? What runes/masteries are you using? Why did/didn't you dive? What did you do right/wrong? Admit your mistakes and don't spend the whole thing pointing out what (you think) other people did incorrectly. And if you get outplayed, comment on what your opponent did to beat you. 2. Music - some music at a light volume breaks up the monotony and fills any silence where you're not speaking. 3. Quality stream - no lag, decent picture quality/audio, etc 4. Cleavage 5. Fun/personality - Don't be boring. Engage your viewers. Let yourself shine through. 6. Have a box showing your webcams feed of your face. Maybe it's just me, but for some reason I'm less interested if I can't see what the streamer actually looks like. 7. Actually play LoL. I hate it when streamers just dick around.
W/r/t what makes a good stream, most of the female streamers I see do "viewer" games where they pull names from the chatbar alongside the stream or whatnot and play alongside them. I'm not sure why this type of viewer interaction seems more prevalent among female streamers, but that's my anecdotal observation.
I've been stuck at 40-70 points in Silver I for the last few days, very frustrated. I can tell I'm playing adc at above a silver I level, but my other roles are just barely there or even below, maybe silver II. I think I need to get better at those so I'm not such a liability in mixed Gold/Silver games in the other positions. Also, I've been rocking ww top lane. Rush spirit visage and then glacial shroud, BRK if you have time after that. I run + 15 AP and +10 magic pen and mana regen, he absolutely destroys the tanky top laners that are all the rage right now, even jayce and elise. Plus he's rarely played so people are not used to facing him. So glad he's viable again.
I'm currently having a weird slump where I don't know what champs I'm good with anymore. I've obviously played support way too long and it has hurt every other aspect of my game not top lane Mantheon. I'm going to spend the week re-learning Cassipeia, LeBlanc, and Katarina. I've been overthinking counters as well which has also hurt me. I'm not trying to go pro, but I just like to win. Its ridiculous playing 50 minute tard fights where you lose on one play because your ADC or J ran off on their own. Also have been running into supports who don't know how to ward. So much fun.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.surrenderat20.net/2013/04/league-of-legends-latin-america-fb-and.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.surrenderat20.net/2013/04/le ... b-and.html</a> Ready to see your win rates increase by 20%? LATIN AMERICANS GETTING THEIR OWN SERVERS SOONER THAN LATER!
Cool to finally get a TiB game tonight. Nice to not get paired with a bunch of mooks and ragers. Always better when you win pretty handily too.
Liss has been a tough learning experience for me. I seem to just keep getting wrecked early game. Anyone else try her out yet and know a good starting build?
Thought this was interesting information. Graph of the tiers and where the population falls. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.tryhard.cz/forum/29-novinky-live/15126-rozlozeni-hracu-podle-tieru-a-divizi" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.tryhard.cz/forum/29-novinky- ... u-a-divizi</a>
You gotta build her like a mage tank. Like how you'd build Swain. You rush Rod of Ages, Rylai's and go from there. She's not a burst mage. So all of your early AP should come with utility. I need to get out of Bronze this weekend. I think I've figured out how to do it. If champ select doesn't go smooth as a babies ass. Dodge. I also should not duo with anyone above Silver V. It always seems like my team gets all the Bronze people with me, and they get all the Silver people.
Finally got Gold tier this afternoon after about 3 days of hanging around 90-95 LP in Silver I. That shit is frustrating as hell. Win 1 or 2LP, if you lose you lose 5 LP, you basically have to go on a tear to move up. I won something like 9 out of 11 games as Tristana in a row in order to qualify for my series and move up. Supposedly if your MMR is higher you get more points for winning and the disparity b/t winning and losing LP amounts is because you can never move back down, so the system is set up to make the jumps b/t tiers much more difficult. IDK. Feelsgoodman. Playing normals was a nice relief today. Been playing ranked exclusively almost for about three weeks. Amazing how sloppy the team play is in comparison, though. I guess most people who play normals just want to have fun with their character or fool around or whatnot, you really don't notice until you play w/ people who are committed to winning 100% of the time. Big difference.
I am so happy they made ARAM a normal game setting. Sitting in a custom game lobby and having people leave over and over so that it takes literally 30 minutes for a game to start was lame.
My ranked career just ended. I'm retiring officially. I'm -10. After qualifying for Bronze I twice, I lost all 4 promotion matches because my team either fed, were complete idiots, absolutely negative or other issues. They keep saying less than 2% of the population is toxic, but they're not counting the people that don't talk, don't listen, don't watch the minimap, and don't want to do their jobs. Had a support that didn't want to ward in 2 games in the span of 10 games. I'm just going to play draft normals. This shit is too depressing and upsetting otherwise. I don't want to fall to the bottom of the barrel in ranked for nothing.
Shit I'm Bronze III still. I'm gonna start playing Morgana ranked. It's basically impossible to lose your lane and she is a major difference maker in teamfights. I obliterated the only ranked game I've played with her so far. But uh, bronze III. Whatever.