I crushed my lane the one game I've actually gotten to adc with him. His early burst, with passive procs, is massive - paired with leona and her passive procs he can 100-0 people at level 5. He definitely falls off late, though, his ult especially - by level 18 he does way more sustained dps in a fight just autoattacking than by ulting. Wildturtle says he can't carry. Turtle knows. All that said, he is fun to play. I like his mechanics. It does suck how he's brought out the absolute scumbaggiest 13 year old white kid out of the community - championselect.com, last I checked, didn't even have commentary on his matchups - just black jokes. Shitty. Although let's be real, they gave the first real black champ dreads and chrome handguns? Come on Riot.
I'm not mad at the stereotype. When you REALLY think about it, any look is a stereotype look because he has to look black. I'm pissed his skin makes him look albino. They went Equilibrium with the look and it works for me. His story checks the rest of it out. Its just his ult does NOT feel good, because its impossible to get off and easy as shit to juke. It's also weak as fuck at level 6. He's definitely heavy on AA, but his passive is sweet when you get it going.
As far as I can tell the best use for that ult is getting kills on chasers while you're running the fuck away
And even then its shitty, because the Dash CD barely procs because you never really kill anyone with the Culling unless they're at 15% health. He's still fun though, I just wish I could get good with him. His poke is good if you keep landing it, but his abilities will never, ever save him from anything, unless you pro-dash over a wall.
All I want is Silver for a pretty silver trim. That's all I want. I could careless about the ward skin, but i'll take it.
I can't believe plat and higher players don't get a better reward. I have no incentive to rise beyond gold besides a better border? On one hand, it makes sense not to spend much time designing stuff for < 1% of the player base, but on the other hand, throw them a bone. Those people likely have sub-par lives outside of their achievements in this game.
I just bought a ticket to attend the LCS World Championship match here at the Staples Center in LA. Pretty excited. First round of tickets sold out in 15mins or so but they released more today. Saw some tickets being listed at $500 on Craigslist. Wonder if people would really pay that much.
Yeah, its a double edged sword. They don't want the incentive to be too awesome, because everyone will bitch about it. But Riot makes it sound like it takes $50 million dollars to execute any of their ideas.
Holy fuck, just lost 6 ranked games in a row. Back to Bronze II. I'm never going to see any of those rewards. Teams just fucking blew. I couldn't carry, I couldn't support. No matter what, you can't win 1v5.
This play from Faker yesterday at the OGN Korean championship was fucking sick. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiA5Tt1RHcg&noredirect=1 (the reason it is Zed vs Zed is b/c the best of five series had gone 2/2, so the final match was blind pick) Here's the slow-mo breakdown: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da09LgzA0sY&noredirect=1 And as for the rewards for the higher tier players, a lot of those people do (or at least *can*) get paid to play a computer game, so I'm not exactly feeling bad for them.
Or they get paid through YouTube for making videos and getting a ton of view so...fuck them. Also, I'm pretty sure I'm not making it out of Bronze this season. I'll be giving up. My fault was playing on a long weekend when all the people who haven't played in like 3 months have some free time, jump on and have at it. This ended in disaster. 8 straight ranked losses. Knocked down to 59 points in Bronze II. I can probably get out in 5 games, but the chances of that are slim given the current "OMG PRIZES" environment. People are now trying that shouldn't, and people are trying too hard.
New patch: http://beta.na.leagueoflegends.com/node/5020 Highlights for me: 1. Fixing Draven's new passive so that he is more viable late game. 2. The shop now has an undo button if you purchase something on accident. So if you accidentally purchase a BF Sword on Veiger, you can sell it back immediately with no penalty.
Jessie Rogers, the porn star, is streaming LoL on twitch. I know Mia Rose also plays. Are there more adult actresses who moonlight as amateur lol players? It's so weird to me. It's double weird because she's a lot more well-spoken and articulate than I'd been led to believe by my, uh, previous exposure to her. She's also not wearing makeup and looks like a normal, pretty person, with awesome tits. Apparently she left porn because she got herpes of the ass though. Bummer. She also sucks at the game. But whatever.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.solomid.net/livestream.php?s=11572" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.solomid.net/livestream.php?s=11572</a> She's actually still on. As far as I can tell she exclusively plays jungle Nasus. Also I thought she was hotter before the fake tits, but I'm certainly not complaining. In related news I'm thinking I may at least make bronze 1 before the season ends. Akali is my shit.
Is that who that fucking is? I saw her the other night and had no idea. Yeah, she's terrible. But if she's honestly interested in learning the game and having fun, then good for her. I don't enjoy watching other novices play however.
I just played one of the greatest games of League of Legends I've ever played, it went one hour, six minutes. It was a loss. I can't even describe all the things that went on. Blue Team - Nasus Top (me), Bronie Jungle, Karma Mid, Zyra Support, and Ashe VS. Irelia Top, Diana Mid, Trundle Jungle, Zed Adc, and Leona. It was just a game that could have gone either way, people kept making plays. Zyra wasn't playing true support so that eventually fucked us (No sightstone until like 40 minutes in, and no Locket/Starks/Auras at all). I queued up with Karma who is a great mid but now knows Karma falls off HARD late game. Supports are supposed to be supports. She's just too underpowered as anything else even with 500 AP to do anything else. Also, Nasus is fucking disgusting late game when he goes full tank. I should have gotten a damage item, but I had Sunfire, Banshees, Ice Gauntlet, Merc Treads, Spirit and Randuins. Unfortunately wither does nothing to stop Zed.
True but with blade of the ruined king, and BF, he's a slipper fucker. Especially when you have Leona and Trundle peeling all the time.