Watching the replays is almost better because you don't have to deal with the casters jerking off for 45 minutes between matches. I thought TSM came out really strong against LD - Oddone fucked up so hard in the first 10 minutes, feeding 2 basically free kills, but he managed to camp mid hard enough to snowball Regi into carrying. I still think Reginald kinda sucks - how do you not snowball when you get fed 5 kills in mid - but it was good to see TSM winning a game against a decent opponent. I don't even know why I like them. Dyrus is boring but earnest, Regi is a shithead, Turtle and Xpecial are just boring... I guess I just really like Oddone's streams. Either way, not a chance they're gonna win. Fnatic or Gambit will be the strongest non-Asian teams. I don't much about the asians but it seems like OMG or SK are poised to shit on people. Also, I just got Wukong. Went 16/4/13 and couldn't carry. FML.
Here's an alternative listing of all the games. They do a pretty good job of keeping everything spoiler free, up to date and they even list different URLs for those who don't care about the picks/bans phase.
Just a normal - I'm gonna try to get at least 10 games in with him before I take him into ranked. He's a definite pubstomper though. 2nd game, 6/1/7 against Rengar (a supposed counterpick), won this one. His ult at level 2 and beyond DESTROYS teamfights if the other team is at all close together - maxed it does 200+1.2(TOTAL)AD damage per second in an aoe, for 4 seconds, knocks up whoever you hit, applies Black Cleaver shred, AND he gets 8 armor/MR per enemy champion near him. And you don't even need to flash to hit them because you can stealth-dash into the middle of them, pop ult, and watch and laugh as your team wins every fight. I guess he doesn't see too much pro play because he's easy to counter, but in low elo and normals, from my limited experience, he seems awesome. He also has the 2nd highest win rate by month in normals, and is a comfortable 6th in ranked games. Basically, if you don't own him, get him. Cleaver, Hydra, Triforce does outrageous damage, and he gets enough bonus defense from his passive that you don't need to stack a ton of it to get really tanky.
Well I shouldn't have left her, and now I'm back on board with Cassiopeia. I'm going to ride her to to Silver. People want those borders and skins. People are playing serious as fuck right now and its great. My last few ranked games, people have been focused, playing logically and if we lose a fight its because of simple mistakes. It's either, getting peeled off too easy, extending just a wee bit much or small stuff that don't totally throw games. We killed 4 people, had the tower pushed and for once, the entire team didn't leave the tower with 5v1 to kill dragon! It was MAGICAL! People were actually playing objectives, not splitpushing like idiots, and everything else.
Tried to go for getting my promo in ranked. Went 7/4 with Nasus top, lost because our jungle yi was actively trolling and went 1/13/1. Ok. Played another. Got a penta as Irelia, went 11/7/15, lost again. I hate this game sometimes.
Well looks like you're playing an 3am in the damn morning. Rush hour, rush hour, rush hour. I've won my last few ranked games from like 6-12pm CST. That way there is some maturity on.
The casters ruin this for me. I assume that they pick the least Aspie Rioters and pros to be the casters, and they still blow me away w/ their awkwardness and inability to make eye contact with the camera. I actually feel ashamed to be interested in the sport because the people they nominate as the face of it are such neckbeards.
Its official, unless I had my account over to someone, I'm never getting to Silver. I'm choked even worse than I was before, now I'm getting 4 LP either way. That is a grind I cannot participate in. I just need to wait until next season.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -with.html</a> At the end of that post, there is a blurb about how there was a special Syndra + Justicar unlock for positive players. Latin American's are such assholes in LoL they have to bribe them not to be or ban half the server. My games have gotten so much better without the "jajajaja" popping up every other game. Call me a racist, but sorry. Those server splits are now perfect.
I think part of the reason I am so addicted to this game is that I am only really satisfied when I play a crucial role in a close victory. If there are four possible outcomes - 1. getting longdicked 2. longdicking the other team 3. losing a close one and 4. winning a close one, only four brings me the highest amount of satisfaction, followed by 2. And both of those aren't nearly as fun if I'm not playing well and carrying. So the pleasure I associate with the game is of that higher order, but when I actually play I might get that feeling only every one in every 8 or 10 games or so. Also, the matchmaking in normals has been fucked up lately. I got trashed early by a Plat I in top lane, and he was q'd up with a gold II and gold III, versus me and a bunch of various silvers and 1 bronze I. Like, how does their algorithm spit that out as a possible match? How do they expect either side to enjoy themselves when the disparity in skill is so high?
That's a great breakdown of this game's addiction. Because that high of 4 is ridiculous. You pop out of your seat and first pump. Also, there have been times when I've had 3s and still thought they were great games, and others where someone made a huge mistake and fucked it up it hurts.
You guys talk about this game enough i thought i would give it another try(played a few games many many years ago). My first of probably many questions. I get there is the top middle and bottom lanes. I get that the support and jungler would need to be different characters, but why does it seem certain charters get certain lanes when looking at builds? What is the difference between the lanes that makes certain characters good for certain lanes, or is that just bs?
It's just what everyone has collectively decided is the best way to play the game "the meta". It allows a variation of team composition. Top lane can collect all the gold and experience alone, along with mid lane. Jungler can eat up all the creeps and come out of the fog of war to assist on surprise kills. Bot lane is a support to keep the glass cannon nature of the Marksmen alive and prevent ganks. The reason there are two on bottom is mainly for quick access to the dragon with the highest damage over time character.
In addition to what parker said, some of the characters (mainly mages) have abilities that scale really well per level. In other words, adding a level to their Q or E or whatnot adds a lot of base damage. So you typically want those characters to be in solo lanes so that they can hit those "power spikes" sooner and use them to win a critical teamfight or take the first dragon or something. Other than that, you usually want someone with at least 3 damage oriented abilities in top or mid lane, while people w/ defensive or utility skills are more often relegated to the jungle. Characters with good mobility are often assigned to the mid lane so they can roam, or the jungle so they can take advantage of their surprise appearances more often.
How often do they change the free champions? I played a few games with Ryze started liking him, then i went to play last night and he was gone from the free list.