Worlds last night was a lot of fun. I had just about the worst seat you could, but I still enjoyed it. Photo: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> Video of the opening: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> Got the Championship Thresh skin and I think it sucks. Made it to my series to get out of bronze today. Lost three in a row. First game had 2 DC's, and it was just downhill from there. Now I'm down to 54LP. Frustrating.
Javane and I just had a great comeback. I fucked up and gave toplane Ahri 2 kills and double buffs (which resulted in 2 top towers gone). But we kept at it and with smart lane swaps, rotations, wards and ganks we came back to win pretty decisively. One of those games that makes you feel good.
Then I just followed it up with a game that trolled the shit out of me, they had a Malphite that knew what they were doing, Leona, Fizz, Kha and Cait. Our Corki was fucking terrible, kept "lagging" out for 1.5 seconds and missing kills forcing our Support Thresh to finish and take kills. Our Wukong was terrible, didn't ult until the end of the fights and of course it was too late. See you Season 4. I'm just going to start fresh.
I can only imagine how you guys feel playing ranked. I have only been playing for two weeks now and suck, just playing in normal pvp and have had a few games of 4v5 where one goes afk, or just doesn't team fight.
The rage will only build over time. Get good before you play ranked. Because once you start, you won't be able to wash the stink off you.
What are some of favourite champions? I dont have many games in, but i tend to lean towards mages in most games. Malzahar just came off free and i think he will be my first purchase.
Right now bursty assassin mids are king - Ahri is probably the most popular AP assassin right now. Diana and Kassadin are also hugely popular, as is Orianna despite not being an assassin. Fizz (AP) and Zed (AD) are also popular at mid right now, but they're tougher to play effectively before you get comfortable. Malz is strong but his kit has 2 big flaws - his ult is fairly easy to counterplay (Quicksilver Sash is fairly cheap after laning is over and cleanses it, leaving Malz suppressed for the remaining duration) and he has no escape. Since every new champ seems to have mobility skills of some sort, it leaves him awfully vulnerable to ganks and assassins diving directly down his throat. Akali is my most successful mid in ranked - I'm 8-4 with her and average 9.8/4/6.5 kda. She is super duper strong at low elo, and a ton of fun to play. I have penta'd with Diana in ranked though. Riven is the most fun top in the game and one of the most popular. Irelia is also incredibly strong but really underplayed for some reason. I'd stick with free week champs until you get more of a feel for the game - obviously buy someone if you just really love them, but many of the champs I got before I really understood the game and meta are sitting unused waiting on reworks now. But again - if someone really resonates, go ahead and buy - for just about every champ I'd be willing to bet you could find a diamond player who mains them.
I own 50+ out of like the 110+ there are now and I only really like playing with 15-20. Dude, keep playing different champions, and don't buy runes. Just keep rotating and moving. Eventually once you get to 21, you can start buying runes and champions. There is so fucking many, and before there were releasing a champ once every two weeks, they slowed that down because they have to go back and fix half those champions.
Pro's in mid have lately been using a lot of Orianna, Zed, Fizz, Gragas, Ahri, and and Kassadin. Ori, Gragas, and Ahri (w/ charm) can start (or disengage) a team fight. Zed, Fizz, Ahri, and Kass can quickly burst down a champ. Popular supports currently are Sona (can heal/sustain in lane, poke, and good ult), Janna (good team fight reset), and Thresh. The most popular junglers are Vi, Jarvan, Lee Sin, and Elise. Champs with good mobility, damage, and a way to solidly slow/stun your opponent. Most popular ADC's are Corki, Ezreal, and Vayne. Up top I've been seeing a lot of Renekton and Riven, but if you can learn to play Rumble you can usually stomp people b/c they're used to playing AD champs up top. Jax and Shen are commonly picked for their ability to split push. For me personally, I mostly play jungle or support. I prefer Vi and Sona for each respectively. Vi's early ganks are very effective, and once she hits 6 you are most likely to get a kill. All that being said, sometimes it is quite advantageous to learn less popular champions. Plenty of them are viable. Some are just more difficult, or boring, or whatever. But your opponent will be less familiar with it, and thus less knowledgeable about how to deal with you. A well-played Zyra support can be very frustrating, and I'm pretty sure a majority of players don't even really know what Galio's abilities are.
Also, don't always go with what people say. There are only a few truly underpowered (Poppy, Sion, Evelynn) champions in the game. A lot of times, perception does not reflect reality. Champions of been practically banished because Riot put out a post thinking about changing them. People thought Hecarim was weak for the longest time, then people caught up, then everyone started playing him. This happens time and time again. Currently Irelia is suffering from this.
Played my first game with and AD champ, Graves. Was doing fairly well 10/2/12, but finished 14/10/14. Seemed like in team fights even thou i was mid/back of the team, they would always come after me. But dam what a difference from playing APC champs. Lots of AD+ and Attack Speed+ items, and i could kill turrets really quickly. Seems the better i do, the more they come after me, so i can never finish with a great game, not like they come that often thou. Just got to learn to run more often.
What? You're saying the enemy team went after their biggest threat? No way! Why would you do that in a game?!?! Shutting down the ADC is a primary goal in team fights, then the AP carry. When people help keep the enemy team off the ADC, its called peeling. Its core strategy. It'll take some practice as things flow.
Riven absolutely dumpsters Rumble if she engages any time before level 5. It's an easy snowball lane from there. It's a question of who has better positioning, practically, but all things being equal ADCs present a higher threat in teamfights. After an apc blows their load they're basically ignorable for a bit until their spells come off cooldown, whereas adcs left unattended will penta like it's their job. Because it is. APs also tend to build a bit of tankiness fairly early by these days (either hp or resists, depending), whereas adcs tend to just go glass cannon until they absolutely HAVE to start working on a GA. Although realistically you can count on your yolo queue teammates focusing tanks like it's their job while all your squishies get murdered by Zed. So get used to that.
Ah sorry. I did not necessarily mean to take Rumble against Riven or Renekton, but rather that he is a great champ to learn if you go top often. Particularly good to know a couple AP tops (Rumble, Singed, Lissandra, Zac, etc) in case your mid goes Zed or some other AD champ. Well it really depends on which champion is most fed. If Brand is 15/4 and Tristana is 3/8, I'm going to Brand. And other times you want to focus a champion early in the fight b/c of their AoE (area of effect damage) or DoT (damage of time) or their tremendous CC. There are a couple reasons why you generally focus the ADC however. APC's are dependent on mana and cooldown timers while the AD can just pump out a constant stream of damage. Another reason is say after the fight you have 3 people dead while they only have 2. If one of your opponent's 3 surviving members is the ADC, he can get a lot more damage on a turret while your teammates are dead (as Wexton noted earlier about the ADC's ability to push). In other news, season 3 got extended to November 11th for those of you looking to move up the ranks.
5th series entered to advance to silver, 5th series lost. 4th time it went to 5 games. I'm starting to get very bummed/discouraged with this whole ranked system. I am honestly beginning to feel haunted.
Jesus fuck. I decided to play ranked for the first time in forever. First game, two people leave within 5 minutes because they died. Second game we didn't even get past the draft because everyone was being completely retarded. God damn it.
Yes, that's this game. I'm stuck in the tardfest which is Bronze II because I keep getting trolled as fuck. What I need to stop doing is freaking out because I'm first pick and saying I'll support instead, I just hate getting counter picked and no one ever wants to trade in these low elo troll games.