Both of those champs I started learning after someone shit on me with them. If you can't beat em, join em. I find Fizz more fun to play than Jax because you can do all kinds of wacky things with flash and trickster. Cait's range is amazing and my roommate plays her fairly frequently so he's been coaching me on bot lane.
Newest champ announcement: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... d-revealed</a>
He seems really, really fun. Especially his Q that can be triggered again to split off at a 90 degree angle. In news no one cares about, finally played 4 competent games to get back into Bronze III, continuing the climb from the bottom. It shocks me how hard it is to win games sometimes. There has been this scary trend down here, near the bottom, where people just go BACK way too frequently. Especially after we killed 2-3, there is a tower, inhib or nexus open to attack. Someone told me a year ago, the biggest mistake people make is going back too frequently, and I'm seeing it a lot now. Also, the flip side of people staying way too damn long when they're NOT even pounding an objective, they just stay in the enemy jungle for shits and giggles or something because they think they can make a play, even though its 1v5 and no one else is around to help them.
I have this problem ALL THE TIME. Do people not understand that objectives are what run the game. I've seen people just roaming around the jungle doing fuck knows what.
Good god, this game is hard to get back into. I'm getting shit on consistently. You guys weren't kidding about the Riven nerfs. I can't decide if her w range got decreased but I can't hit that stun to save my life anymore. Part of it is incompetent team mates, I guess. I went 6/0 in lane as Renekton but with a failed bot lane and glass cannon AP Nasus in mid still managed to pull off the loss. The next game I couldn't even carry hard enough with Jax to get the win. It's gonna be a long time before I'm playing ranked again.
I simultaneously love this game and hate this game. Lost 6 of 10 placements, wound up bronze 1. Every goddamn game I'll be like 1-1-0 or 1-0-0 by level 8 or so with decent farm and my team will be down like 2-15. Kids going 0-3 and standing in base talking shit for the rest of the game. But the wins feel so good.
Not sure if any of you play ADC often, but I'd recheck out Ashe after her update. She's pretty ridiculous with the right build now. I go sword and pots to start and rush BT. Then it's the start of manamura and the gold portion of shiv. Then it's Full boots, IE, finish the shiv, finish the mura and then it gets fun. Sell shiv for a hydra and then sell the boots for a trinity. You lose home guard, but your final build is almost 500ad plus when you switch on manamura you are almost dealing 550 with huge life steal and attack speed with a 3 second CD on your E, and a 60sec CD on your R. She's becomming my main ADC because of it.
Yeah, it is. Also, that's like a 2-hour game build - 3200 BT + 3800 IE + 2100 Mura + 2500 Shiv + 3703 TF + 900 boots + (3200 for another BT instead of Hydra) is more money than you'll see in 98% of games. For my money I'd stick with the regular old Dorans/double Dorans -> IE rush into Shiv and BT/LW with a GA in there somewhere.
I got the hydra for the extra 5AD, but after reading that multiple BT stack AD, I may switch over to that. Perhaps throwing in a Maw or LW might be better yet. Still working out the last item, but all in all, you don't see many ADC's topping off at 500+ AD. Usually it comes in around 340 with a few crit items. Surprisingly, I've gotten a full build with money left over in 40 minute games. Her E now grants 3 gold from level one, so you start it, and 250CS is almost 1k gold by itself. Add in the gold you get from the half shiv and you are easily pulling in almost 10 bonus gold per minion kill after level 6.
Went 6-4 in my qualifiers and back to Bronze I. Should've been at least 7-3 but couldn't carry after going 6/0 top with Shyvana. Team too stupid, game went too long, and everyone else got outscaled. Probably the most disappointing loss I've ever had.
Losses like that, those 54 minute losses, where you could have won like 3-4 times but your team wouldn't follow a simple commands for reasons you cannot even comprehend...those are the losses that make you want to quit the game.
I'm going to Jinx myself right now and say, don't know what it has been, but I'm on a ranked winning streak, and finally have been putting a dent into my W/L normals total. I think my match history over the last week has me winning about 80% of my games. It feels good. The biggest change is playing more Garen at top, who is a fucking boss. Everyone keeps banning Mundo, but Garen is currently just as worse. There are fights I get into sometimes when I'm doing shit and I'm like "Wait, I'm still alive?" Keep focusing the tank fuckers. This game is now definitely leaning towards those HP tanks with resistances backing them up. The only real counter to that is high ADC AS and LS. Otherwise they're going to get burned down with CC and attacks. You simply cannot go squishy top anymore. Teemo is about to be made useless in a patch or two with the AP nerf. Unless people start going Man Mode Teemo, all tops are going to be hardcore fighters. Also, his ult is so goddamn satisfying. They've added this like clear wave effect for after when you kill people. Its just so damn good. I've played with Darius, the visual feedback isn't as epic.
I got lost on YouTube. Ran into these. I love this game a little too much, but these are fucking TERRIBLE. Only watch if you hate yourself. There are 3 other live action ones. There is also this CGI one that doesn't suck (as much.)
Riding my Ashe build into B3. Was watching Turtle The Cat on twitch the other night and my ADC game has improved vastly from seeing how he plays. I'm turning into a fucking beast as of late. Taking my 9 game winning streak all the way to Silver.
Man, I can't watch streams for longer than 10 minutes. Just can't do it. I get super bored super quick. And I know the games where I fuck up, but man its so many times its just the fucking teams. They are just so bad. Keep up the great work man. Get to the real leagues. Like Bronze II or I HAHAHAHA.
If you guys get bored, try out support Ziggs. Possibly the most fun ever. I've won lane every time I've played him with the exception of when I've played against blitzcranks. My roommate is winning consistently in upper silver playing him support.
Man, these children in this game. You have to carry them so hard. People trying to surrender when you're down 1 kill and even on towers. These kids tried to gg like 10 times, Jungle at one point gave up on bot because they botched a gank. Going against Annie, Diana, Kat and Yorick...Soraka told me to "stop pointing fingers" and "stfu" when I kindly asked her to get Aegis, you know the thing with the team MR aura that would help the entire game! They fed an Annie and Ashe the entire game. But I was Lissandra. So I just kept making plays, shutting down Kat, Annie and Ashe. And setting everyone else up. Then the coolest fucking thing happened. In the middle of ranked, the BATTLE FOR THE FRELJORD Secondary Quest kicked in. OMG OMG OMG. Lissandra just says really loudly "At last, our ascension is at hand!" Then the quest reads "Ashe is a powerful symbol to her people. Lissandra must kill her so they fall in line." Then I kill her and I get a fucking crown! Lissandra says "The Iceborn rule Freljord!" This wasn't it but it looks like this. Spoiler Everyone immediately gets their shit together. They get focused and we win it 3 minutes later. It was one of the moments that you want to keep playing this game for, even though all the shit around it makes you hate yourself.
I hate the new meta. Soraka mid with double heal is bullshit. You can dumpster her and she'll still fuck your ass after 25 mins. Also, they really need to fix the bug that knocks you out of queue for someone failing to select a champ when everyone has (or sometimes before banning phase is even over). Also, fuck jungle yi.