If you don't have a stun and assassin on your team, Yi will fist fuck your skull single handily. I haven't run into that bug very much, but this Soraka mid thing is super annoying. You really need to get something or someone with Grievous Wounds to shut it down.
Soraka as a whole is fucking bullshit. You think she's bad as a mid, try the same bullshit but with an ADC you can't kill and who never runs out of mana. Start a trade with ADC at 1/4 life left. ADC barrier. Soraka heal. ADC summoner spell heal. Soraka summoner spell heal. Soraka heal. ADC double kill. Since they nerfed Leona a bit, she's the most OP support champ in the game right now.
Got my first pentakill against actual opponents. Started playing tristana and building BT -> runaans hurricane -> IE -> Phantom Dancer -> Last Whisper. Press Q and she shoots 3+ autos a second plus an extra 6 shots a second at half damage. Shreds everything. Triples and quads allll day. You can be behind out of laning and as soon as you build hurricane you farm so fast you'll get scary anyway.
Patch 4.6 will have some nerfs against healing. Thank christ. https://twitter.com/SotLTravis/status/457664705847259136
That's great, because the new meta is fucking insane now that its shaken out. Xin with Feral Flare is goddamn unstoppable. Yi is a goddamn nuisance unless you have two stuns. Also no one wants to buy Executioners Calling or Morellonomicon to stop all the healing. Also, I learned that if you're Jax and you're doing his counter move, if WW ults you, it does no damage. That poor WW.
From what I understand they're adding the heal stacking debuff again, where if you use multiple SS heals in a certain period of time, the subsequent ones heal for less. I didn't even realize they removed this.
This game is breaking my soul. Yet I continue to play. New rule or system of sanity. I'm only going to mainly ranked on weeknights, as that's when my teams are usually competent. Not saying good, but at least they are not complete idiots. The exception to this rule is if I have a solid duo partner. If I do get bored as fuck and decide to play solo ranked on a weekend, I will stop playing if I lose the first game. If I win the first game, I will stop if I lose 2 in a row. This will hopefully prevent any of the epic slides I've faced. I will also not solo queue a promotion match if I lost the first. I've had promo opportunities in the same week and the losses were devastating. Also, this new patch should be exciting and open up the game a bit. Junglers have become too selfish and dominating. Looking forward to having them in line and not have to ban Yi every game. Still will have to ban LB, Jax, and Shyvana sometimes. But at least you'll be able to get a gank once a blue moon.
First, I want to say that the new summoner's rift maps look very cool. Much improved over what is out there now. Secondly, SUCK IT BITCHES! Silver V *Slow Clap*
Congrats. Not that you deserved it, but congrats. I haven't played in two weeks due to moving. I'm fucking itching. I haven't even had time to watch the videos on the new maps. I'm going to try and sneak that in awhile she sleeps.
I've never really taken a look at LoL, and know absolutely nothing about it. Anyone have any "intro to LoL" links that would help me get up to speed?
You take that shit out of here Juice, you shut your whore mouth. LoL is for the non-hardcore that can be pretty hardcore if you go for it. They're upgrading the graphics to look a little more like DOTA and less cel-shade cartoony, but still really nice and unique in style. The game is crack cocaine. Now you just need to play the game, its free as well. After getting a few games in, we can start steering you one way or another, but be prepared to yell at break things. It is a lot to learn.
Both are great games, but to greatly simplify it LoL is easymode DoTA 2. LoL is more accessible, there's less punishment in dying for example. Also, DoTA's mechanics make fuckups more punishing (for one, skills use more mana so it's easier to run out), and kills are harder to come by. I've seen high level LoL games with heroes max out on items. This almost never happens in DoTA. Also, DoTA's heroes tend to be highly specialized. Even though LoL has a larger roster, a lot of them felt like clones of each other in terms of utility. Both are fun and if you're looking to just get into a MOBA then LoL will suit you just fine. In the end I personally think DoTA 2 gives the more enriching and complex experience by far. Oh and btw LoL's community is toxic. Fucking terrible. Makes XBox Live look like Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. It'll make you a proponent of forced sterilization.
I was just trolling a bit, I've never played LoL. I've been DoTA purist since it was a Warcraft 3 mod. I only downloaded and tried the Steam version recently. It's actually easier now than it was when it was a mod. At least now it tells you what gear adds up up to which better items. In the original version, a lot of backwards math was required to figure it out. Yeah I would imagine that the community in either game is a fucking cesspool, so much emphasis is placed in the strengths of teammates that any fuck up is inexcusable. DoTA in WC3 had the most incredibly vile people playing.
Just one more difference Dota has from lol that I dont think has been mentioned and for me was the deciding factor for staying with Dota was that you have all the Heroes right from the get go. Lol has a weekly(I think) rotation of its Champions and from a competitive standpoint found this infuriating and idiotic. You can purchase Champions with money or use the points you gather in game by winning matches but unless Champions cost was less points or a better point multiplier has been added since I played (3-4 years ago) it takes FOREVER to unlock the cooler Champions.
The problem with this game is that the above is a gross understatement. The way the game is structured people are actually willing to hurt themselves to fuck you over. On the flip sides, the highs of the game are the HIGHEST FUCKING HIGHS ever. Its too much. Now this is flat out wrong. The newer champions cost more, the older champions cost less, every three champion releases there is a price bump down and there are frequent sales of champions. They've also reworked and tuned up a lot of the older champions. For a long while, one of the most OP champions was one of the cheapest (Annie). The newest champs always start OP for like two weeks before they get powered down, but they're never invincible in the least.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.twitch.tv/saltyteemo" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.twitch.tv/saltyteemo</a> - A pretty fun stream that lets you spectate games where the ELO is around 500 or so. The players are so bad that it is exciting. Plus you bet on which side will win, the music is fun, and the chat is often hilarious.
Haha, that looks great, but the little time I have I'd rather be playing. Trying to get good with Talon to climb with him before they nerf the fuck out of him. He's so fun, but you need to get his combo right and hope for the best.
Stuff like this is another reason to love Thresh. I also enjoy throwing the lantern behind me and walking up like a gank is about to happen. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10154489562305556