Riot is going to be cracking down on toxicity today in a test run. Praying this becomes permanent.
On the one hand this is a good thing. That community is too toxic, and any attempts to fix it are good things. On the other hand, me personally would only crack down on things like intentional feeding and always afk'ing. Trash talking in online gaming has been going on since time immemorial, and I personally like the feeling of beating someone as they call me a "cheap gay noob".
Haha, I'd totally agree with you in terms of "Oh you talk shit, yeah I'm going to beat you" but when 90% of that trash talk is coming from your team then its different. I could care less with the enemy team talking trash, I usually play better, I enjoy it. Actually, I seriously believe that trash talking the enemy team is looked down upon more than trash talking the friendly team. The toxicity everyone talks about isn't coming from the other team. It comes from playing a game, and missing the last hit to kill an enemy. No one died on the friendly team, but not finishing the enemy. No harm no foul right? But chat fills up with "Fucking noob, goddamn useless, gg, we're not winning, surrender 20. Fucking noob can't finish! Whatever you're trash, fuck it I'm going to jungle and/or just farm." Now the game for all intents and purposes is 4v5 and those rarely get won in competitive play.
Haven't really jungled in a while. Yeah, I still got it. Wish rankeds would go this well.
After not playing ranked for awhile, jumped back into it earlier in the week. It was traumatizing, I played 5 games. 3 out of 4 games, midlane complained "I'm lagging" then died, 2 of said mids proceeded to suck the rest of the game. The third mid once mid got an advantage, those complaints stopped. I was mid the 4th game and zero lag. Just got my ass kicked by Veigar. In none of those games did any other lane complain about lag neither did the enemy team. I won one of those games, having to carry as Garen. The fifth game had our jungle from the beginning.
So they revamped Team Builder and it's actually pretty fast now. Often less than 5 minutes from picking a champion to being in game. I just wonder how long it'll last once everyone gets all the icons from it. Also, RoA Maokai top is the new hotness. It's so easy, it's dumb.
I'm really surprised with the lack of AP mages up top given how viable certain AD champs are mid. Cho, Gragas is top in higher elos, Rumble comes and goes (not much in lower elos), Vladimir, and Maokai always had a great kit for it. He has a line attack knock-up, a click snare, and free target ranged aoe. It's just keeping his mana up was hard. Also, I had the best day every yesterday (and one the day before). <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> Won 8-9 ranked games. Only two of those were because they were 5v4, even then I had to carry the team.
In competitive play right now, Lulu and Gragas are almost guaranteed to be picked or banned. Kassadin top's happened a couple times. Ryze used to, but he's fallen out of favor. And then there are the Kayle, Mundo, Shyvana, and Jax hybrids. Really there aren't that many AD top right now either (Irelia, Nidalee, Trundle, Yasuo). No one really plays Renekton anymore b/c of nerfs and games go on too long on average now to pick him and his poor scaling. Nevertheless, anything goes in solo queue.
You better start warming up buddy, I'm climbing back to Bronze I, at 66 LP now and we need to get into Silver. Out of nowhere last weekend, I started getting good teams. 7 game winning streak, I've won 9/10 ranked games. Waiting on Riot to contact me for claiming I've given someone else my login.
my new start when i play support: gold generation item, 2 red pots, and a pink ward. i find that starting with the pink is much more beneficial. you place it into the river brush just above dragon around 1:50. keep an eye on the brush and make sure it isn't already warded. if it is, hang onto it until that ward dies (usually around 2:10 or so). it winds up being much more gold efficient and helps not only your bot lane, but also your mid lane and your jungler.
a guide to warding over walls: part 1 - ... ls-and-you part 2 - ... ou-part-2/
that ward stuff is helpful, and new sona is op. i'm loving it. but not as much as i'm loving pantheon. everyone talks so much shit about him being op, but he's so strong. when he gets tanky, he negates so much damage with his passive. then with bc staying at full stacks, maw or bt. he becomes a huge pain in the ass. there are three top champs that really counter him now.
i would advise against the pink ward start for a couple of reasons. that 100g can go to sustain, which can lead to a more favorable trade in lane that leads to a dragon. putting a pink down mid river by dragon means that you cannot defend it, and it also doesn't give vision from jungle entrances to bot lane. the risk of mid lane or jungle taking that ward before it benefits your team doesn't equal the cost. warding trinket allows you to keep river warded if you can rotate it with your adc after 3:30 which is when gank potential comes into play anyway. i usually ward river at 0:50, have adc ward forward bot bush at 2:00 and then rotate the wards river bush from then on. by the time you need a pink around dragon you should have already had a chance to back. as someone whose got 300 games of thresh logged this season, i find that being able to dive after a good hook and heal up the pair of turret hits i take outweighs any vision advantage an early pink would provide. having a pair of extra potions on your pocket lets you be more aggressive, even if it means trading your health bar for their mana bar. the healing with relic shield and 4 health cookies lets me stay in lane and perhaps create a play.
I can't fucking buy a win in Ranked now. After that glorious streak at the beginning of the month. I got demoted to Bronze II. Thank god I'm starting off at 75 LP. Hopefully I can get back. Some games I've played better people, some of those games the lag was terrible, but most of the games my teams have been absolute shit stains attitude wise. Just the worst toxic little fuckers.
I've noticed and influx of afk's and toxicity in recent weeks and I believe it's just a bunch of people making a last push for the season rewards. The only way I can tolerate soloQ is to hit it at off hours.
That has to be it, but the irony is what fucking kills me. If they wanted to come in and win for last push season rewards, you'd think they'd try do do everything to win. Giving up 5 minutes in and losing 20 LP isn't going to help them. Unfortunately with my schedule and girlfriend I have after work only, and weekends. I'm just pissed because the way this season is going, I ended up in B2 last season and started in B3. Can't have that bullshit again.
Unranked but I carried these fucks. Look at that gold difference over time: ... 2/39336399 So does anyone else hate buying cloth/5 for toplane now? Ever since they changed the Warden's Mail recipe, cloth armor is way less useful now. I generally don't like thornmail (it's a last item if anything so that cloth just sits taking up inventory). And 90% of the time I take mercs over tabis for the tenacity.
Top lane for me is boots and pots. Opens it up so I don't have to back until I can grab whatever I need for the first buy whether that is armor/MR/AD.