I do that with Garen, but for Panth I go flask and pots to keep the poke up. Otherwise I'd go with Doran's for the regent. Ninja tabi are really only key if you're going heavy tank.
It bothers me that cloth armor is more useful for Orianna than it is for Shyvana. Anyway, got back to Silver V in one weekend. What's taking you so long, Javane?
Oh fuck you, a thousand times. I was so goddamn close just a bit ago, then I got trolled. I'm going to make a run this weekend.
You need to stop queuing with that silver 5 Tapped guy and start queuing with the silver 4 Death guy.
burned ice cube takes offense to that. We've had some great games. TappedItTwice is hi name, you two fuckers should play together, since you're ADC and he's support Thresh/Braum. Also, I'm pretty sure our Duo win % is like 10%. Also, he's never in game when I get on or he's ready to go. You always log on after I have sent the invite or started game.
If you look at my recent ranked games you'll see that I actually carried myself with Leona. I think she's great for low ELO's right now. Morgana is always banned (and rightly so as she's the #1 support IMO). You can make more plays with Thresh, but he is more demanding mechanically and more reliant on your teammates making quick decisions (both do not bode well for low ELO). Basically I made sure Braum and Morgana were banned and took Leona. People aren't sure what else to take so they go with and often resort to Blitz who falls off dramatically late game. I feel like it also relaxes people in champion select as there isn't an argument over who gets saddled w/ support. The only problem is that you have to place your trust that your teammates will be able to properly bring damage.
I was all excited when I saw your post, but after looking at the skin, I'm not in love with this skin. I like the ability animations, but the skin in general looks clunky/goofy especially compared to Ice Drake Shyvana which is sleek and stylish.
This is the PBE model render. Also I think all the Victorious skins are pretty clunky, but I think there will be many tweaks before the season is over.
http://www.twitch.tv/nightblue3/popout Nightblue is streaming the PBE Summoner's Rift rework. It looks pretty sweet. He's also showing the Sion rework, and it is fucking broken. No way it makes it out of PBE as it currently is.
Too strong? He looks like an insane lane bully, not even going to think what it looks like coming out of the jungle. They need a better visual indicator on where that shield can hit though. Right now you don't know how far away you're supposed to get from it. The Summoner's Rift rework does look great though, I'm excited for it. I'm glad I already have Sion and a skin though.
I think Leona is a bit too all in for low elo's. I used Thresh to carry me out of bronze and his toolkit just gives you so many more options to help a struggling ADC. I also like how Thresh has a few seconds to decide if the hook is work dashing into, while Leona can be forced into some unfavorable situations due to her dash being automatic. The lantern helps in so many situations is securing a chase as well as a perfect escape. There is nothing sexier than something like this though: or That being said, Thresh is a champ that takes more micromanagement than Leona, as the position battle and brush control is critical. Finally, I have started to embrace Anivia, who has some mana issues early, but has an amazing combo that can just steamroll a lane. She has been the spear head of a 10 game winning streak with such good control in the late game
Well I've been playing with Arms Akimbo, its been free elo pretty much. Finally got back to Bronze I last night. Teams have been decent to carry. I'm hoping the whole chat / ranked restrictions are having the impact I hope it does to get trolls out of ranked. Need to keep rolling on through Bronze I so I can get the fuck out. On a 5 game win streak now, Xin, Jax, Trist, and Irelia. I need to try the new Garen, I've heard he's basically OP given his new heal is just ridiculous. Also, not sure if you guys have seen this. http://kotaku.com/korean-league-of-lege ... 9/+Tom_Ley
Do we know if Custom Item Sets are saved server side yet? If I do a repair on my client, will I lose all of them?
Just passed into S3. I'm thinking I might have enough time to make a run to Gold before the season is over. That Gold banner would be pretty fucking sweet.
Congrats! I'm sitting at the bottom of Bronze I right now. If I lose again, probably getting demoted. Going to make a run tonight like 6:45pm CST and see if I can get some wins. If anyone is going to be on, I'll see you on.