And.....this new patch is RIDICULOUS. Way to break the game in a patch Riot. Holy shit, what have you done.
I'm not super salty, I'm proud of you. If you can make it, I can definitely make it. It's just out of all the games we've played together, 15% we've won. 10% I've lost fucked up in. 5% have been AFKs. 10% we've been trolled to shit. 5% had bad players. The remaining 55% have been some really weird, bad or completely fucked up play from you. This is if I'm supporting, carrying top, mid, jungle or whatever. So I am very happy for you, it's just my personal duo experience makes me go "How the fuck did he do that?" You just got to gold, then we duo'd two nights ago and we lost. Now, that wasn't your fault, you were carrying, and we had a bad team, but we just have horrible duo chemistry. I'm pretty sure I fell out of Silver 3 duoing with you...but CONGRATULATIONS! Also, elaborate on the game being broken, I'm about to dive into the boards, but I most likely won't be able to play until fucking Tuesday.
It's quite possible we aren't a good duo. There are some high elo players who won't play with other high elo players because their play styles just don't match at all and they end up having shit games together. So the broken part. Skarner is now a 100% no questions asked ban. His win rate in a day climbed almost 30% across all servers. Morde being able to charm the dragon and solo baron at level 14 is ridiculous. Garen is a late game beast now, even if his new Ult is really gimmicky. The new hydra item is like a 5 man AOE damage burst in team fights. I give it 2 weeks before riot nerfs everything about this patch. They wanted to shift the meta to a more open game, but in doing so, they again broke the whole game where people are only going to play a few champs because they are head and tails above everything else.
I'm kind of unhappy about the state of streams right now. Most of them seem to be more about theatricality now. Voyboy used to be really in depth with every move he made. Now 80% of the stream if "Is that him? Is that the legend YoloWeed420? Thanks for subbing man, welcome to the Voyscouts." I still watch Scarra and OddOne (who streams League less and less). Nightblue annoys me with how much he tilts sometimes. The new patch is fucking awful. I think it's rather evident that PLE isn't used for balancing at all anymore. I've yet to see a Skarner. EDIT: And yes, the new hydra is a swift dick up the ass even for tanks.
Streams have gone to be way more character driven, I got drunk the other night and started to watch Brofresco videos because I wanted to see how the Juggernauts played. I have regretted no other drunk activity more.
This is cool as fuck. Against my better judgment and financial planning, I'm going to buy Project Leona, Fiora and Lucian. 2 games as Lee Sin for a combined 20/2/28. Zero honor. Fuck these assholes.
Also this new marksman pre-season meta is horrible. I'm sure Riot intended 80% of game to have a Graves in the jungle.
This whole new patch is just ridiculous. So many broken components. I know it's good to keep the game fresh, but this is a 5 year old game that's basically in Beta Testing stage right now. Jesus Riot, fix your fucking game.
To be fair, it is pre-season. Their goal with pre-season is to toss a bunch of crazy shit out there and spend 3+ months rein it back in looking to land in a better place they started off with. It's been their entire discussion. Now it all depends on if they can rein it back in the right way.
New patch. XP I think is the most important part. Top lane was bullshit during 5.21. If you made a small mistake and got killed, you'd be guaranteed a level behind. If you didn't take teleport, you could very realistically come back to lane and be 2 levels behind. There was just no chance of coming back. Go check out the "Promo Helper" bit too. Champion Kills Killing an even-leveled champion provides less experience. Another accidentally undocumented change from 5.22's patch notes, the total experience you get from a kill was 60% of your level rather than 50%. This was done to ensure that people are properly rewarded for aggressive actions and making kills 'worth it' alongside bounties, but together with all of the other preseason changes just put snowballing on kills way out of control. So, we're switching it back to before 5.22. This won't singlehandedly reverse the tide of a losing game, but should mean you see less 'I'm level 13 and they're level 18' situations on average. EXPERIENCE FOR KILLS60% of a full level for killing an equal leveled champion ⇒ 50% of a full level for killing an equal leveled champion
Not sure what it is, but I have zero motivation to play this game right now. I log on and if there aren't any friends on, I'm off. I'll be more excited to play once the new UI and ranked team builder changes kick in. Right now it's still troll city.
Who here still plays (I know Parker/Javane does every so often, usually when I'm not around.)? I'm YamiShogun now.