Dude no big deal. Diana is OP as mid going against a normal mage. She'd need an AP fighter like Vladimir or Akali to counter. One that grows in HP and can move. Annie was not holding her own at all or calling MIA when she came down. I was running TF who is pretty iffy as an AD. Don't beat yourself up. I cannot for the life of me understand how people watch these things. If I watch for 5 minutes, I see some cool shit I want to try, go and start playing. I cannot watch gaming to save my life. The only time I spectate games is when I'm eating or waiting for a friend to get out. I probably wouldn't be able to watch sports if I had 20 friends I could get out at any given time to go out and play them.
So I was wondering if I could ask a favor of you guys. My friend is trying to get her account up to level 20. You'd be doing me a solid if you helped her out. Her account name is Jentendo. She's relatively new, but it generally awesome at video games and picks up stuff quickly and unfortunately does better than me in the end. So if you have a smurf account, log on, add her and help me out. Thanks. P.S. I've finally a decent computer and internet connection so I should be on more now. Player name: Richard the 3rd.
Anyone play supports a lot? I'm trying to play as Sona since she seems like one of the more fun non-tank supports and halfway through the game, I get a really strong sense dread feeling I can't do much in the middle of the game! I am not even confident that I can solo the other support. It is so weird.
I have a guy I play with sometimes who plays a mean ass Sona. I was Ashe and laned with him....I became support Ashe. He had 15 kills. You're right though, most supports have to play kind of passively. That's why the only support I play is Blitzcrank, because he initiates, knocks em up, and then runs away usually. Playing a soraka or janna is just boring as hell to me. I can get you my friend's LoL name later when I'm logged in if you want. He's the guy to ask about this particularly.
I've been wanting to play League again but my internet has been extremely slow the last 1.5 months and they haven't been able to fix it. I am Hammsburglar if anyone didn't know.
I'll try to catch you on later today. I think I got my Sona going and have been doing pretty damn good. If you keep that up with Vayne, I can keep you alive.
So I'm having a problem playing practice games with the bots. For instance, yesterday I went 42/1/2 and somehow still lost. It's because my AI teammates keep getting stuck around corners and become useless while my towers fall. It happens in these spots: Anyone else experience this? Anything I can do about it?
I'm a league of legends addict. Gamer ID: GotaHemmi. I can play everything well except support. I am complete dogshit at support.
Jungle Heimer just isn't fair. I really only play as hiemer and have gotten rather good with him. Sneaking behind a champ and popping the ult with slowing turrets and a stun is just way too much fun. 17-4 two games ago and just went 9-2. Using a turret as a tank allows you to move to the next jungle patch before the last one is finished. Name :TappeditTwice Say that your from here because I usually ignore messages.
Anyone here a pretty decent jungle shaco? I tend to play jungle champs, anything from mumu to nocturne. I've tried my hand at most of the "elite" junglers but shaco is just giving me some issues. I know he is considered a pretty weak late game champ, but my problems arise at landing a clean level 2 gank. If I don't get 2-3 kills before level 6, I just get stomped on the entire rest of the game. I do well ganking with other junglers, most of the time ending the game around 8-1-X depending on the champ. My normal route for shaco has just been Snatch up blue head to lane, attempt to gank. or grab blue, box up enemy red, steal enemy red and possibly kill enemy jungle. grab red, gank clear rest of jungle, repeat. any tips/suggestions?
Check solo-mid or mobafire for the best build. Also, life steal. The problem with so many builds that suck late game is no lifesteal and that you stop trying to dodge ults and powerful skillshots.
Yeah I've looked through quite a few of the builds and have been toying with different options. I don't really have a problem with surviving late game, just mainly dishing out the damage. I generally pick up a GA around mid game with shaco also, which does help alot with his squish. Best game I've had thus far is 14/3, worse was around 3-8. I've been basically using this guide for the build, obviously modifying it based on what the enemy team comp. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/pp-in-depth-jungle-shaco-guide-re-formatted-169473" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legen ... ted-169473</a>
Depending how ballsy you feel, go for Madred's Bloodrazor instead of Wriggles. Use your boxes more. Also Shaco you forget there is the backstab damage bonus and the bonus coming out of stealth, so don't fuck up your combo. People will stealth, then the first thing they do is dagger, without getting that bonus. Also Two Shiv-Poison has a daamge effect as long as it isn't on cooldown. Use the dagger last. Stealth, attack from behind, box, keep fighting, ult, then if they're running, dagger. That's how you get all the damage. Also if you ult, and he's attacking the clone, get behind him. More damage. That's a good guide, but Shaco is rated hard to use for a reason. Hint: He's hard to use.
And Riot will be removing "leashing" from the game. Thank fucking god and opening the jungle back up to more different champions. <a class="postlink" href="http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=31219783" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/sho ... p=31219783</a>