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Season 3 is a fucking bitch. I've been jumping back and forth between and to find builds that work. Finally getting some that aren't completely retarded and old ones are being updated. Now finally I can not get killed.
I've been playing a bit with the new patch. I'm still only level 16, but mostly end up playing with people that are level 30. It makes for some interesting games.
The builds are a lot more diverse now which is nice. Before you would see the same build on every character. Anyone else having trouble with the jungle? I find if someone doesn't give you a hard leash at the start then you end up so far behind because you have to go back so early.
I haven't played at all since season 3 started. Started to get bored and needed a break. Vi looks like a cool champ, I might start playing again when she is released.
I've started getting back into it since season 3 and some of the newer champs are fucking awesome. I'm nervous about playing against actual people since I'm having trouble adjusting from Diablo 3 (skills on 1234, left click moves) so I keep blowing all my potions trying to use skills, but... I seem to be getting it back. I spent a bit of actual money to pick up Kha'Zix, Diana, and Jayce (I had, by some freak accident, the exact amount of leftover RP where dropping $20 would get me 3 full-price champs) and they all seem to be pretty badass. Kha's evolution mechanic is cool, and Diana and Jayce are both absurdly strong in lane. I hate Jayce's character design but his mechanics are rewarding and strong as hell. New jungle has also been tough to get used to, as that was my favorite role in S2 and it's changed pretty radically. I think I'm decent at most roles, though a bit out of practice, but I'm awwwsnap13 if anyone wants to play.
FYI, if you are Kha'Zix and you're playing against Rengar, there are hidden buffs and interactions. Check YouTube for details, but basically if you kill him mid to late game, you get an extra evolution point. There are also a bunch of hidden buffs and interactions. The other one I think is interesting, is that if you have more than one ninja on your team, they lose 1 HP per ninja.
Elise is comically broken. 10/5/5 and 8/5/12 jungling, and 13/5/7 mid in consecutive games. Her burst is insane, even built tanky. She can go tanky or assassin, AP or hybrid, and can go top, mid, or jungle. Outrageous
I kind of feel it's time we get a TiB team going. At least once I rage out I'll know who I'm raging against.
The problem is if she goes anywhere besides mid she has to get tanky and no one builds her that way until 30 minutes in and unless she's fed, the team is usually fucked. I definitely agree on a TiB team, but its really only us 3 that are teamless. PenetrationStation (Solcon) and Flagrant (Fitznoozly) are apparently huge nerds that have friends in real life that play. I haven't met one other person in real life that plays, then again I keep my nerd self hidden deep, deep into a closet.
I'm a degenerate. Had my first day off since the 2nd and sat around playing ranked all day. 6 wins and 2 losses with Xin Zhao from the jungle. He is super pubstompy.
I'll be whoring this game Friday and Sunday. Can't wait. Haven't played since last Friday. Xin is a monster. I rarelysee people lose with him.
This queue tonight. Anyone else trying to get in? I have been trying for half an hour without success.
I started playing some ARAM to get back into the game again. I really really really really hate the change to how some cone skills like Mordes E can no longer be cast at a certain spot and the champ will run there and then cast it.
After like not playing for a week plus, I'll be starting back up tonight. I'm perfectly fine with the cone change. That shit was pretty annoying as no other AOE spell worked that way. It also made it WAY too easy for him to bully regular mages in mid. Now his poke won't be so OP, because that is exactly what it was.
Why did I giggle reading this? <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ?t=1015978</a>
Because it's hysterical. Also, good for Riot. Lord knows how bad the LoL community is. Given the amount of vitriol thrown around in any online game, the fact that the LoL community is regarded as the worst should tell everyone something.
Welcome to the club! Expect a lot of invites from me, and soul crushing losses. I'm taking off tonight because I played a lot yesterday, ranked and normals and got nowhere. I don't even know why I play ranked, but I can't stand having a negative W/L ratio. Which I now do in ranked.
FIRST RANKED PENTAKILLLL Had a good guy Cho Gath on my team that backed off and let me clean up the fifth. Awesome.