Now that I think about it. I'm not sure if I've ever had a penta-kill, or even a quadra skill. Not sure exactly. That's fucking awesome though. Too bad you're in Bronze IV.
Yeah I don't even know what that's all about. I told you that in BOTH of my promotion matches I had other lanes on my team go 0/3 by 8 minutes didn't I? Cuz that happened. In my second one, my "no way that can be worse than the first" match, I had an ELISE go 0/5 to GAREN and a Zed mid also go 0/5 in the first 15 minutes? Because that also happened. I swear I play better than my ranking reflects.
I just started playing last week after I watched a friend play a few matches. Level 12 so far and climbing, but I had a few questions about gameplay as it relates to ranked games. In most of the games I've been playing, people focus almost solely on killing the other team instead of farming gold through last hits and then making planned sieges. Most of the time if someone does a little feeding at the beginning of the match, it's almost impossible to recover. People don't really understand that you could go 30/0 and still lose if your nexus is destroyed. Does this theme continue in the higher ranked games? The second most frustrating thing is after about 15 minutes of a match, it turns into a rush mid shit storm and everyone abandons the idea of staying in the lanes they started. I understand the power of stacking 3 guys and rushing, but it basically just turns into a 9 year old fall league soccer match where everyone is chasing the ball around. Do the higher ranked games have a bit more strategy to them, or do most games devolve into just a stacking of players and rushing one lane? I've seen a wide variety of characters playing in the ranked games, but what are a few different champions it would be a good idea to learn? Right now I've been playing Garen almost exclusively as he is a beast early and mid game and is almost indestructible late game if you build him properly. Obviously I'd like to branch out from just a pure melee champ, but none of them are really jumping out at me.
First, toss our your summoner name I'm about to remake the list once you do just for shits and giggles even though half the people aren't even playing. You're early level, so the first thing you should know is DO NOT BUY RUNES BEFORE LEVEL 21. If you buy those tier 1 and tier 2 runes, you'll get the smallest advantage and be wasting IP. I'd start collecting champions. Garen is a slightly overpowered champ right now due to their new focus on HP being the main tank stat, no one taking much damage with him but still being slightly disruptive. Also, just start playing Free Week Champions. Garen is one of the original champions, he's not fun to play, but he's basic and effective. There are more exciting champions out there, just try them out in a Custom Proving Grounds against a bot and see how you feel. Also the answer to your question is yes/no. There is some hidden ELO for normal games, and a visible ranking for ranked games. Once you get out of Bronze and the lower divisions of Silver, you're golden. One thing that you should know is that LoL has the worst community ever. People also tend to play it high. And no, ranked games don't turn into this wonderful clarity which is different from 3rd grade to the Premiere Cup soccer. Its a gradual evolutions as you get up to 30. Then your games go from absolute idiocy losses to absolute clusterfucks. There are a few different strategies, from backdooring, to punishing roaming by taking towers, all sorts of stuff. Just keep playing and you'll see how it goes.
Death Is A Door is my summoner name. Yeah I haven't spent anything other than to purchase Garen, but that was with the free AP or IP, whatever they give you at the beginning. Have about 7k worth of IP so I think I'll be good once I hit 21. I have a few different builds with Garen, my favorite being high armor, high health/regen. My games usually go one of three ways. First, I get fed early on and completely dominate and the game ends in 10 minutes. Second, my team feeds one of the star champs and I can't build fast enough to counter and we go down pretty quickly as well. Third, the game goes 30+ minutes and I max out with 4k+ in health with a 90+ health regen per second and I just antagonize the other team while my team takes out their base. It's disappointing to hear it doesn't get starcraft level of strategy the higher ranked you go.
Well it does, and then it doesn't. In this game, you can actually win/lose at Champion select. It won't really get to Starcraft level because you don't have 100 units at your disposal. You have one very versatile unit and you have to rely on the smallest factors from 4 people on your team, then 5 people on the other team. But you're not going to see how it plays out, or FEEL how it plays out until you get into 21+ when you start playing with decent 30s. It also depends on if your team has someone that is calling the shots and everyone listens. There are too many factors. Also with Starcraft you can get locked into a strategy and not being able to counter fast enough. LoL counter can develop very fast. Simply going back to base, selling a few items and buying different ones are a huge difference. If an AP Supports stops and decides to go full AP, they can do some damage. Or if the Jungler decides to drop any damage and go all HP tank, but they have CC (Cho, Xin, Nautilus) it changes the game.
Can't seem to put together two wins in a row in ranked. I'll carry one game and then the next will just be a total shit show or I won't be able to connect. Does anyone else ever get the issue where they just can't connect to games? I've been playing fine today and then out of nowhere I get a game where I can't connect. Even on multiple computers. So frustrating.
I know it's not for everyone here, but I've been going to and watching streams a lot lately. Usually if I'm eating or the TV went to commercial. My favorite streamer is Voyboy from Team Curse. I like him b/c in addition to giving a play-by-play of what's going on, he thoroughly explains why he's making the choices he does very well: rune selection, masteries, item purchases, etc. Plus he's a very aggressive player so it's fun to see him either make an awesome play or have it blow up in his face spectacularly.
I usually have one on when I'm working on school stuff. I like to watch Nyjacky/stvicious or wings. Anyone from clg is alright when they rarely stream.
Sometimes you just need to put the game down and come back to it. You'll just run into bad games. I've had weekends like that, shit is just rough and annoying. I'll just play a custom against bots with a champion I haven't played before if it gets too bad and i really just want to play. re: Streams. I must be the only guy that really can't enjoy watching a stream. I have my DVR stacked with shit, so when it comes to eating I rather clean that out the watch a stream. The only time I watch is if I'm waiting for really good friends, and I'm watching their streams so I have a good idea of when they're out or not. Otherwise I can't watch a game, because the first thing I want to do is play it.
So they apparently are going to change Darius's ult to the following. I really don't think this fixes shit in the long run, because his ult is most deadly in teamfights in the heat of the moment, double, triple, quadra or even penta-dunking is the biggest issue.
I hit gold this week after a few weeks of silver 1-2 battling. I made it to Gold 3 then almost immediately then dropped back to 4. Fucking solo q.
Also, I created a friend group called TiB and tossed all of you idiots in. I suggest doing the same so if someone randomly messages you, you won't remember their board name, but you'll know where they're from.
Fucking hell. I swear to god they need to fix the regional matchmaking. I was in Bronze II qualifiers to get into Bronze I, but first I stupidly played with a guy I randomly met who decided it was a good idea to counter Jungle Shaco and ended up behind the whole game, which is fine, whatever. The next game I'm stuck with an entire spanish speaking team that doesn't speak english after the first 10 minutes and let's just say the commnucation was poor. Now I got knocked back down into middle of the pack Bronze II. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
I played my first ranked game yesterday and I am surprised how crappy the experience was. I usually just play normal because I didn't see any advantage to playing ranked. Now I am sure there isn't any advantage to playing ranked. First 3 games had someone afk after they weren't able to play the position they called in the draft. It just turned into bitching and finger pointing and it just doesn't seem like it is worth the hassle. I imagine that goes away when you get to the higher ranks, but I am not going to play 100+ games in "elo hell"(as I heard it referenced) just to get to the point where I can enjoy the game again. But if you guys wanna get a squad together or something, I tend to like to play thresh support or heimerdinger mid. Name:TappeditTwice And Javane, one of these days I will get your message for a game before I jump into a Que